Products That Did Not Live Up To What Was Promised In The Advertisement

Published on April 14, 2020
Marketing and advertising are key aspects to the sale of pretty much anything ranging from clothes to food. That’s why most companies have an entire marketing team assigned to creating appropriate ads to sell their product. Packaging and more specifically the photo on the packaging also play a big role in influencing a customer to buy a product or not. When it comes to online shopping, customers rely solely on the item description and photo provided by the seller. Surely you can trust a seller that they’ll deliver on their promise of what they advertised? So why are there so many dissatisfied customers everywhere? There have been many fails when it comes to comparing how an item was advertised and what the customer actually received. Let’s have a look at some examples where buyers were disappointed with the purchase as a result of false advertising.

Blue Strawberries?

There are many types of berries, but they’re pretty easily identifiable especially strawberries and blueberries. So it’s very hard to believe how the person who was packing the blueberries into these boxes didn’t realize that the fruits depicted on the box were different.

Blue Strawberries?

Blue Strawberries?

It’s a possibility that this person didn’t speak English and that’s why they made that mistake. But the picture of the strawberries is a give away isn’t it? Who knows, maybe they were colorblind too. So could this be considered false advertising?

Tiny Furniture

Online shopping has become really popular and you can buy just about anything online these days. Shopping for furniture can be quite time consuming if you have to hop from store to store until you find what you’re looking for. That’s when online shopping can come in handy.

Tiny Furniture

Tiny Furniture

But unfortunately, you run the risk of not getting what you ordered, like this guy experienced first hand. He thought he was ordering a comfortable armchair like the picture showed and he got a tiny little chair.


The Missing Pepperoni

Some days are so busy that it seems like there aren’t enough hours in a day to do everything you need to do. On days like this, frozen pizza can be a great option for dinner.

The Missing Pepperoni

The Missing Pepperoni

This woman had one of those days and went to the store to buy some frozen pizza with her favorite topping, pepperoni. You can imagine her disappointment when she got home and opened to the box to find that only half the pizza had pepperoni on it.


Pool For One

Blow up pools are great for kids during the hot summer months if you don’t have a pool at home. Kids love to splash around and play in a pool, even if it isn’t very big.

Pool For One

Pool For One

But it should be big enough to fit inside, right? These kids were very disappointed when they realized that the pool didn’t match the picture on the box. It was meant to be big enough to fit three kids comfortably but it wasn’t even big enough for one child.


Which Is It?

Many food companies have promotions that run for a limited time. Campbell’s had one such promotion offering their customers an extra 30 percent of soup for the price of the usual sized can. But wait, is it 30 percent or 40 percent?

Which Is It?

Which Is It?

We actually have no idea! As you can see both cans are exactly the same size but one says it’s 30 percent bigger and the other says 40 percent bigger. So which is it? Customers might lose faith in the brand after seeing this.


A Sea Of Orange

Usually, the bigger the box of crayons, the bigger the range of colors. Either someone at the Crayola factory loved the color orange so much that they only packed orange crayons in the box or someone made a huge mistake.

A Sea Of Orange

A Sea Of Orange

Either way, this customer was not happy with their purchase. Unless you have kids that love to color everything orange then you’ll have something to pass down from generation to generation. You could call it an orange family heirloom.


Big Misunderstanding

Children love to imitate what their parents do, and they want to be able to do everything an adult does. That’s why they enjoy playing with plastic toy kitchens, workbenches, and doctor’s kits.

Big Misunderstanding

Big Misunderstanding

This six-year-old girl wanted to be just like mommy and asked for a phone of her own. So her mom bought her a cell phone. But the little girl was devastated because all she wanted was a toy phone that she could play with, not a real cell phone.


Wrong Utensil

Have you ever been grocery shopping while you were in a rush and only realize once you get home that you’ve bought the wrong thing? That happens sometimes if you don’t read the box properly.

Wrong Utensil

Wrong Utensil

But in this case, what you read on the packaging and what’s inside are two different things. Unless this was an April Fool’s joke, and someone thought it’d be funny to mix the utensils then we can’t understand why they would make such a mistake.


Alien Invasion

If for some reason you want to have an alien-themed party then these balloons look like they would be perfect. Well, that’s if the image provided on the packaging is anything to go by.

Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

Well, you guessed it, when you blow the balloons up you see that they look nothing like they do on the packaging. The shape is completely off, and even the color is a different shade of green. That’s why it’s important to have backup decorations.


What A Splash

Companies spend a lot of money on designing their product’s packaging so it’s appealing to the public. They have to think about every detail, from the image to what font and colors will draw more attention.

What A Splash

What A Splash

As a customer, we rely on what’s displayed on the packaging when choosing what we buy. This outdoor water toy definitely did not deliver what the image on the box said it would. This is what you call false advertising at its best.


The Low Budget Buffet

One of the best things about going to a fancy resort for a weekend away is the all-you-can-eat buffet. At these places, they have such a huge variety of food that you’d need more than three days to taste everything they offer.

The Low Budget Buffet

The Low Budget Buffet

The brochure for this resort included a photo of what was supposedly their buffet selection. But this guest was so disappointed to find that the buffet was more of a low budget buffet. There wasn’t much of a selection at all.


Read The Small Print

Almost everything you buy has small print somewhere on the packaging. When something is written in small print you’d think the information isn’t important. Because if it was, then it would be printed in bold.

Read The Small Print

Read The Small Print

That’s why customers rely on the picture when choosing a product. This rope manufacturer made a potentially dangerous mistake. The image shows a man climbing a mountain using a rope. But read the fine print! What if someone bought the rope because of the image but didn’t read the small print?


Are Those Cinnamon Buns?

Halloween is the only time of the year where almost everyone you know dresses up. Some people like to make their own costumes and others prefer to buy ready-made costumes. Costumes range from anything scary and gory to famous movie characters.

Are Those Cinnamon Buns?

Are Those Cinnamon Buns?

This lady’s favorite movie character was Princess Leia and she was thrilled when she found the perfect costume. At least she thought she’d found the perfect costume. When she tried it on she realized that it was nothing like the image.


An Eye For An Eye

When a small child wants something, no matter how irrational the request may be, they will throw a tantrum if they don’t get it. All this little boy wanted was a packet of goldfish crackers because.

An Eye For An Eye

An Eye For An Eye

So his mom bought him a packet, but when he opened up the packet and took a cracker out he started crying inconsolably. What was wrong? Well, the goldfish’s eyes of course. He was upset because the eyes on the cracker didn’t look like the ones on the package.


Merry Easter?

Weeks leading up to cultural and religious festivals, you’ll find appropriately themed chocolates, candies, and decorations. This is to cater for people who celebrate such occasions.

Merry Easter?

Merry Easter?

So at Christmas time, you’ll see a lot of Christmas trees, Santas, jingle bells, and mistletoe. And for Easter, you’ll find bunnies and baskets with chocolate eggs. But what about this Christmas Bunny? Maybe the Easter Bunny wasn’t ready to go into his burrow after Easter was over and decided to come back at Christmas time disguised as Santa.


Who Do You Believe?

You’d think there would be communication between manufacturers and the marketing department when it comes to a product’s requirements, right? That doesn’t seem to be the case with this bedside lamp.

Who Do You Believe?

Who Do You Believe?

The instructions on the package say that you need AA batteries, but when you open the battery compartment it instructs you to insert AAA batteries. So who do you believe, the manufacturer or the marketer? In this case, all you can do is buy both batteries and see which one fits.


Prom Dress Disaster

For young girls, prom night is equivalent to their wedding day in terms of importance. It’s a once in a lifetime event where they get to wear a dress that’ll make them feel like a princess. You could say that prom is a right of passage from childhood into adulthood.

Prom Dress Disaster

Prom Dress Disaster

That’s why the dress is such a key element. This young lady ordered a dress online and was beyond disappointed to discover that it was far from her dream dress when it arrived.


It’s A Fake

When a new toy comes out into the market, you can rest assured that you’ll soon find a knock-off available. Imitation toys are always cheaper than the original, and it’s usually difficult to tell them apart.

It’s A Fake

It’s A Fake

This little girl loved TY Beanie Boo soft toys and she has almost the whole collection. For her birthday, she asked for the blue-eyed sheep. Her parents bought her a knock-off because it was half the price. But she noticed straight away because this one had green eyes.


The Color Purple

This lady wanted to redecorate and came across this round, purple rug online and thought it’d be perfect. So she ordered it without any hesitation before it sold out. Little did she know that she’d get buyer’s regret.

The Color Purple

The Color Purple

She waited anxiously for it to arrive so she could add the last finishing touch to the room she was redecorating. But when it arrived she realized she’d been fooled. Not only was the rug smaller than the image, but it was a different shape and color.


Percentage Variance

Everything that you find in a store that comes in a pre-packed container usually includes nutritional information because of health regulations. But some food companies will try to cleverly conceal some information.

Percentage Variance

Percentage Variance

Most people don’t look at the small print, but instead, they focus on the more visible, bolder writing. At a quick glance, you’d think this bottle contained 100 percent juice. But upon closer inspection, this guy saw that it only contained 27 percent. That’s why we should always read labels carefully!


Magic Mug

Have you ever seen those magic mugs that look one way when they’re empty but the image changes when you pour hot liquid inside? Those are usually popular around Christmas time because they make for great gifts for teachers or co-workers.

Magic Mug

Magic Mug

When this lady saw it advertised online she thought it looked amazing so she ordered one. Imagine her disappointment when she saw that the mug did not have any sort of magical transformation, but just had an image of the advertisement instead.


Jumbo Size

Perspective can be deceiving, and that’s what the manufacturers of this beach ball used to fool customers into buying their product. In the photo you see kids playing with what looks like a giant, jumbo-sized ball.

Jumbo Size

Jumbo Size

This child was so eager to play with his new ball but when it was inflated he realized that it was far from jumbo-sized. You can see by the boy’s expression that he was not happy. At least the ball was a metallic color as mentioned on the packaging.


A Hollow Surprise

Gummy bears are one of the greatest inventions of all time, apart from sliced bread, cell phones, and other essential items. So this child was so happy when her mom bought her a cup filled with these sweet treats.

A Hollow Surprise

A Hollow Surprise

The cup had a transparent lid which was very deceiving. She could see the gummy bears and assumed that the cup would be filled with gummies. But when she opened it she saw that the cup was empty aside from the few sweets in the lid.


Not Quite A Full Box

Whether you have kids that are in school or you like to doodle or draw in your spare time, you’ve probably got a pencil or two at home. That’s why pencils can be considered an essential item in every household.

Not Quite A Full Box

Not Quite A Full Box

This lady went to the store to get a pack of pencils and chose this pack because it contained so many pencils. But when she got home she realized that there weren’t as many pencils as she assumed were in the box because of false advertising.


Gluten Or No Gluten

False advertising is wrong in every instance, but this one takes the cake because it could be potentially fatal. More and more people these days have discovered that they’re either gluten intolerant or allergic to gluten.

Gluten Or No Gluten

Gluten Or No Gluten

That’s why you’ll find that many companies make gluten-free variants of certain food items like pasta and cookies. This label is so confusing because it says the cookie is gluten-free but in the next sentence, it says it contains gluten. Thank goodness this person read the label carefully.


Non-Extra Virgin?

Extra virgin olive oil is usually more expensive than sunflower oil because it undergoes a different process. During the extraction process, chemicals are added to make sunflower oil, and the olives are subjected to extreme heat.

Non-Extra Virgin?

Non-Extra Virgin?

Whereas olive oil doesn’t, that’s why it is called extra virgin. So when you see the words “Extra Virgin Olive Oil” in bold on a bottle, you’d think that that’s what you’re buying. But this person saw that the contents weren’t actually what was on the label.


New Bigger Size?

Crisps are a delicious snack that people of all ages enjoy. They can be eaten on their own or with a dip. But sometimes the packets seem to be too small, and it leaves a person wanting more.

New Bigger Size

New Bigger Size

It’s for that reason that some crisp brands have come out with bigger crisp packets because they realize how popular their brand is and they want to please the consumer. But it would be nice if the new, bigger pack size was actually bigger than the standard-sized pack.


Not The Whole Story

Wraps are a very convenient, on-the-go kind of meal, and they come with almost every filling imaginable. Whether you prefer meat, chicken, or the vegetarian option, there’s a wrap to choose from.

Not The Whole Story

Not The Whole Story

This person bought a Haloumi and roasted pepper wrap thinking they were getting a big, filling meal. Instead, what they got left them feeling not only disappointed but hungry as well. What appeared to be a big wrap because of the way it was packaged, was actually two very small wraps.


A Prehistoric Cat

We’ve been taught that throughout the ages, there were different animal species that roamed the earth. Dinosaurs, along with sabertooth tigers once walked the land but are now extinct. However, cats and deer only came into existence after prehistoric animals became extinct.

A Prehistoric Cat

A Prehistoric Cat

So why are there some cat and deer figurines in this toy pack with the label “Dinosaur World?” wouldn’t it be more fitting if the pack contained some stegosauruses, velociraptors, and T-Rex’s instead? Talk about getting the eras confused.


Convenience Meal

Microwave meals come in handy when you’ve had a long, hard day and don’t have the time or energy to cook. Thankfully, there are many different types of ready-made meals available to choose from in the frozen foods section.

Convenience Meal

Convenience Meal

You know the meal is probably not going to look identical to the image on the box but you expect it to at least contain the ingredients described on the box. This person was speechless when his turkey and broccoli sandwich had no turkey or broccoli.


Nothing But The Fruit

Did you know that a tomato is, in fact, a fruit and not a vegetable? A tomato may be a fruit, but there’s no way you can confuse it with a peach. Or can you? It seems whoever packed this can couldn’t tell the difference between peaches and tomatoes.

Nothing But The Fruit

Nothing But The Fruit

You can imagine this person’s surprise when they opened a can of diced tomato and found sliced peaches instead. How are they meant to finish making their tomato soup without the key ingredient?


Pets Speak For Themselves

When you’re trying to sell something online, it’s very important that you post a good photo and that your description matches the photo of the item you’re selling. If not, you might find it difficult to get a buyer.

Pets Speak For Themselves

Pets Speak For Themselves

This guy didn’t know that and posted this ad online. If he wanted to emphasize that there would be no cat hairs on the sofa then he should have made sure that his cat wasn’t in the photo he used in his ad.


More Like Pepper-No-Ni

Everyone has their own favorite pizza topping, but pepperoni seems to be a very popular choice. Unless you bought a classic Margherita pizza, you’d expect it to have a considerable amount of your topping of choice.

More Like Pepper No Ni

More Like Pepper No Ni

This guy went to the store to get some frozen pizza and was shocked to see this pizza for sale. How can you possibly label this a pepperoni pizza? One tiny slice of pepperoni is nowhere near enough to call it a pepperoni pizza.


Super Spider

This ad can’t exactly be labeled as false advertising on the part of the manufacturer. The one at fault here is the person trying to sell this product online. The online seller has a responsibility to be truthful about what they’re selling.

Super Spider

Super Spider

Having said that, the buyer should also read the description carefully. This person is trying to sell a Superman costume but has advertised it as a Spider-man costume. Thankfully, someone picked up on the error and called him out on it.


Not So New

Nowadays, people are able to advertise their second-hand goods on many different platforms, including social media. Most items advertised on Facebook have been used before, but there are some that are brand new.

Not So New

Not So New

The seller will specify if the item is new and never been used before. This guy thought he could fool buyers, but he wasn’t clever enough to pull it off because he busted himself by wearing the exact pair of sunglasses on his profile that he claimed had never been worn before.


An Underwhelming Tree

For families that celebrate the holidays, the Christmas tree is a very important part of the season. Just because they’re not able to get a real tree for whatever reason, it doesn’t mean they don’t want a nice tree.

An Underwhelming Tree

An Underwhelming Tree

This person bought an artificial tree, which according to the picture on the box, promised to look like a lush, six-foot Canadian tree. When they unpacked the tree and assembled it, it looked nothing like what was advertised. That tree was an absolute disappointment!


A Feline Dog

A pet isn’t just an animal that lives in your home, they’re just as much a part of the family as any other family member. People like to display their family photos, but they also want to have photos of their pets on display.

A Feline Dog

A Feline Dog

This person wanted to pick the perfect frame for their beloved dog but was quite thrown by this frame they found. The frame was meant to be for a dog, but it had a photo of a cat in the middle.


One Berry Loaf

There’s nothing better than freshly baked bread. There are so many different varieties to choose from that you’re bound to find something to your liking. Some people prefer plain bread, while others prefer loaves with fruits in them.

One Berry Loaf

One Berry Loaf

This person bought a loaf of berry bread and was beyond disappointed when he realized that there was only one berry in the entire loaf. Not only does the image falsely advertise the loaf, but in general it’s just wrong to call this loaf a “Berry Loaf.”


Shrimping Business

If you enjoy shellfish, then you probably eat shrimps quite often. So you’ll know that when you order shrimp at a restaurant it usually comes whole. Also, when you buy it from a store, they should also come whole.

Shrimping Business

Shrimping Business

This person bought this pack of shrimps because of their size. The bigger the shrimp the more meat you can get. But when they opened the pack they realized that the manufacturer used the label to fool people into thinking that they were buying bigger shrimps.


Twelve Divided By Four

If you see the words “12 Pack” on the packet of mini sausage rolls, you expect to get 12 individual pieces right? Well, this food company thought that they could openly fool consumers by falsely advertising their product.

Twelve Divided By Four

Twelve Divided By Four

This supposed 12 pack only has three sausage rolls. The instructions of the packet state that even though you may only see three if you cut each sausage roll into four pieces then you’ll end up with 12. That’s the most ludicrous thing we’ve ever seen!


Extra Or Just Rearranged?

Hot dogs have been around for many, many years because they’re very popular, convenient, and economic. There are quite a few food companies that make hotdogs so in order to stay ahead of the competition, they have promotions.

Extra Or Just Rearranged

Extra Or Just Rearranged

This company had a promotion where if you bought their brand you would get two extra sausages at no extra cost. But does it count as extra if all they did was remove two hotdogs from the main packet and packaged it in a separate section?


Please Enjoy

Many hotels provide a complimentary bottle of water for their guests, which means that it’s free of charge. It’s little details like that, that give a hotel a good name and in turn, keeps guests coming back.

Please Enjoy

Please Enjoy

However, some hotels use this to trick their guests into spending money, which they will only realize when they check out. This guest noticed the small print just in time. When guests see “Please Enjoy” they assume that the water is free. When in fact it costs $4.


A Panda Pop

Pandas are beautiful bears that live in rainforests in Asia. They’re extremely cute and adorable, and many people love them. This person loves anything to do with pandas. So when they saw this panda lollipop they just had to have it.

A Panda Pop

A Panda Pop

But when she removed the wrapper, all that was left was a plain white lollipop. We don’t know if she was relieved that she wouldn’t have to eat a panda’s face or if they were disappointed that the lollipop was plain white.


Not A Good Fit

Marketing experts know exactly how to manipulate consumers to buy their products through their adverts. People believe that what they read on the packaging is true. So if it says that this chair will fit in your pocket, then it must be able to fit in your pocket.

Not A Good Fit

Not A Good Fit

The buyer was deceived by the words used on the packaging and by the image too. They either falsely advertised this chair or they just didn’t take into consideration that some pants’ pockets are bigger than others.


Rather Go Green

Calavo supposedly prides itself on being a brand that is all for environmentally friendly practices. So that’s why we can’t understand how they can possibly sell pre-cut avocados pre-packaged using plastic cardboard and plastic.

Rather Go Green

Rather Go Green

Avocados do not need to be packaged as they have their own natural package, which is their skin. We clearly weren’t the only ones puzzled by this. That’s why this customer posted this picture on social media to try to get others’ opinions and everyone agreed that it was wrong.


You Got Tanked!

Buying clothes online is always tricky because you can’t exactly try it on to see how it will fit. But you can’t really go wrong with some items. Or so this guy thought when he decided to buy clothes online.

You Got Tanked

You Got Tanked

This guy had ordered a simple, light grey tank top from Amazon. What could go wrong? When the parcel arrived, the tank top was actually a woman’s dress! At least this guy thought it was funny and didn’t get too upset.


Animal Pillow Case

If you have a child that loves dinosaurs then this pillow seems like it would be the perfect gift. That’s what this mom thought. She wanted to surprise her son with the awesome dinosaur pillowcase for his birthday.

Animal Pillow Case

Animal Pillow Case

Unfortunately, the pillowcase was not what she had expected. Instead of a dinosaur-shaped pillowcase, she got a pillowcase with the image that was used to advertise the pillowcase on the site. Needless to say, she had to go out and buy her son a different birthday gift.


Masked Crusader

There are so many different beauty products on the market these days that promise to do wonders for your skin. There are cleansing facial products, anti-wrinkle creams, formulas for problem skin, and masks that promise to leave your skin feeling clean and refreshed.

Masked Crusader

Masked Crusader

This lady bought a mask from the store and soon realized that she didn’t get what she thought she was going to get. The mask was so tiny, it looked like it was made for a doll and not for a person.


A Unique Chair

You can find some great bargains online, you just need to know where to look. This woman was looking to buy a unique looking chair for her bedroom but she had to stay within her budget and couldn’t spend too much money.

A Unique Chair

A Unique Chair

She was thrilled when she found this transparent, plastic chair for $10. She was thrilled with her purchase. But when the chair arrived, it was minute. It was actually a doll’s chair. Either the description was misleading or she didn’t read properly.


International Shipping

There are many online sites that you can use to buy anything you can possibly imagine, from clothes. To books, to blankets. There are some local sites and there are some international sights.

International Shipping

International Shipping

This lady saw this beautiful woven blanket advertised on Wish and ordered it because it was also a good price. It took some time to arrive, and when it did she was shocked. What arrived was definitely not the blanket that was advertised. It was a knot of woven fibers.


A Magical Unicorn

Nowadays there are many different pool inflatables you can buy. You can get anything from a giant pineapple to a crocodile shaped inflatable. For some reason, unicorns are the trend at the moment so it’s no surprise that they make unicorn inflatables too.

A Magical Unicorn

A Magical Unicorn

This guy wanted to get one for his daughter so he ordered online. The picture looked really cool. But it turns out that the unicorn inflatable was actually bigger than their kiddie-sized swimming pool! Why don’t specify the dimensions?


Questionable Quality Control

Punching bags are supposed to be made to endure punch after punch. They should be durable, otherwise, it wouldn’t be much of a punching bag.

Questionable Quality Control

Questionable Quality Control

This guy wanted to get a punching bag and ordered one online. He installed it in his basement and began training straight away. After only a few punches the whole thing fell apart. It tore at the seams and the stuffing, which seemed to be compromised of garbage, scattered all over the floor. How did this product pass quality control?


Yeezys All The Way

Adidas is a very famous brand of athletic sneakers and apparel which is known worldwide. Other than their great quality, they’re known for creating fashionable designs. However, they can be quite pricey.

Yeezys All The Way

Yeezys All The Way

So when this guy found some Adidas Yeezys online for a great price he didn’t hesitate to order a pair. He got the shock of his life when he opened the box to find a pair of slippers that were made to look like Yeezys. He must have been fuming!


Buying In Bulk

Buying in bulk can save you a lot of money, especially if you’re buying online. But be careful to read the description correctly, and if you’re not of anything, contact the seller with any questions you may have before placing your order.

Buying In Bulk

Buying In Bulk

This guy needed to get chairs for the break room. So when he found some online going for a great price he ordered over 30 chairs. He was shocked to discover that they were small enough for a child.


Dustpan For A Giant

Whenever you buy anything online, you always run the risk that they’ll deliver the wrong product. Or that the item you receive won’t be exactly what you expected it to be. That’s exactly what happened to this girl.

Dustpan For A Giant

Dustpan For A Giant

This girl ordered an ordinary dustpan online but received this giant-sized dustpan that looks like it was made for a giant. Should she try to buy a broom from the same site? Maybe they’ll send her a giant one to match her giant dustpan.


Not To Scale

You have to be very cautious when buying things online form a Chinese site because sometimes the language barrier can be a problem. This person bought a scale from Wish and never imagined that she would receive anything but what she ordered as it’s such a simple item.

Not To Scale

Not To Scale

She couldn’t be more wrong. She realized something was wrong when she saw the size of the package. When she opened it, she saw that they sent her a tiny, doll-sized scale.


Spring Collection

If your local store has an online option, it can make your life a lot easier. You can order anything you need from the comfort of your own home and they will deliver it to your door.

Spring Collection

Spring Collection

This lady ordered a vase with a bunch of flowers online and picked an arrangement called “Spring Show.” When the delivery man handed her the arrangement she was speechless. Because they didn’t have those flowers in stock, they decided to substitute them with a bunch of spring onions.


No Lion

Online gift and flower delivery sites are really great because you can send your friend a birthday gift even if they lived in another state. You can choose from a selection of different arrangements to choose from.

No Lion

No Lion

This man wanted to get his wife a surprise gift so he ordered this lion flower arrangement. His wife sent him a photo of the arrangement she received but it looked nothing like the picture shown on the sight. That was pure false advertising!


What Is This?

Everyone knows that microwave dinners aren’t exactly gourmet meals. But some of them are really tasty. That wasn’t the case at all with this chicken enchilada. Just because it’s a convenient meal it doesn’t mean it has to be so bad.

What Is This?

What Is This?

This guy had had a long day and bought this meal for dinner but was beyond disgusted to discover that what was inside looked nothing like the picture on the box. The refried beans had coagulated into one giant block, and the enchiladas were absolutely less than appetizing.


Feeling Cheated

Specialty chocolates can be quite pricey, especially if they’re imported from another country. But sometimes, the extra smooth chocolatey taste is worth every cent. It’s not like you would buy it every day.

Feeling Cheated

Feeling Cheated

When this person bought this slab of imported chocolate he thought he was getting a product of a higher grade. Needless to say, he felt cheated when he opened it up and saw that they had misled him into thinking that the slab was full of cranberries.