10+ Bizarre and Awesome Facts About Dogs

Published on January 22, 2018

There is a Thing as Puppy Dog Tags

Back in the 1850s, there was a law that required your dog to have a license, or more commonly known as a dog tag. This law was implemented because dogs were attacking livestock of neighbors, so the dog tags allowed the police and their owners to track which dog was causing trouble. Then in 1860, the military adopted the same methodology as a way to identify soldiers in case something went wrong and their family members needed to be alerted of tragic news. Military dog tags are a great way to remember those who we hold so dear and what a fitting way that this came to be, all because of doggie trouble makers in the 1850s.

Military Dog Tags Were Inspired By Puppy Dog Tags

Military Dog Tags Were Inspired By Puppy Dog Tags

So, About Hugging..

I love hugging my dog, squeezing him tightly and showering him with kisses. But, sadly, dogs do not like to be hugged as it seen as a sign of dominance and causes them to feel uncomfortable. Okay, so maybe not all dogs hate the idea of being hugged but some dogs really do dislike it. Just pay close attention to how your dog reacts when you hug him.

Most Dogs Dont Love Being Hugged

Most Dogs Dont Love Being Hugged