Why Was This Man Hiding Over 40 Buses Underground?

Published on March 7, 2019

Several Ways Inside

As if that wasn’t enough, Bruce has even built seven separate entrances to his project. Every single one comes complete with decontaminating showers that will eventually have to be used before entering. Then, people must pass through a decontamination chamber before they are finally safe enough to join the project. It looks as though there is a good reason that Bruce wants to make sure the underground creation remain entirely germ-free, but what is it all in aid of?

Several Ways Inside

Several Ways Inside

Contacting The World

Thankfully, once everyone is inside the chamber, they can still contact the outside world. Bruce has fitted several security monitors made up of various old Commodore 64 computers. He says that a significant challenge has been keeping up with the ever-changing technology, but these seem to do the job. Plus, there is a working landline connected to a rotary phone and equipment that can transmit both AM and FM signals across all of Canada and America meaning there is plenty of reach.

Contacting The World

Contacting The World