We Wonder Why
“What’s in a name?” Shakespeare famously lamented. It turns out, quite a lot is in a name. Often, parents want to give their children unique names that will help them stand out. Unfortunately, sometimes this happens for all the wrong reasons. While Carlos Carlos’ parents surely had the best intentions when they named their son, they didn’t think this choice all the way through. Poor Carlos Carlos surely has endured endless teasing for his double name. Rule of thumb: simple is always better.
Nobody Noticed
It is sad to say, but in high school, what you wear and how you look really matters. While hopefully most people grow out of this mindset as they grow up and learn to be more open minded, it can be tough in high school. This girl was so excited to get a new haircut and completely change the style of her hair. However, she laments about the fact that nobody has noticed! If only there was a way to get people to notice…