These Vintage Ads Would Never Be Allowed To Run Today

Published on December 28, 2022

Columbia Records (1970s)

This out is seriously outdated on so many levels. Let’s start with the fact that records and tapes have both been obsolete for a while now, with CDs and MP3 players even being outdated at this point. Can you imagine getting 13 physical records or tapes for just $1? This was a great deal coming from Columbia Records if you join their Record & Tape Club.

Columbia Records 1970s

Columbia Records 1970s

Ohio Carriage Company (1900s)

This ad is pretty hilarious to us 200 years later. The main thing they are advertising is the fact that there are no child laborers. Reading this ad’s headline today reads more like satire, which is actually a really good sign. It’s good that we’ve at the very least abolished child labor in the United States, and hopefully this can become the norm everywhere in the world sooner than later.

Ohio Carriage Company 1900s

Ohio Carriage Company 1900s