Why Was This Man Hiding Over 40 Buses Underground?

Published on March 7, 2019

Offering A Skill

Although Bruce’s project caused quite the commotion in the surrounding area, it seems as though he wants to keep invites to the inside to a minimum. Visitors must offer Bruce a skill or something he can use in the long run if they’re going to make their way into the depths of his project. Some journalists have even been seen cutting firewood as an offering. Thankfully, it looked as though this was enough to grant them access to his underground labyrinth.

Offering A Skill

Offering A Skill

Keeping Out Illnesses

It turns out that sick people aren’t allowed to enter the project either. Bruce is careful to ensure that no infectious diseases ever make their way into his underground fortress. In fact, everyone must undergo extensive screening in case they appear to be physically healthy but are really hiding a mysterious illness. Bruce wants to keep the inside as sterile as possible just in case he ever has to use his creation for its intended purpose. There are no taking chances here.

Keeping Out Illnesses

Keeping Out Illnesses