When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020

Keeping it Simple

The person who left this note was certainly keeping things simple. In this case, the driver of the Lexus you see in the photo has reportedly taken up two spots instead of one. But, the writer of the note has pointed it out.



We have to agree that it seems like a bit of overkill to pull your car into two parking spots, no matter what. It is especially rude when there are very few spots available. But, we don’t know why someone would do it if there are plenty of spots available.

Fancy Cars Don’t Get Special Treatment

Some people who have fancy cars might think that they deserve special treatment…but they don’t! We all have the same right to a parking spot, no matter what type of car we are driving. This driver must have had a different idea.

Fancy Car?

Fancy Car?

In this case, you see the nice, white fancy sports car taking up two spots. Rude, right? Well, the driver of the dirty Jeep certainly believed so, and they took one for the team and decided to show the sports car driver a lesson.