When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020

Total Destruction

Wow. This is definitely something that we haven’t seen yet, and it should certainly be a lesson to anyone who is considering parking illegally. We don’t even know how this happened, but we definitely know it is bad.



This looks like some type of concrete ripper-upper, and if it can destroy concrete, there is no doubt in our mind that it can destroy a car. if there is anyone on this list that should learn a big lesson, it is the driver of this car.

Chained Up

In many cities across the land, law enforcement uses some type of wheel block when they find an illegally parked car. This device must be unlocked by said law enforcement, but usually only after a fine is paid.

Chained Together

Chained Together

We don’t know where this photo was taken, but it doesn’t look like there were any of those wheel blockers available. Instead, this car’s tires were stopped from rolling thanks to some very heavy chain. Try getting out of that!