60 People Who Had One Job, and Failed Miserably

Published on November 24, 2019

Nine Days a Week 

Imagine being the owner of a store and craving money so badly that you invent two more days just to sell more products. Anyone who works here would have the most confusing schedule in all of the world. Considering a week only has seven days, they may have to double up on most days just to work close to the number of days this store is expecting them to. They should have turned the number nine upside down and settled with being open only six days a week.

Nine Days Of The Week Sign

Nine Days Of The Week Sign

A Rebel to the Rule

The words ‘do not stack’ are written boldly and clearly on the sides of the boxes, and yet an employee decided to stack the boxes anyway. The employee responsible for the mistake probably chose to ignore the warning just to make their job easier. During the peak times at a pizza shop, it can get hectic, and no one wants to have to fold a new box for every ordered pizza. Despite this fact, it is probably best not to disobey the rules, no matter how much easier it makes things.

Stacked Boxes

Stacked Boxes