These Photos Show Animals’ Entertaining Side

Published on February 26, 2020
Ah, the animal kingdom. There’s something just so majestic about how everything in nature works together seamlessly. It’s truly a wonder how each animal knows its purpose and has the instincts of survival built in innately. Every animal is part of the chain of the circle of life and it can be truly fascinating to watch how animals interact with one another.

While sometimes this leads to inevitable clashes between some animals, sometimes these interactions can result in delightful inter-species interactions. What’s even better is watching animals not only interact in a way that is unexpected, but also entertaining. Who knew that some of the world’s best comedians are living out in the animal kingdom?

Here we can see some of the funniest animals not only interacting with other animals but also being downright entertaining all by themselves. Some of them may have gotten themselves in these situations accidentally, but we wonder just how many of these animals have a great sense of humor on purpose!

Hysterical Hyena

Anyone who has tried stand up comedy before can attest to the fact that having a good audience is the key to a good show. You may be totally prepared and have great material, but without a good audience, all will be lost.

Hysterical Hyena

Hysterical Hyena

This hyena is the ideal audience member as he is full of laughter and is just waiting to be entertained. This kind of ear to ear grin cannot be faked, so you know he’s really entertained. We hope he has front row tickets to the comedy show!

I Like To Move It, Move It

This little guy sure knows how to get everyone’s attention with his impressive dance moves. Not a lot of people know that some animals are quite the talented dancers, but you’re lucky enough to get a glimpse right here with this little dude.

I Like To Move It, Move It

I Like To Move It, Move It

Although he is skilled with many types of dance, he is currently trying out modern interpretive dance as can be seen by his dramatic and elegant pose. He is trying to convey a sense of rebirth and rediscovery of the world around you.


You Caught Me!

Sometimes there is not much you can do to a hide your guilt. Despite it all, your body language will almost always give you away. Whether its your lack of eye contact or the way you hold your body, the tell-tale signs are always there.

You Caught Me!

You Caught Me!

This bear has got the signs of guilt written all over his face and the way he is holding his body. He knows that he isn’t supposed to fish in this particular river, but he’s gone and done it anyway. We hope he doesn’t get caught by his mama bear!


Obeying The Speed Limit

Speed limits may seem annoying, but they are implemented in order to ensure safety for everyone involved, be it the driver, passengers, or pedestrians nearby. While many people feel that the speed limit is optional or a suggestion, the fact remains that the speed limit is the law.

Obeying The Speed Limit

Obeying The Speed Limit

However, this cheetah has truly come to a crossroads. While he knows that the speed limit was set for the cars driving on the road nearby, he’s well aware of the fact that he can outrun many of them. So now he sits and ponders, “does this apply to me too?”


How You Doin’, Mate?

Australians are known for being quite a laid back group of people, and that’s what many people who travel to Australia come looking for. They want the chill and relaxed ambiance and easygoing lifestyle that is typical of Australian life and culture.

How You Doin', Mate?

How You Doin’, Mate?

This kangaroo is double the stereotype, as we tend to associate kangaroos with the Land Down Under, and he is fully embracing that laidback attitude of his native country. We wish that we could be as cool as this chill kangaroo!


Is That A Cockroach?!

There’s absolutely nothing worse than coming home from a long day when all you want to do is just sit back and relax only to find an unwelcome guest in your home. Lots of people are afraid of unexpected critters that show up unannounced.

Is That A Cockroach?!

Is That A Cockroach?!

Such was the case with this poor leopard, who came home after a long day of hunting only to find a giant cockroach parked right in his favorite napping spot! We hope he pulled it together and was able to kick the cockroach out of his spot.


That’s A Knee Slapper!

Perhaps you have never heard of this, but frogs are some of the happiest animals out there in the animal kingdom. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that they spend most of their time jumping around and so they don’t have any time to get down.

That's A Knee Slapper!

That’s A Knee Slapper!

Maybe this is why they absolutely love smiling so much! Did you know there’s a type of frog that can freeze itself completely during winter? Then in summer, it defrosts itself and it goes back to moving around like nothing happened. Crazy!


One Of These Is Not Like The Others

When it comes to owls, there’s nothing they love more than uniformity. Nothing ruffles their feathers more than something that is out of the proper order. As we all know, when there is a ruling order, there will always be a rebel.

One Of These Is Not Like The Others

One Of These Is Not Like The Others

This little guy had absolutely had enough of standing in a straight line and not being able to express himself. He decided to let his silly personality shine. We applaud his risk-taking, as the other owls don’t seem too pleased with him!


A Double Headed Rhino?

You know what they say, two is better than one! This rhino was sick and tired of feeling lonely, so he decided to place an ad for a full-time partner. What he didn’t realize is the other rhino he chose was truly dedicated to the cause.

A Double Headed Rhino?

A Double Headed Rhino?

Not only did he find a partner that was willing to stick with him full time, he found that other animals began to think that they are simply one, two-headed rhino! At least it’s better than being lonely, right?


Preparing For Battle

Just because someone is fashionable, it doesn’t mean that they can’t be fierce warriors too. Leonard the lizard prides himself in having multiple passions: fashion and warfare. As you can see from his elegant designs on his skin, he loves pops of color and incorporating texture.

Preparing For Battle

Preparing For Battle

However, that does not mean that he is not a skilled warrior. His specialty is wielding sticks in order to joust. He trains daily and will soon prove to the world that he is the best looking warrior in the whole animal kingdom.


“Do You Think They Can See Me?”

This fox was so excited when his new friends invited him to play a game of hide and go seek along with them. Little did he know, this was actually a cruel prank. He happily skipped along, trying to find a hiding spot.

"Do You Think They Can See Me?"

“Do You Think They Can See Me?”

Sadly, while he was on his merry way, he tripped and fell headfirst right into the hole that the other foxes had dug up. Those sneaky foxes! This poor guy fell for their trap. Maybe after this hazing prank is over, he will be inducted into their group.


“Shall We Dance?”

Dancing is one of the best forms of expression. Whether you’re dancing on your own in your room, it’s your first dance at your wedding, or you’re a professional dancer, it is one of the best ways to express how you are feeling.

"Shall We Dance?"

“Shall We Dance?”

These ants have known each other their whole lives and have been fighting back their budding feelings for one another. Now they finally are letting themselves open up and are expressing their feelings for one another by dancing the night away.


Not Even Sorry

When we’re alone, we tend to act in a certain way that we might not be proud of. We have these little tendencies that we may not even be aware of that we do when we know nobody else is around to see us.

Not Even Sorry

Not Even Sorry

This gorilla has a bad habit of picking his nose, but to be fair, he was always doing it without even realizing it. When he saw somebody watching him do this subconscious habit, he suddenly realized what he was doing. However, in that moment, he realized he simply didn’t care.


Heyyy Macarena!

This bear has been having a really tough time this year. Although he was originally overweight, the fact that he could not find enough fish to eat this year meant that he lost a bit too much weight, much more than was necessary.

Heyyy Macarena!

Heyyy Macarena!

However, things are looking up for this furry fellow! He and his bear crew recently found a fresh supply of food that should last them for quite a long time. This bear was so happy he simply couldn’t control himself and he broke out in dance.


I’m Ready For My Headshots

Many people are very camera shy for a variety of reasons. Some people simply don’t like prolonged attention focused on them, while others might feel like that are not photogenic, sometimes even if they really are. On the other hand, some people can’t get enough of the camera.

I'm Ready For My Headshots

I’m Ready For My Headshots

This little guy is definitely one of the latter. Not only was he super comfortable with getting his photo taken, he couldn’t wait until his very own personal photoshoot was going to start!


Caught In The Crosshairs

Risk taking is a big part of life, whether we want to accept it or not. Sometimes we choose to take on the risk, knowing what we’re doing ahead of time. In other situations, sometimes the risk is unknown to you until after the fact.

Caught In The Crosshairs

Caught In The Crosshairs

This bird took life by the horns, literally, when he decided to perch on top of this bull. He didn’t really think through this decision fully, but he did it nonetheless. Luckily for him, this particular bull is kind and will not hurt him.


Ready For The Parade

Parades are a wonderful event that showcase musical abilities, feats of dance and gymnastics, and artistic abilities through the creation of balloons and floats. One of the most interesting and fun components of parades are the performers who walk on huge stilts.

Ready For The Parade

Ready For The Parade

This little hamster had always dreamed of becoming a performer, and when he discovered stilt walking, he knew this would be his art form. He practiced day and night, improving his skills nonstop. Finally, he was able to showcase his talents at the big annual parade.


I Thought This Movie Was Rated-G!

Movie ratings were put into place in order to make sure that certain viewers do not stumble upon something that is completely unsuitable for them. Parents are happy that these ratings exist so they can easily monitor what their kids are watching.

I Thought This Movie Was Rated-G!

I Thought This Movie Was Rated-G!

Unfortunately, sometimes the ratings do not completely align with what parents deem appropriate. Other times, kids find sneaky ways to get around these ratings, much like this little bird did. He told his mom the movie he was watching was rated “G” when in fact, it was rated “R”! She was not happy when she found this out, to say the least.


That Should Do The Trick

Learning how to camouflage yourself in nature is one of the most important survival skills you can possibly learn. The animal kingdom is no joke, and you have to take survival skills quite seriously. Learning the right skills is simply paramount.

That Should Do The Trick

That Should Do The Trick

This poor fellow is really trying his best. He has taken all the survival skills classes possible, but it still seems like he needs a bit more help. To be fair, at least he tried his best to camouflage himself and at least his head is hidden.


I Didn’t Realize I Was Being Filmed

Laughing is one of life’s greatest pleasures. It signifies pure, unfiltered enjoyment and often cannot be faked. Sometimes the best laughs we enjoy come from the most unlikely sources. These are the best and most enjoyable cases, when you experience unexpected and uncontrollable laughter.

I Didn't Realize I Was Being Filmed

I Didn’t Realize I Was Being Filmed

This zebra felt pure joy and happiness after hearing a hilarious story from his friend. Despite the fact that he is self conscious about his teeth, he let out a full laugh. He didn’t know he was being photographed, but his joy is just too pure to pass up.


But I Don’t Want A Haircut!

Parenting is difficult, it’s no secret. Sometimes the hardest parts of parenting are the most unexpected ones. We all know how difficult it is to deal with tantrums, but sometimes kids have tantrums about the smallest and most unreasonable things.

But I Don't Want A Haircut!

But I Don’t Want A Haircut!

This is fellow was simply not interested in getting a haircut. His parents tried everything: bribing him with extra bananas, threatening to take his favorite toys away. Nothing worked, and he continued trying to run away while screaming. Hopefully he calms down soon.


Is This My New Brother?

Adding a sibling to the family can come as quite of a shock to a first born child. They’re used to having all of the attention from their parents, and the idea of having to split this time up can be difficult for them to process.

Is This My New Brother?

Is This My New Brother?

This bear had a little bit of an identity crisis when he was presented with this plush teddy bear. At first, he thought that this might be his new brother, and he was clearly upset. However, when things were clarified, he was glad he had someone new to play with!

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Tree Pose

While we all know that exercising is a crucial part of life, many of us aren’t aware of the importance of routine stretching. Having a stretching routine will reap many benefits for you body and will help you increase longevity.

Tree Pose

Tree Pose

This mama orangutan knows just how important it is for her to stretch, and she wants to teach her little baby about it as early as possible. Here we see her in the middle of her yoga flow in a tree pose.


Always Posing

The rise of social media meant the increase in people wanting to take photos of themselves. This birthed the concept of the “selfie,” a gratuitous photo of yourself that you may choose to post on various social media platforms.

Always Posing

Always Posing

This pair of zebras are fully engrossed in the influencer lifestyle of social media stardom, and that means they have to keep coming up with creative ideas for photos. Here they decided to take an artistic approach and take a photo in a car’s side mirror.


An Unlikely Pair

Friendship is a wonderful part of life. Often, we don’t decide who we befriend, but friends come into our lives unexpectedly. Many times it seems like the unlikeliest of pairs end up becoming the closest of friends, and it just cannot be explained.

An Unlikely Pair

An Unlikely Pair

Most people would expect this cheetah and deer would be total enemies due to the fact that typically one is predator and one is prey. However, these two defied the odds and formed an unlikely friendship that will last a lifetime.


The Banana Was THIS Big

Babies are incredible beings. It’s truly incredible (and many times very entertaining!) to see them experiencing the world for the very first time, learning about everything along the way. They can remind us about things that we take for granted.

The Banana Was THIS Big

The Banana Was THIS Big

We tend to forget that the world is a big and unfamiliar place to babies. This little fellow has only seen little pieces of bananas that his mom fed him, but for the first time in his life he saw a full banana and he simply couldn’t contain his shock and excitement.


A Bold Move

The classic story of cat and mouse is that of predator and prey. We all know how it goes, the cat chases the mouse and eventually gobbles it up. After all, we’ve all seen Tom & Jerry, right? However, in some cases, things can go a bit differently.

A Bold Move

A Bold Move

While many might think that this mouse settled on top of a cat is a dangerous move, they don’t know that this cat is quite a progressive one. He hopes to befriend many mice and convince his friends not to attack them anymore.


Posing For A Selfie

These days, there’s simply no avoiding the iconic “selfie.” What better way to share a photo of yourself with your friends on social media? Even better, you can snap a picture with one of your best friends and then share it online.

Posing For A Selfie

Posing For A Selfie

These two adorable pups were having such a fun time spending with one another. They decided to commemorate this meeting with a selfie. What we can tell you is behind the scenes, the doggies actually took many selfies before deciding that this photo would be the one that they posted. Super relatable!


Feeling Zen

In this crazy and busy world that we live in, it’s important to remember to take care of yourself form time to time. Yoga retreats are a great way to do this. These retreats focus on self-care and focusing on yourself.

Feeling Zen

Feeling Zen

This iguana was simply too overwhelmed by everything going on in his chaotic life, so he decided to book himself a spot in one of these retreats right away. He is already feeling much better and is even reconnecting with nature in a way he’s never experienced before.


The Headless Penguin Brigade

When you look a bit different, it’s really easy to feel completely isolated by your peers. It’s very important to find yourself a group of people you feel like you fit in with and feel comfortable around. Then, you won’t feel so different.

The Headless Penguin Brigade

The Headless Penguin Brigade

That’s exactly what this group of penguins have done. On their own, they feel quite lonely and “other” since they, unlike their other penguin friends, don’t exactly have heads attached to their shoulders! But they’re formed a group and named themselves the Headless Penguin Brigade.


She’s Finally Asleep!

This little polar bear, along with his little brother, has been dying to go out and play in the freshly fallen snow. However, their mom has strictly forbidden them to play, since they did not finish their chores before the end of the day.

She's Finally Asleep!

She’s Finally Asleep!

But the bear cubs came up with a perfect plan. They decided they would wait until their mother has fallen asleep, and then they can finally sneak out and play in the fresh now as much as their hearts desired!


But What Does “Allergic” Mean?

Eating delicious food is one of the greatest pleasures of being alive. One of the best aspects of this is eating your favorite food. A similar sensation is trying a new food and discovering just how much you absolutely love it.

But What Does "Allergic" Mean?

But What Does “Allergic” Mean?

This little fellow has just discovered corn for the first time in his life. He absolutely loved it and couldn’t stop munching down this cob of corn, when his mom noticed what he was doing. She immediately rushed him to the hospital, as he is quite allergic! Luckily he was okay, but he was quite sad he could never eat corn again.


Let Me Show You How This Works

Photography is one of the most popular pastimes that you can try out. It can be as simple as taking photos as a hobby on your phone, or taking a photography class in order to learn how to use a fancy camera.

Let Me Show You How This Works

Let Me Show You How This Works

This owl has been dabbling in photography for quite some time now, and he is not afraid to show off his skills. In fact, he wants to start teaching photography classes in his local forest. Here he is showing off his skills with a GoPro camera.



There’s nothing quite like getting ahold of your favorite meal, especially after a long and hard day at work. Savoring your favorite food is one of the most comforting things you can enjoy in life. This bird felt exactly like this after his long day.



He has been experiencing quite the tough time at work lately, since there seems to have been a worm shortage in the area. No matter though, since he had a store of his favorite food saved. He was about to take a bite when he tragically dropped it on the floor, ruining his excitement.


“I Can Show You The World”

Many times in the animal kingdom, you’ll see the classic interaction with predator and prey, with the predator on the attack and the prey trying to make a swift escape. However, sometimes you will get a totally different type of interaction.

"I Can Show You The World"

“I Can Show You The World”

Even though this eagle initially swooped down and caught this fish in order to eat it, as they traveled back towards his home, he started to enjoy the fish’s company and he decided to befriend him instead. He decided to give the fish a bird’s eye view tour of his neighborhood instead.


Downward Dog…I Mean, Bunny

Many times when people are feeling stressed, they turn to exercise to try to alleviate the tension found in their bodies that is the result of the stress. Yoga is a great example of the type of movement that can help reduce stress.

Downward Dog...I Mean, Bunny

Downward Dog…I Mean, Bunny

This little furry fellow has recently started taking up yoga as a daily practice in order to try to reduce his stress since he moved to a new burrow. His favorite stance is the Downward Dog, although he would really like to rename it!


Don’t Leave Me!

The moment mothers have their babies, they experience a fierce bond to their offspring that is not easy to explain. Mostly you cannot understand until you experience parenthood for yourself. This is the same in many cases in nature as well.

Don't Leave Me!

Don’t Leave Me!

This mother bird is fiercely protective of her children, even though they are fully grown. She is finding it hard to come to terms with this fact, and anytime they try to spread their wings and go our on their own, she forces them to come back and stay with her.


Nobody Will Find Me Here

There are many schoolyard games that have survived throughout the ages. Some of these include skipping rope, hopscotch, and of course, hide and go seek. Hide and seek (for short) is still one of the most popular games that is played to this day.

Nobody Will Find Me Here

Nobody Will Find Me Here

This little green guy loves playing hide and seek with his friends. He doesn’t like to boast, but he knows that he is quite a talented player, despite the fact that he seems to be found every single time. Maybe he just needs to focus on finding better hiding spots?


Stocking Up

Preparing for the long winter is no simple task and it should not be taken lightly. Making sure that you have enough supplies to last you through the harsh winter is crucial. Every animal knows that this is true, and act accordingly.

Stocking Up

Stocking Up

While stocking up on fish is on the right track for preparing for the winter, this bird seems to have gotten a little bit confused. He has managed to catch several fish, but he is about to gobble them all up at once, instead of saving them for later! Someone needs to explain to him how this works.


I Can’t Believe You Did That

Trusting your friends is a key component of friendships. You know how the old expression goes, broken trust is like a broken mirror, it will always have cracks in it. That’s why it is of utmost importance to stay loyal to your friends.

I Can't Believe You Did That

I Can’t Believe You Did That

This poor fellow has just received a big shock from one of his best friends. Apparently, his friend has been stealing some of his winter supplies from his hideaway spot. Now he’s regretting showing his friend where he stores his winter supplies.


Plenty Of Fish In The Sea

When it comes to hunting fish, we’re talking about a sport that is surprisingly quite difficult. It may not look like it, but it is quite a tricky task to accomplish. It takes a lot of practice and patience in order to become successful.

Plenty Of Fish In The Sea

Plenty Of Fish In The Sea

This poor bear has been trying with all his might to improve his fishing abilities, but to no avail. He keeps missing his target, much to his chagrin. Luckily for him, as the expression goes, there are plenty of fish in the sea…well in this case, in the lake he lives by.


I Told You, I Don’t Do PDA

We all know that couple that cannot seem to keep their hands off one another. Nobody enjoys hanging around them, and it is uncomfortable for everyone else involved. When Henrietta the Horse started dating Harry the Horse, she was on top of the world.

I Told You, I Don't Do PDA

I Told You, I Don’t Do PDA

However, once she realized he was heavily into PDA (pubic displays of affection), she become a whole lot less interested. She tried to ignore it at first, but decided to talk to him about it after a while. However, it seems like he can’t help himself, and Henrietta can’t take it anymore.


I Believe I Can Fly

Working on your confidence is not a simple task to accomplish. You can work on your mentality or try improving your skills at one of your favorite hobbies. At the end of the day, however, it really comes down to your mentality.

I Believe I Can Fly

I Believe I Can Fly

If you set your mind to something, you can accomplish it. This bear worked on his mentality for so long, he started to believe in himself so much that he believed he could do anything he wanted to do, even flying!


A Tough Landing

Gymnastics is quite a difficult sport. It takes a ton of practice, discipline (both physically and mentally), and lots of dedication. The reason behind this is because if you perform a move incorrectly, you can injure yourself and cause potentially irreversible damage.

A Tough Landing

A Tough Landing

This poor owl has been training so hard in hopes of trying to improve his gymnastics skills. However, it looks like he still needs to brush up on fundamentals such as landing, since he nearly took himself out of commission with this specific landing.


You’re Blocking My Nose!

Many people are quite terrified of sharks, and with good reason. For some it’s their needle-sharp teeth, for others its the fear of encountering one while swimming in the ocean. Whatever it is, there’s a reason why so many people are scared.

You're Blocking My Nose!

You’re Blocking My Nose!

However, you can’t let them scare you to the point where you cannot live your life as you would. This little fellow knew that he had to show his shark tormentor once and for all that he was not having it. He displayed lots of bravery when he stood up for himself, and even pinched the shark’s nose shut.


The Happiest Owl There Ever Was

Owls have a big place in popular culture. They are often seen as symbols of wisdom and sageness. Some famous owls include the Tootsie Pop owl, as well as Hedwig, Harry Potter’s snowy owl who carried his mail for him.

The Happiest Owl There Ever Was

The Happiest Owl There Ever Was

While we typically think of owls as regal and reserved, that does not mean that they do not experience other emotions as well. In fact, this smiley fellow proves just that. With that ear to ear grin, he shows that owls can also be very jovial creatures.


I Asked For Medium-Well

Eating is something that brings us living things together. Sharing a meal is one of life’s greatest pleasures, especially when we do so with our close friends. However, sometimes disagreements on how to prepare a meal can arise and cause arguments.

I Asked For Medium-Well

I Asked For Medium-Well

These two friends were excited to host a joint barbecue of flies, but shortly after they started to cook, things took a turn to a bad direction. While Gary loves enjoying his flies rare, Johnny prefers them medium-well. We hope they can settle their difference and get back to enjoying the food and company!


I’ve Had Enough Of Your Yammering

Conversation and banter is a staple of daily life and communicating with our fellow beings. There’s nothing quite like enjoying spending time with a good friend and sharing good conversation and laughter with one another. However, sometimes things don’t turn out as expected.

I've Had Enough Of Your Yammering

I’ve Had Enough Of Your Yammering

This bird enjoyed his friend’s deep discussions at first. He thought his friend was quite interesting and held interesting opinions. However, after a while, he realized that his friend loves talking, but not listening. One day he simply snapped, and called him out for talking too much and never listening.


I’ll Never Let Go, Jack

Who can forget the classic film Titanic? One of the most iconic scenes of film history is the one where Rose and Jack are clinging on to a wooden plank in the freezing cold water. As she utters the words, “I’ll never let go, Jack,” she proceeds to let him go.

I'll Never Let Go, Jack

I’ll Never Let Go, Jack

This poor lizard experienced a similar bout of betrayal as his friend initially let him go. However, unlike Rose, the lizard’s friend had a last-minute change of heart and decided to save his friend in the end.


Daily Spin Class

Implementing a healthy lifestyle is crucial for our wellbeing. That means both eating a healthy and balanced diet and also incorporating adequate exercise into our daily routine. Some people like to work out in the morning for a burst of energy first-thing in the day.

Daily Spin Class

Daily Spin Class

This green fellow decided he wanted to change his sedentary lifestyle and start working out in the morning. He decided to try out spin class, and he immediately fell in love. Now, you will catch him every morning riding that spin bike to his heart’s content.


The Perfect Shot

Ever since the rise of social media has taken place in our culture, it seems like many more people have become interested in photography. It may also have to do with the fact that nowadays, everybody’s phone has a built-in camera as well.

The Perfect Shot

The Perfect Shot

Getting the right shot has never been so important as now. That’s why so many people will dedicate hours in trying to capture that perfect shot. This moose understands that it takes patience to get the perfect picture, and he’s willing to do what it takes.


I Can’t Hear You

When you’re a child, sometimes one of the most difficult things to do is listening to your parents. Kids can have tempter tantrums when it comes to getting told the word “no” by their parents. They may even storm off in anger.

I Can't Hear You

I Can’t Hear You

This little guy was so mad at his elephant mom for telling him that he can’t stay up late, that he decided to take action. He decided to bury his head in the ground so that he could literally stop listening to her nagging.


A Manual Sprinkler System

Making sure that your garden is well taken care of is not as simple of a task as one might think. It takes a lot of work and proper watering. That’s why automatic sprinklers are a huge advantage when it comes to lawn care.

A Manual Sprinkler System

A Manual Sprinkler System

However, for those of us that do not have automatic sprinklers set up in our gardens, we have to rely on more manual methods. This little fellow has decided to multitask but using his drinking water also for watering his garden.


The Game Plan

The Rams are well known for their abilities and talents on the football field. That is exactly why there is an NFL team named after them! What they really excel at is strategy of gameplay and coming up with new methods.

The Game Plan

The Game Plan

These two are hard at work developing a new set of plans and strategies for championship winning gameplay. Who knows, maybe they are planning the next set of moves that will help a team win the next Super Bowl?


One Foot In Front Of The Other

Sometimes when life gets us down, it is hard to get back on track and refocus on what is really important to us. When this happens, it’s helpful to come up with a game plan to help us get through the tough times.

One Foot In Front Of The Other

One Foot In Front Of The Other

This owl is in the process of coming up with the right few steps in order to get his life back in order after a pretty difficult winter. The main thing he wants to focus on: just putting one foot in front of the other. Slowly slowly, things get back on track.