Pictures You Just Have to Laugh At

Published on July 6, 2022
Do you tend to have a darker sense of humor and just have to laugh when others experience misfortune? There’s no shame here, and this article is for you!

Sometimes, you can’t help but laugh at some things. It’s unfortunate when someone drops something, but it tickles you in ways that harmless jokes can’t. No one is physically harmed, and it brings out the hilarity of certain situations. Plus, the one suffering the embarrassment probably thought it was funny. Well, it might have taken a few days!

Scroll through the list to see some unfortunate and sometimes sticky scenarios that others found themselves in and laugh to your heart’s content!

Exploding Ink Cartridge

Simple administrative tasks might completely fail and become hilarious to others. That happened here because the ink cartridge exploded when a woman tried switching to a new one. You even see where she stood!

Exploding Ink Cartridge

Exploding Ink Cartridge

Swinging as Adults

While some words take on new meanings as adults, this guy apparently wanted to feel like his children, flying through the air. However, it’s a child’s swing set, so it wasn’t meant for older people!

Swinging as Adults

Swinging as Adults


Fooling No One

This cat didn’t fool anyone. You can see he’s a bird eater and not a feeder! You, cat, aren’t stealthy. It might be wise to head back to your cat bowl to see if you’ve got something to eat there!

Fooling No One

Fooling No One


Smelly Car

Can you imagine the odor coming from that car? It must be horrible if they’ve got that many air fresheners! They probably need an industrial clean because those devices only cover up the smell for a short period and don’t solve the problem!

Smelly Car

Smelly Car


Singed Whiskers

Cats do silly things that make you giggle. Here, you see one was too close to the fireplace. The poor kitty burnt his whiskers, which he needs. Did you know that cats use them for balance? This guy might have a few issues!

Singed Whiskers

Singed Whiskers


Rest in Peace

There are so many questions pertaining to this question. Why is the answer selection so limited? Grandpa isn’t likely 5 years old or 500! While 50 is the rational answer, he might be older than that. This kid created their own choice by writing “dead.”

Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace


No Flyers Allowed

That bulletin board had a sign posted that clearly says people cannot add flyers to the space. However, there’s no mention of flies. Good thing someone took the initiative. Still, that fly had seen better days for sure!

No Flyers Allowed

No Flyers Allowed


Dark and True

It’s not false advertising, per se. You hope that a graveyard is quiet at all hours because that might otherwise be a cause for concern. Do you want to live near zombies? Potential buyers might decide on a different view, though.

Dark and True

Dark and True


Late and Poor for a Bad Day

What’s worse than missing your essay deadline? The only thing that comes to mind is damaging the laptop charger while rushing to finish your homework. You’ll likely get a poor grade if you can even finish it because the computer could die!

Late and Poor for a Bad Day

Late and Poor for a Bad Day


The Wine Cow

Traditionally, cows only produce milk. While rumors circulated that brown cows created chocolate milk, it was considered fake news. However, when did they start making wine? The dairy section at this store seems to imply that!

The Wine Cow

The Wine Cow


Not the Whole Truth

The sign isn’t lying, but it doesn’t paint the entire picture. Fresh eggs don’t have bones and could become chickens. However, this is a joke for sure. Getting boneless chicken for 35 cents is an amazing deal, but not like this.

Not the Whole Truth

Not the Whole Truth


Ominous Message

Usually, fortune cookies offer positive messages. They’re not supposed to bring up all the negative aspects of humans. Could it be that the factory worker who made these cookies had some dark secrets they wanted to share?!

Ominous Message

Ominous Message


Bad Target Practice

The driver of this car probably wanted to do some shopping, but someone thought the vehicle was target practice. A parking lot isn’t the right place for archery. Did the driver wrong someone, or was it something else altogether?

Bad Target Practice

Bad Target Practice


No Interruptions at the Staff Meeting

Many people are now self-employed, so a business might only have one person running the show. Talking to yourself isn’t as weird as people believe, and it keeps the boredom away. This person really wanted people to leave them alone!

No Interruptions at the Staff Meeting

No Interruptions at the Staff Meeting


RIP Chocolate Penguin

That guy showed a coworker how to make chocolate penguins. However, they went a step farther by crafting animals that had been ripped in two. Things got out of hand quickly, and it seems like the start of an animated horror movie!

RIP Chocolate Penguin

RIP Chocolate Penguin


Extra Legroom

There’s often no leg space when you travel on a budget airline. If you’re lucky, you get a seat by the emergency exits to stretch out a bit. This person had that idea but couldn’t anticipate the neighbor sitting like that!

Extra Legroom

Extra Legroom


Don’t Eat Me

If the candy bar could talk, it would likely be yelling. It actually looks disgusted by the whole ordeal and seems to say, “You’re going to eat me? How dare you!” We definitely feel the judgment here!

Don't Eat Me

Don’t Eat Me


Moody Kitty

The cat was sleeping peacefully with their owner, but then it was moved forcibly. This kitty wasn’t happy and shunned the household, refusing to look at anyone. However, things were probably forgiven once it was meal time.

Moody Kitty

Moody Kitty


Not Your Milk

Never take food and beverages that aren’t yours. It’s considered stealing, but you don’t know where it was from, either. The milk taker here might have learned a very important life lesson. Their coffee might have tasted a bit off!

Not Your Milk

Not Your Milk


No Brown Dresses in the Pool

People do many things for art. You might paint yourself or jump into a swimming pool with formal clothes. This woman jumped in to make it float in the water, but her dress was brown. The result looks like she did a no-no!

No Brown Dresses in the Pool

No Brown Dresses in the Pool


Misplaced Cookie

This was likely a joke because it could have gone down the toilet. Could you imagine handing Cynthia that fortune cookie, waiting to pull out the ring to propose while she read it? What might happen if it was the wrong fortune? That’s a definite anti-climax!

Misplaced Cookie

Misplaced Cookie


The Sad Puppy

A woman cleaned up her son’s room, vacuum-sealing his stuffed animals. However, she could have been more careful. This poor little guy was probably a beloved friend to her son, but now he’s sad and squished!

The Sad Puppy

The Sad Puppy


Sadness Predicted

Most people don’t see a picture of a laughing boy and wonder if he’s sad. The simple response to a question like that is no. However, the one who answered had to be psychic, predicting that he might be sad soon.

Sadness Predicted

Sadness Predicted


Leave Plenty of Space

It’s probably best to stop parking in front of fire hydrants. First responders must access them instantly in an emergency to prevent a disaster and would be very annoyed if a car blocked it. However, kudos to the firefighters for an innovative solution!

Leave Plenty of Space

Leave Plenty of Space


Better Parenting

Kids are often fearful of some things, such as rollercoasters and other fairground rides. Sometimes, parents push their children to overcome the fear and go regardless. Why should kids do something they hate? This sign knows the struggle!

Better Parenting

Better Parenting


Skeletal Surprise

This is a good prank! The person chose to redo his bathroom, leaving a surprise for the next renovation. That house might be sold in about 10 years, and the new owners might want to spruce things up. They’re sure to get a shock!

Skeletal Surprise

Skeletal Surprise


A Classy Photo

One man took a photo of his wife and just had to laugh. She was confused until she got to see the picture. If you look at it closely, you see her whole face in the frame of her glasses. It’s quite odd!

A Classy Photo

A Classy Photo


Wasted Trip

When that man wakes up, he’s sure to be very sad. He took the subway to get a pizza, but then it fell while he was asleep. It’s all very tragic. Maybe someone might turn the picture into a portrait and title it “Pain in Pizza.”

Wasted Trip

Wasted Trip


My Seat

If you’ve gone through a breakup, you know it’s tough. It’s time to split everything and be sad. However, your home is yours again, right? That didn’t happen for this couple. The woman was surprised when she went to go to the bathroom and realized the toilet was gone!

My Seat

My Seat


Don’t Forget Sunscreen

Many people are tempted to skip the sunscreen because they want a good tan or think that their clothes protect them enough. However, this woman had burns through her clothes. Holy jeans aren’t the best choice for sunbathing!

Don't Forget Sunscreen

Don’t Forget Sunscreen


Bad Luck

One laptop user snapped a photo and captioned it, saying that a bird flew in the window, peed on the computer, and died in front of her. Birds are often used as omens, and this definitely can’t be good. This person probably didn’t feel like working after that!

Bad Luck

Bad Luck


The Unfriendly Reminder

Gary probably wasn’t happy to get this reminder from Facebook. Apparently, it’s not as popular as it once was, so maybe his friends use a different platform. Perhaps they’re real-life friends who visited and celebrated with him. We can only hope!

The Unfriendly Reminder

The Unfriendly Reminder


Rude Passport

Sometimes, we take pictures that aren’t flattering. Your forehead might look big, your face is full, and you appear heavier than normal. Likewise, people might make changes as a joke, and real institutions might accidentally do this. Look below!

Rude Passport

Rude Passport


Big Magnet

MRI machines are basically large magnets. That’s why technicians tell you to remove metal objects before going inside. However, people might forget like these employees. They turned it on without realizing their mistake!

Big Magnet

Big Magnet



Many people fight for the window seat, and they’re often pre-booked because of their popularity. However, what happens when you’re promised it and then have no window? This boy was quite shocked at his bad luck!




Seriously Dry

This dryer is taking its job to a new level. You dry clothes with heat, but it’s likely to do its job faster when the area is hotter. Still, that could be a step too far. Fire is definitely hot, but it also burns things…like clothes!

Seriously Dry

Seriously Dry


The Lengthy Update

Mathematical pros know that 100 percent is the maximum. When talking about cash and interest, you could make profits higher than that, indicating that you’ve doubled your money and received more. However, computer updates should be done at 100 percent!

The Lengthy Update

The Lengthy Update


Always Focus on You

Allegedly, this was a French SWAT team member. Clearly, if you want things done well, you should do it yourself. Everyone’s heard that expression. This also includes protecting your life and not relying on others to do so!

Always Focus on You

Always Focus on You


Security Breach

Someone at Target did not do their job correctly. Usually, when items are purchased, they release the security tag, but that didn’t happen when this person bought a delivered Amazon ECHO. Are the police about to bust down the door?!

Security Breach

Security Breach


Set Up for Failure

Kyle made a judgment error here. Most people want to impress their date, so they tell their friends not to talk about embarrassing stories. However, he sent her the message. Relationships should focus on honesty, and that includes embarrassment, Kyle!

Set Up for Failure

Set Up for Failure