All the Rules That Need to be Followed by Hells Angels

Published on November 22, 2020
The Hells Angels are seen as one of the most popular and well-known biker clubs on the planet. The club all started with a group of motorists located in Fontana, California. It was founded in 1948 and has spread far and wide to now include hundreds of international charters. The members of the Hells Angels have the reputation of breaking the law. However, these members are known to stick to one code of conduct, which is their own. The terms of this code of conduct include what they drive and wear to how they earn and maintain their place in the club. Here are some of their rules:

Needing to be Voted

Becoming a member of the Hells Angels is an extremely long process and can take many years. The reason for this is because you’re in it for life once you join. In order to get an invite to join, the entire group needs to vote you in.

Needing To Be Voted

Needing To Be Voted

Being a Prospect

Those who wish to join the Hells Angels first start as a ‘hang around.’ These hang around bikers get invited to some Hells Angels events so that members can get a fill for these potential members. ‘Prospect’ is the name that’s stitched into these potential member’s vests.

Being A Prospect

Being A Prospect


Sacred Vests

The insignia on member’s vests are the best way to recognize a Hells Angel. Full-fledged members gain a biker vest with the famous Hells Angels logo, along with the name on the back. These vests are seen as sacred to members.

Sacred Vests

Sacred Vests


The Dress Code

The rules each member has to follow vary from charter to charter. However, there’s a general dress code that all need to follow. You generally have to wear black jeans, shirts, and a vest. Some groups don’t even allow you to wear shorts.

The Dress Code

The Dress Code


The Riding Order

The Hells Angels groups can have a large number of members and can take up an entire street while they ride along. However, many don’t know that there is an order these riders need to maintain while riding, with the road captain and charter president at the front.

The Riding Order

The Riding Order


Pulling Over

Since the riding order needs to be maintained, if one rider gets pulled over by a cop, all the riders stop. Sticking together keeps all the riders keep their place, but it also signifies unity and shows that the group is a brotherhood.

Pulling Over

Pulling Over


No Working for a Prison

It’s no wonder that the Hells Angels members aren’t allowed to work for any prison when considering the group’s history with law enforcement. Members also can’t work as a police officer due to this occupation being a conflict of interest.

No Working For A Prison

No Working For A Prison


No Sharing Information

Another reason for Hells Angels not being able to be in law enforcement is because being part of the group comes with a strict discretionary policy. Members can always expect to be kicked out if they rat out another member.

No Sharing Information

No Sharing Information


You’re Always a Hells Angel

There isn’t any backing out after you become a Hells Angel. Members can’t retire, and the only way to exit the group is by breaking one of the group’s rules. Due to this feature, your charter essentially becomes your second family.

You’re Always A Hells Angel

You’re Always A Hells Angel


No Talking to Media Outlets

To maintain the group’s secretive activities, none of the members are permitted to talk to the media. This enforces the rule that members can’t snitch on one another, along with protecting the group as a whole. This rule is implemented as an element of the group’s security.

No Talking To Media Outlets

No Talking To Media Outlets


The Association with Harley-Davidson

You can’t just be any type of biker if you wish to be part of the Hells Angels. You need to be a very particular kind of motorcyclist. One feature to being the right type of biker involves owning a Harley Davidson.

The Association With Harley Davidson

The Association With Harley Davidson


Collectively Covering Thousands of Miles

According to the official Hells Angels website, the Hells Angels ride more than 12,000 miles together each year. In order to be a member of the group, you need to be a true motorcycle fanatic. This means that your bike needs to be your primary mode of transport.

Collectively Covering Thousands Of Miles

Collectively Covering Thousands Of Miles


Showing Up to Club Events

Members who don’t show up to club hangouts and meetings show other members that they aren’t very dedicated to the Hells Angels lifestyle. This group is known to have a strict attendance code. Missing events is seen to be extremely disrespectful.

Showing Up To Club Events

Showing Up To Club Events


Family Members

Joining the Hells Angels provides members with a group of like-minded people that they get to do what they all love to do together: riding bikes. This creates a unified family for all the members of the groups. Every member is profoundly connected through the Hells Angels.

Family Members

Family Members


No Conflict of Interest

Another conflict of interest is joining another biker group. Thus, it is prohibited. The Hells Angels have an incredibly deep bond. With this bond comes an important commitment. This means that members aren’t allowed to consider joining an opposition biker group.

No Conflict Of Interest

No Conflict Of Interest


Not a Sisterhood

The Hells Angels categorize itself as a brotherhood. For this reason, you’re only going to see male members. However, women do play a major role in the group, even though they aren’t technically members of the group. These women are the wives and daughters of the group.

Not A Sisterhood

Not A Sisterhood


Starting a Charter

Creating a charter doesn’t happen overnight. It can take years and even decades for a charter to be established. This can only happen when the prospect group consists of riders who have ridden together for years, live in the same area, along with many other requirements.

Starting A Charter

Starting A Charter


Breaking the Rules

Breaking the rules set by the Hells Angels is bound to put these members in an incredibly regretful position. Due to the secretive nature of the group, it’s unknown as to what is done to those who betray the group. However, there are some theories floating around.

Breaking The Rules

Breaking The Rules


The Infamous Missing Apostrophe

Many may have already noticed that there is a missing apostrophe between the ‘Hell’ and ‘s’ in Hells Angels. Due to the group always breaking the law, it seems very fitting that the group’s name breaks this grammar rule. It’s clear none of the members are grammar nerds.

The Infamous Missing Apostrophe

The Infamous Missing Apostrophe


Purchasing Merchandise

It’s no secret that members despise non-members wearing the Hells Angels merchandise. However, there are branded items that fans can purchase to support the group. Hells Angels even have a support shop for non-members to show their appreciation for the group.

Purchasing Merchandise

Purchasing Merchandise


Being Clean

Due to the group’s reputation for consisting of tough bikers, you wouldn’t think that the Hells Angels would be concerned about the substances that these members are using. However, the truth is that the group is very strict about this, and all members need to be clean.

Being Clean

Being Clean


Their Website

Another rule revolves around the Hells Angels’ website. Given the secretive nature of the group, it isn’t surprising that you can’t link to the club’s website without the Hells Angels’ written consent. This rule can be found on the group’s website.

Their Website

Their Website


The Rules for the Prospect

After you’ve become a prospect and are in line to potentially join the Hells Angels, you have to follow one significant rule. This rule details that you can’t retaliate against hazing. This is an essential rule, as the process can be incredibly violent.

The Rules For The Prospect

The Rules For The Prospect


The Official Merchandise

As we have previously mentioned, it’s possible for supporters of the group to wear the Hells Angels supporters merchandise. However, only members are allowed to wear the official merchandise for the Hells Angels. This rule is incredibly serious and is detailed on the group’s website.

The Official Merchandise

The Official Merchandise


Patches are Sacred

Members are given patches as they grow in the group and rise through the ranks set by the Hells Angels. These patches are known to be exceptionally sacred symbols. For this reason, these patches need to be respected with incredible care.

Patches Are Sacred

Patches Are Sacred


Consent is Required

The members of Hells Angels are required to show a significant amount of respect and restraint. This rule even filters the interactions these members have with women. For this reason, any member needs to get consent from the women they wish to interact with.

Consent Is Required

Consent Is Required


Missing Members

The Hells Angels are seen as a respectful organization. However, this doesn’t distract from the fact that the group is incredibly protective and secretive about its members. This protective nature is even spread to anyone associated with the club who happens to have gone missing.

Missing Members

Missing Members



As previously mentioned, members are supposed only to ride Harley Davidsons. However, there is one condition where this rule doesn’t apply. Some charters allow members to ride non-Harleys as long as the bike is American-made. Nonetheless, only some charters allow this.

Non Harleys

Non Harleys


The Club is Top Priority

After joining the Hells Angels, you’re considered a member of the family. This means that no matter what occurs in your life, the group and its members come first. You need to value all of the elements making up the club when you’re a member of the Hells Angels.

The Club Is Top Priority

The Club Is Top Priority


Cultural Inclusivity

The club is rooted in history and rules. However, the group has recently begun expanding on these rules to accept more culturally diverse members. Although the club does consist of predominantly Caucasian members, there are Hells Angels members with Hispanic heritage.

Cultural Inclusivity

Cultural Inclusivity


The Strict Rules of Meetings

Club members still need to follow strict rules when they gather at meetings. These rules or guidelines are best known as Robert’s Rules of Order. These rules were initially designed for business meetings. However, these are now incorporated into Hells Angels meetings.

The Strict Rules Of Meetings

The Strict Rules Of Meetings


The Dirty Work

As we have mentioned before, you need to hang around the members and become a prospect before being inducted into the Hells Angels. Prospects are required to pick up the dirty work that members don’t wish to do. Examples of this dirty work include setting up meetings.

The Dirty Work

The Dirty Work


One Group Per Area

Certain charters making up the Hells Angels ride through particular areas. After claiming an area, it is that specific group’s area. None of the other gangs are allowed to hang around the spot. However, this doesn’t apply if the other group is driving through the claimed area.

One Group Per Area

One Group Per Area


A Charitable Organization

The Hells Angels are known for being a dangerous and scary gang. However, the group defies this stigma by running charities. Each year, the group holds a toy drive called Toys for Tots. During these motorcycle rides, the members of the group allow other riders to join in the drive.

A Charitable Organization

A Charitable Organization



Respected Both Ways

The members of the Hells Angels live by a strict code of respect. That’s why you shouldn’t be afraid to speak to a Hells Angel. They are going to treat you with respect if you treat them with respect. In fact, members are known to be incredibly inviting and welcoming.

Respected Both Ways

Respected Both Ways


Concert Security

You may have seen some members of the Hells Angels present at concerts. You shouldn’t be afraid when you see this because Hells Angels members are frequently hired to work as concert security. George Harrison first hired Hells Angels in 1961.

Concert Security

Concert Security


The Deaths of Members

Deaths of members are bound to happen due to the group centering around motorcycle riding. Hells Angels members go over and beyond trying to keep the fallen person’s memory alive, especially if this member was young. Members are known to hang up posters for these members.

The Deaths Of Members

The Deaths Of Members


Community Involvement

Community involvement is highly emphasized. Due to this, many members participate in local charities and events. For this reason, it isn’t uncommon for you to see Hells Angels support local events, charities, bars, and shops in their respective neighborhoods. Thus, they don’t only operate as a separate group.

Community Involvement

Community Involvement


Protecting the Brand

The brand surrounding the Hells Angels is incredibly important to members. Thus, it’s a top priority to protect this image. Those who taint it are putting themselves in an extremely regretful position within the organization. Members go to drastic measures to protect this brand.

Protecting The Brand

Protecting The Brand


Their Own Rules

Possibly the most important rule within the Hells Angels is to follow their own rules. The members of this group aren’t concerned by the rules set by society. You have to set your own rules that you live by once you join the Hells Angels.

Their Own Rules

Their Own Rules