This Woman Was Denied Entry From Her Flight For This Reason

Published on March 19, 2023
Harriet had just experienced a great vacation in Spain with some friends and was looking forward to getting back home and to her routine. She never imagined that she would have such a shocking experience on her journey back. So what exactly happened to her?

An Unexpected Shock

Harriet Osbourne enjoyed her trip to Spain very much and was absolutely astounded when she was removed from her flight home, especially when she did not believe she did anything wrong. However, the airline had a problem with her.

An Unexpected Shock

An Unexpected Shock

A Much-Needed Vacation

Harriet decided to take a trip to southern Spain with a few of her friends in order to get some sun and spend some time at the beach. Since her life can get so chaotic, she felt it was time to take some time off and relax.

A Much Needed Vacation

A Much Needed Vacation


Her Busy Lifestyle

Harriet works as a professional makeup artist, which means she can get very busy a lot of the time. She also balances raising her kids along with her full time job. That meant that she has very little time left for herself, and why taking this trip was so important for her.

Her Busy Lifestyle

Her Busy Lifestyle


Her Vacation Wardrobe

Usually Harriet goes for comfortable clothing since she is a busy working mother. While she was in Spain, she adjusted her wardrobe to match the sunny and warm weather, meaning her clothes were lighter and shorter than normal in order to stay comfortable while out in the sun.

Holiday Attire

Holiday Attire


Enjoying Herself

During her time off, Harriet was able to enjoy herself and forget about her everyday stress for a bit. She was greatly enjoying spending time in the sun, tanning, and swimming in the gorgeous beaches Spain has to offer. She had no idea how this trip would end.

Enjoying Herself

Enjoying Herself


Starting To Feeling Homesick

Despite the fact that Harriet was having a wonderful time, towards the end of the trip, she began to feel homesick and was missing her kids. She was starting to get ready to go back to her routine and life in England. With souvenirs for her loved ones at hand, she was ready to go back home after a rejuvenating vacation.

Feeling Homesick

Feeling Homesick


Feeling Fully Relaxed

Harriet set out on this trip in order to relax and recharge and head back home feeling fully energized. The vacation had accomplished those goals, so Harriet felt fully ready to go back and take on her fast paced life once again.

Taking A Breather

Taking A Breather


Where She Vacationed

Harriet and her friends spent time in Malaga, Spain, a city that’s known for its beautiful beaches that can be enjoyed throughout the year. It’s a popular vacation spot for a lot of British tourists, especially Malaga’s Costa del Sol.

Where She Vacationed

Where She Vacationed


Something Was Missing

While Harriet was having a great time with her friends, she felt that there was something that was missing. This nagging feeling didn’t leave her the whole time, but she tried to have the best time on the trip despite this.

Something Was Missing

Something Was Missing


A Stark Difference

Malaga was the total opposite of England, where inhabitants are used to cold and grey weather pretty often. While Harriet was feeling homesick, she definitely was not missing the cold weather back home.

Far From Home

Far From Home


One Last Stop

Towards the end of the trip in Spain, Harriet and her friends decided to make one last shopping trip before heading back home. They all enjoy shopping quite a bit, so they wanted to take advantage of the rest of their time in Malaga.

One Last Stop

One Last Stop


Luxurious Shopping Experience

Malaga is a great destination when it comes to shopping. Tourists can enjoy a stroll down the Avenida de Andalucia in order to enjoy high end designer shops and amazing designs found at fashion houses. Harriet didn’t know that this last bit fo shopping would impact the end of her trip so much.

Luxurious Shopping Experience

Luxurious Shopping Experience


It Caught Her Eye

While Harriet and her friends spent a lot of time window shopping, one item caught her eye specifically. While looking at the display window at El Corte Ingles, she noticed a sheer blouse that she absolutely fell in love with. However, one glance at the price tag ended her hopes about buying it.

It Caught Her Eye

It Caught Her Eye


Just Trying It On

Harriet’s friends encouraged her to just try the top on, since they were on vacation and it wouldn’t hurt. She figured it would be fun and couldn’t hurt to just try it on.

Just Trying It On

Just Trying It On


She Surrendered

Of course, it didn’t take too much convincing from her friends, so Harriet headed towards the fitting rooms with the top in hand. She stepped out of the room to show her friends how it looked, and they excitedly told her that it looked like it had been tailor made for her.

She Surrendered

She Surrendered


Giving In To Temptation

Harriet knew that the top was quite pricey, but she decided to treat herself and get it anyway. She always worked so hard and the top fit her so well. She took out her card, and the transaction took place.

Giving In To Temptation

Giving In To Temptation


Having Second Thoughts

The ladies headed to their last lunch of their vacation, and Harriet began to feel some pangs of regret. She felt like the top had been an impulse buy, and she started feeling guilty about how much money she had spent on it. However, it was time to head back to the hotel and pack.

Second Thoughts

Second Thoughts


Second Pang Of Regret

After packing up most of her things, Harriet reached toward the bag with her new shirt. Once again, she felt guilty and wondered if she had enough time to go back and return it. She asked herself repeatedly why she had bought it even though she knew it was so expensive.

Was It Too Late

Was It Too Late


The Blouse

Harriet knew she didn’t have time to return it, so she decided to start making the most of it and wear it right away. She left the hotel and got in a cab to the airport, accepting the fact that she made the purchase and that was that. However, she didn’t know that it wasn’t the end of the story…

The Blouse

The Blouse


Impulse Buy Disaster

Though Harriet regretted the purchase, she didn’t know just how much her impulse buy would impact her trip. Of course, hindsight is 20/20, but we wouldn’t be surprised if Harriet had wished she never bought it, especially after what had happened to her next.

Impulse Buy Disaster

Impulse Buy Disaster


No Judgement, Please

Harriet is a feminist, and she strongly believes that women should be able to wear whatever they want without any judgment. This is also why she didn’t think twice about purchasing the shirt that was rather sheer.

No Judgement, Please

No Judgement, Please


Her Reasoning

Harriet had gotten used to the feeling of looser fitting clothing during her trip that she figured she could extend this feeling even while on the journey back home. That’s also part of why she chose to wear her new shirt.

Her Reasoning

Her Reasoning


Maybe This Would Help

She thought that maybe if she immediately got use of the shirt while on her way home, she would feel less guilty about buying it. It did fit her like a glove, and she felt very beautiful and confident while wearing it.

Maybe This Would Help

Maybe This Would Help


Well, Why Not?

She decided that the fact that the shirt fit her so well, perhaps she shouldn’t feel so guilty about it after all. This was especially true because she could show off her newly acquired tan from her wonderful vacation.

Well, Why Not?

Well, Why Not?


Heading Home

After finally reaching the airport, Harriet felt ready to get home. She checked her luggage and headed to the gate, feeling great and confident about her new shirt. She was just starting to feel like maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

Heading Home

Heading Home


Shopping At The Duty-Free

She had some time left before the flight, so she decided to look around and browse the duty free stores. She then heard the boarding announcement, and she headed towards her gate.

Shopping At The Duty-Free

Shopping At The Duty-Free


Ready To Get Home

People started to line up for boarding the airplane, and Harriet noticed groups of families together. It made her miss her kids even more, so she was feeling very ready to get back to them.

Ready To Get Home

Ready To Get Home


All Seemed Normal

Harriet went through the normal procedure and waited in line, handed her ticket to the boarding attendant, and after the “have a pleasant flight” greeting, she went into the sleeve and towards the airplane. She was just thinking about how excited she was to sleep in her own bed again, but she had no idea what was waiting for her.

All Seemed Normal

All Seemed Normal


Change Of Expression

While the flight attendant on the plane greeted everyone with a smile, when Harriet handed her the ticket, her facial expression changed immediately. With a stern look on her face, the flight attendant told Harriet that there was a problem.

Change Of Expression

Change Of Expression


Totally Confused

Harriet felt confused, she had no idea what could possibly be an issue. She thought that perhaps they were confusing her with someone else and that surely this was a mistake. However, the flight attendant persisted, telling her that there was an issue.

Totally Confused

Totally Confused


Quiet But Heated Discussion

The flight attendant began having a heated discussion with the other flight attendants on the aircraft. They were clearly in a heated debate, but they were keeping their tones hushed. They seemed to be trying to figure things out. Harriet started getting very nervous. What could possibly be going on?

Quiet But Heated Discussion

Quiet But Heated Discussion


Being Removed

Harriet’s heart began to race, with endless thoughts racing through her mind. What was the problem? She knew that she had not done anything wrong, so why were they singling her out? All of a sudden, she was told that she was being removed from the plane. Harriet was absolutely stunned.

Being Removed

Being Removed


Must Be A Mistake

She was absolutely numb, but Harriet tried to shake off her shock in order to understand what was going on. She told them that there must have been a mistake because she had not broken any rules. The flight attendants again began to discuss amongst themselves quietly, with Harriet waiting, feeling absolutely terrified.

Must Be A Mistake

Must Be A Mistake


The Issue At Hand

Out of nowhere, one of the flight attendants covered up Harriet’s body with her hands and yelled out: “You are not coming onto my plane like that, you need to put a top on.” Harriet could not believe what she was hearing.

The Issue At Hand

The Issue At Hand


Growing Frustrated

At that point, Harriet had absolutely had enough. She was sick and tired of the flight attendant’s rude behavior and tone of voice. She said that other passengers complained to her about Harriet’s shirt. However, Harriet could not accept this.

Growing Frustrated

Growing Frustrated


Not Backing Down

Harriet decided to stand up for herself, and she and the flight attendant began to argue. The heated exchange did not help Harriet much, who realized the flight attendant was not backing down.

Not Backing Down

Not Backing Down


Other Passengers

Harriet could not believe what the flight attendant was saying about other passengers complaining about her shirt, since she had barely even had a chance to board the plane. How could anyone had time to be offended? She suspected that it was the flight attendants who really had the issue.

Other Passengers

Other Passengers


Fully Annoyed

At this point in time, Harriet was extremely annoyed by everything that was going on. Who were these people who were trying to tell her what she was allowed to and not allowed to wear? She decided to take out a sweater she had in her bag, put it on, and finally get back home to her kids.

Fully Annoyed

Fully Annoyed


Feeling Embarrassed

Harriet noticed that all of the commotion that the flight attendants had caused had brought a lot of attention from other passengers. A lot of them started to look at her in a judgmental way as she looked for her seat. She was totally embarrassed by the whole situation and she wished she was invisible.

Feeling Embarrassed

Feeling Embarrassed


Ready To Move On

Even though she felt so embarrassed, she chose to focus on the fact that was was on her way home and would see her children soon. She was ready to put this whole experience behind her.

Ready To Move On

Ready To Move On