10+ Bizarre and Awesome Facts About Dogs

Published on January 22, 2018

Dogs dream just like us!

I absolutely adore watching my dog sleep, he twitches, barks, whimpers, and moves his feet like he’s running. Like most, I assumed my dog was dreaming of doggie things like chasing cats, eating bones, walks on the beach and so on. However, a study recently came out and said that dogs are most likely dreaming of their owners! More specifically, your dog is dreaming about “your face, your smell and of pleasing or annoying you.” Is this not the most adorable thing you’ve ever heard?! My heart is so full of joy knowing that my dog dreams of me, I will never again disturb him when he sleeps!

Dogs Dream Just Like Us

Dogs Dream Just Like Us

Storms are actually painful to dogs

Many people, and I have also been victim to this assumption, believe that their dog is just scared of thunder. This, however, is not true. Dogs have such amazing hearing that when there is a thunderstorm, the sound of the thunder causes actual physical pain in their ears. Remember that next time there is a storm and try to muffle the noise as best you can.

Storms Are Actually Painful To Dogs

Storms Are Actually Painful To Dogs