Pictures You Just Have to Laugh At

Published on July 3, 2022

Do you tend to have a darker sense of humor and just have to laugh when others experience misfortune? There’s no shame here, and this article is for you!

Sometimes, you can’t help but laugh at some things. It’s unfortunate when someone drops something, but it tickles you in ways that harmless jokes can’t. No one is physically harmed, and it brings out the hilarity of certain situations. Plus, the one suffering the embarrassment probably thought it was funny. Well, it might have taken a few days!

Scroll through the list to see some unfortunate and sometimes sticky scenarios that others found themselves in and laugh to your heart’s content!

Exploding Ink Cartridge

Simple administrative tasks might completely fail and become hilarious to others. That happened here because the ink cartridge exploded when a woman tried switching to a new one. You even see where she stood!

Exploding Ink Cartridge

Exploding Ink Cartridge

Swinging as Adults

While some words take on new meanings as adults, this guy apparently wanted to feel like his children, flying through the air. However, it’s a child’s swing set, so it wasn’t meant for older people!

Swinging as Adults

Swinging as Adults