Remember Octomom? This Is Where Nadya Suleman Is Today

Published on November 28, 2021

A Disaster

On September 18th, 1999, twenty patients started a riot and Nadya tried to intervene to help calm things down. One of the patients flipped over a desk, which ended up hitting Nadya right in the back, causing her to have a herniated disc injury. She was able to receive $170,000 in workers’ compensation, which helped her get by for quite some time.

A Disaster

A Disaster

Postponing The Dream

However, this injury affected Nadya’s ability to work in addition to the significant pain and distress she experienced. Not only was this a huge burden on her mind, but the fact was the she and Marcos had been trying to have children for a while, and it seemed like nothing was working out. They decided to go see a doctor about the matter.

Postponing The Dream

Postponing The Dream