These Seniors Didn’t Hold Back With Their Savage Yearbook Quotes

Published on July 22, 2021
They say that high school is the best four years of your life. While that may be true for some people, high school can be tough for a lot of students to get through. Managing the stress of growing pains, homework, applying and getting into college, extra curricular activities, the SATs, and having a social life — just to name a few — is no easy task. But, just as yet another expression goes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and high school is no exception. Here are some of the funniest high school seniors who made the most of their yearbook quotes.

That’s A Lot Of Time

Getting through high school is no joke. While it may be a time where you are socializing a lot, it’s also tough to keep up with mountains of homework, essays, and studying for never ending quizzes, tests, and final exams. This girl actually did the crazy calculation of figuring out how many hours she spent at school. That total comes out to 113,880 hours, which is certainly not a walk in the park. However, at least she can laugh about it now.

That's A Lot Of Time

That’s A Lot Of Time

Twin Humor

Many times, identical twins get frustrated about people not differentiating between them. They feel like a lot of times, people confuse them with one another, making them feel like other people don’t appreciate them for who they are as individuals. These twins decided to poke fun at this and have some fun with their yearbook quotes. As Allison points out, she was born only three and a half minutes after Lauren. However, Lauren claims these were “the best 3.5 minutes of her life.”

Twin Humor

Twin Humor


The Truth Hurts

Beyonce is one of the most successful entertainers of all time, which means that a whole lot of people absolutely adore her. While many of her fans look up to her as an inspiration, some people struggle with all of her success. How so? Well, some people just can’t cope with the fact that they are not Beyonce. That is the case with this high school girl, who decided that going to school would help her stay distracted from this disturbing fact.

The Truth Hurts

The Truth Hurts


He Never Listens

When it comes to listening to their parents, most teenagers could be doing a better job. While they think they know best, teenagers often make decisions that they will later come to regret. If their parents warn them against things, it’s almost an invitation to do it even more. The same goes for Griffin. His mother begged him not to use a photo from his lumber jack photoshoot, but of course, he did not listen to her. We’re sure that a grown up Griffin is looking back on this choice and cringing too.

He Never Listens

He Never Listens


We Wonder Why

“What’s in a name?” Shakespeare famously lamented. It turns out, quite a lot is in a name. Often, parents want to give their children unique names that will help them stand out. Unfortunately, sometimes this happens for all the wrong reasons. While Carlos Carlos’ parents surely had the best intentions when they named their son, they didn’t think this choice all the way through. Poor Carlos Carlos surely has endured endless teasing for his double name. Rule of thumb: simple is always better.

We Wonder Why

We Wonder Why


Nobody Noticed

It is sad to say, but in high school, what you wear and how you look really matters. While hopefully most people grow out of this mindset as they grow up and learn to be more open minded, it can be tough in high school. This girl was so excited to get a new haircut and completely change the style of her hair. However, she laments about the fact that nobody has noticed! If only there was a way to get people to notice…

Nobody Noticed

Nobody Noticed


The Other Hill

A lot of twins, and often identical twins, are quite literally inseparable. While sometimes their schoolmates may not be able to tell them apart, a lot of twins like to stick together. They can even pretend to be one another! However, at this school, there was only one time when twins Hayden Hill and Jacob Hill were forced to be separated: in their yearbook! Since the order of students’ photos is done alphabetically, Ilijah Hill had to come between the twin brothers!

The Other Hill

The Other Hill


One Of The Great Philosophers

Often when we are asked to give a quote to accompany our photo, we tend to go for the greats. Philosophers like Socrates, Aristotle, Descartes, and Confucius are quite often the ones chosen to be quoted in many of these cases. Matthew Fulcher also wanted to include a philosophical quote by his yearbook photo, by he deviated from the classic great minds of philosophy. Instead, he chose to quote Mewtwo, a fictional Pokemon creature found in Pokemon: The First Movie.

One Of The Great Philosophers

One Of The Great Philosophers


Classic Conor

Choosing a quote to include alongside your yearbook photo is no simple task. Many students mull over what they want to accompany their photos for a very long time. Some choose to quote songs or movies, other go for philosophical snippets. Then there are other types of students, who really could not be bothered at all to think about what quote will be adjacent to their photos. Such was the case with Connor, who quite literally told the yearbook creators to “just put some quote in.”

Classic Conor

Classic Conor


But You Can’t Tell

In addition to choosing which quote will accompany your yearbook photo, one more big decision needs to be made as well when it comes to the yearbook photo itself: what outfit will you choose to wear in your yearbook photo? This is not a simple task, as you will forever cement the image of high school you with this outfit. Arnold Lee did not really seem to care about the magnitude of this, and chose to forgo wearing pants altogether.

But You Can't Tell

But You Can’t Tell


Copy And Paste

Being a twin can either be incredibly fun or incredibly annoying. While you always have a partner in crime, you also run the risk of people confusing you for the other and not necessarily thinking of you as two separate individuals. Darwin and Dollar decided to poke some fun at the fact that people think they’re copies of one another with their clever photo captions.

Copy And Paste

Copy And Paste


Pulling It Off

When it comes to yearbook quotes, sometimes it’s difficult to thin of something original and out of the box. Paige decided to really go all out and include some emojis in her quote, which we’re sure she’s right about — how many people knew you could actually do that? Certainly not us!

Pulling It Off

Pulling It Off


That Is Hard

Yearbook quotes are a chance for you to let your personality shine through. Some students use this as an opportunity to show their sense of humor. Zachary decided to show his sarcastic side in his quote, claiming to be a single mother when it is clear that he is not.

That Is Hard

That Is Hard


Profound Musical Theater Quote

Rachael is a big fan of musicals, and she always knew she wanted to include a quote from one of her favorite musicals, Spring Awakening. While there are plenty of yearbook-worthy quotes in the show’s soundtrack, she chose a lyric that really describes how she feels about her high school experience.

Porfound Musical Theater Quote

Porfound Musical Theater Quote


Technically Correct

While many choose to use their high school yearbook quote as a chance to be funny, others want to show off the knowledge that they’ve accumulated over the years. This boy aspires to become an ophthalmologist, and he proves just how much he’s learned about the eyes through high school.

Technically Correct

Technically Correct


He’s Totally Write

One of the most valuable skills to learn throughout your high school experience is writing. Since it’s a skill that will be important throughout your professional career, it is imperative to develop those skills as early as possible and to continue to improve. It’s clear that this soon to be high school graduate still has a lot to learn.

He's Totally Write

He’s Totally Write


At Least She’s Honest

Many times, high school yearbooks will feature questions that help students get their thoughts flowing. This girl decided that she wasn’t going to hold back with her honesty, and showed that she is not afraid to put herself out there in a vulnerable place. Hopefully some people will admire her honesty and want to become friends!

At Least She's Honest

At Least She’s Honest


He Admits It

One of the hardest things about being in high school is being made fun of, especially for things we cannot help. Poor Jaime spent years listening to jokes and insults about his protruding ears. However, he grew from the experience and learned to laugh at the jokes too. He joined in with his high school yearbook quote, showing that he’s grown from the experience.

He Admits It

He Admits It


The Plant Hater

Many people who choose to become vegetarians do so out of respect for animals and the environment. What you don’t hear about often is the people like Ankit who decided to become vegetarians not out of care for animals, but because of their hatred of vegetables. Now you know: they’re out there.

The Plant Hater

The Plant Hater


The Nigerian Prince

If you’ve been on the Internet for long enough, you’ve surely encountered a Nigerian prince scam. Segun Akigbogun decided to poke fun at the whole thing by claiming that he, in fact, is that Nigerian prince who has been emailing everyone.

The Nigerian Prince

The Nigerian Prince


Not Everyone Is Photogenic

One of the gripes that is often heard about high school yearbook photos is that not everyone is photogenic. It’s pretty frustrating to have your face immortalized forever in your peers’ memories with just one photo. This guy decided to do something about it by letting everyone know that he actually looks better in person.

Not Everyone Is Photogenic

Not Everyone Is Photogenic


We Can Picture It

A lot of people’s most defining feature is their hair, and that is the case with Luis Domantay. His luscious locks are such a big part of his identity that he even made it the focus of his yearbook quote. We can totally picture him flipping his hair.

We Can Picture It

We Can Picture It


Thanks Everyone

When it comes to the end of an experience, a lot of us feel the need to thank everyone who was involved. This girl decided to dedicate her yearbook quote for the purpose exactly. She definitely didn’t hold back either, letting everyone know exactly how she felt about them and how she’ll mention them while in therapy later.

Thanks Everyone

Thanks Everyone


That Is True

A lot of high schoolers spend a lot of time and money worrying about how their hair looks. While your hair can be your defining feature, a lack of hair could also become your signature feature. Julianna brought up one of the benefits of having a completely bald head in her yearbook quote.

That Is True

That Is True


Being Honest

When it comes to yearbook quotes, a lot of people choose inspirational quotes, favorite movie lines or lyrics, or just general quotes. However, people like Nina choose to express themselves freely and really let everyone know exactly what they’re thinking. Hey, at least she’s being completely honest.

Being Honest

Being Honest


Not All Heroes Wear Capes

When it comes to high school graduation, a lot of students feel the need to thank everyone who was involved in helping them throughout their high school years. Stephanie is no exception, and she decided to directly thank Wikipedia, Google, and then inventor of copy and paste as the people who really helped her get through high school. We hope her parents aren’t jealous.

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Not All Heroes Wear Capes


See What He Did There?

High school is a time when a lot of students are figuring out who they are and are trying to navigate through this confusing time. Max spent a lot of time figuring things out for himself, and by the time senior year rolled around, he knew exactly how he would let everyone know how he feels about girls.

See What He Did There?

See What He Did There?


The Twin Situation

Katherine and Rebecca are as close as can be. One of their best qualities is the fact that they’re both able to face reality. Rebecca is well aware of the fact that as the younger twin, she was not in their parents’ initial plan. However, luckily the girls have a great sense of humor and were able to poke fun of this situation.

The Twin Situation

The Twin Situation


Tough Parenting

It’s a well known fact that many immigrants are tough on their children because they want their kids to have the best opportunities possible. Vincent Arciaga learned this the hard way and chose to acknowledge just how high (and sometimes unrealistic) his dad’s expectations are of him in his yearbook photo.

Tough Parenting

Tough Parenting


Please Don’t Try This

Some students choose to include a profound quote in their yearbook, while others’ quotes end up being just plain confusing. We’re not sure if this girl is actually encouraging others to eat makeup, but we want to note that no matter what, eating makeup is never a good idea.

Please Don't Try This

Please Don’t Try This


That’s The Majority

Alexandra was always a straight forward person, and when it came to her high school yearbook quote, she knew that she had to tell it like it is. She brings up the very true point that humans are made up of 72% water, and logically, if you like water, you already like a majority of her…and everyone else, we guess. What a positive outlook on life!

That's The Majority

That’s The Majority


Stop Assuming

A vast majority, if not all, of yearbooks are organized alphabetically. This can lead to some confusion when it comes to students who share the same last name but are not related. This was the case with the Nguyen girls at this school, and they chose a clever way to let everyone know that they are not part of the same family.

Stop Assuming

Stop Assuming


Truly Thankful

The end of high school is a great time to acknowledge those who have supported us throughout the whole experience. Bumb Avkit did not let this opportunity slide, and he chose to go very literal in his acknowledgments. It is true, his arms were always by his side and his legs always carried him, while he could always count on his fingers.

Truly Thankful

Truly Thankful


Not As Simple As You’d Think

One of the best moments of high school graduation is the moment when you get to walk across the stage, get your diploma, and walk off the stage as a graduate. Many students with names that seem difficult to pronounce have experienced the frustrating moment when their name is mispronounced, distracting from the exciting moment. Agboke chose to use her yearbook quote to call out this annoying moment.

Not As Simple As You'd Think

Not As Simple As You’d Think


Just Like Riding A Bike

When it comes to his high school experience, Randey Chung certainly did not mince his words. He let everyone know exactly how he felt without holding back at all. We really hope that his college experience will be better than his high school days.

Just Like Riding A Bike

Just Like Riding A Bike


That Is What She Said, Though

Jacob Jones was always known for his ability to convey his point directly. He never shied away from humor as well, and for his yearbook quote he chose to combine his talents of humor and pith into one concise joke.

That Is What She Said, Though

That Is What She Said, Though


It’s Much Easier

Jessica spent many of her high school days dreaming of the boys who would not pay attention to her. In fact, she spent so many sleepless nights worrying about why they did not like her back, that she literally could not stay awake during class. So by senior year, she decided to just sleep instead of worry about love, and things have never been better for her.

It's Much Easier

It’s Much Easier


A New Persona

As high school comes to a close, many people enjoy the fact that this is an opportunity to reinvent themselves and lead a new life after high school. Some people take this quite literally, like Benjamin Dacy. He has decided to forgo being a human being altogether and assume the role of a wolf instead.

A New Persona

A New Persona


We’re Not In This Together

Seth’s expectations of high school came from his endless viewings of High School Musical as a child. While he knew that life isn’t like a movie, he was disappointed to find out that his high school experience was absolutely nothing like his favorite movie. We don’t want to tell him that college isn’t like Animal House, either.

We're Not In This Together

We’re Not In This Together


At Least He Knows It

Sometimes, we can’t help but resemble a character from a successful movie franchise. We’re sure that Jason has heard countless times how much he looks like Frozone from The Incredibles. Therefore, he decided to lean into this and use his high school yearbook quote to acknowledge this fact.

At Least He Knows It

At Least He Knows It