There’s nothing quite as nerve-wracking or as exciting as a first date. Your palms begin to sweat, you get butterflies in your stomach, and you cross your fingers hoping that you’re sitting across from the love of your life. Unfortunately, things don’t always go to plan, and this waiter had to step in on this first date to save the day.
Remembering The Date
Most people remember the first date with their husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, or even someone who has since fallen down the pecking order into the friend zone. That’s because first dates are extremely memorable moments, sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worst. There is normally a huge amount of build-up to a first date, and it’s this build-up that causes you to become overcome with emotion. You’re nervous, but you’re also excited about what might be on the horizon. Could this person be “The One?”
What To Wear
The few hours before your date is what really gets your mind whirring. You imagine what the date will be like, you wonder whether you’ll like them, and you’ll debate every inch of your appearance. Most people spend hours deciding what to wear and trying on different outfits, even though they always go back to the first ensemble they tried on. However, this is understandable. You want everything to be perfect, and you want to impress them. First impressions count!