When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020

Another Prize Winner

Here, we have another parking prize winner. We can certainly imagine seeing this sign at a distance as you walk towards your car, but the truth of the matter is, we can’t actually say that this was a prize worth winning.

The Big Winner

The Big Winner

What makes this parking pariah different from the rest is that the note alludes to the fact that they have been parked in the spot…or spots…for more than a month! That is downright ridiculous in our opinion.

Passive Aggressive Poster

This is a funny one, and we think it’s quite creative. As you can see, this is like a coloring page, something that you might give a young child to learn how to color between the lines. Remarkably, that’s the same lesson you should learn when parking a car.

Coloring Page

Coloring Page

We can’t really see how this person parked, so we don’t know how bad this parking job was. All we do know is that this driver didn’t park between the lines, and someone thought they needed some practice to learn how.