All The Uses For WD-40 You Never Knew About

Published on October 31, 2021

WD-40 is one of those products that nobody should live without. While its original purpose is as a water and oil displacing spray, it’s really so much more than just that. Here are all the ways you can use WD-40!

Shining Silver

Shining silver can get really tedious. A few sprays of WD-40 can make things a whole lot easier. Just spray, wipe, and see how it shines!

Shining Silver

Shining Silver

Loosen Zippers

We’ve all been there: you’re trying to unzip something and the zipper gets stuck. WD-40 is a great way to get that zipper loosened back up again. Simply spray some on the zipper and gently move it around until it has come free.

Loosen Zippers

Loosen Zippers