When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020

Shopping Cart Revenge

This is pretty smart. As you can see, this driver parked in two spaces with the parking line pretty much right in the middle. But, as we have discussed before, this is just rude and inconsiderate behavior.

Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart

If you look close here, you will see that someone has made this driver’s life a little difficult. They actually used a zip tie to attach a cart to the handle of this car! That will hopefully teach the driver of this car to park like a normal person.

Law Enforcement?

Here we can very clearly show you that even law enforcement is not immune to the wrath of angry people. This parking enforcement car was actually given a ticket for…you guessed it…parking illegally!

Parking Enforcement

Parking Enforcement

We hope that the person who got this ticket isn’t too mad. It doesn’t matter who you are, you shouldn’t be above the law. If they parked in the wrong place, they should get a ticket just like anyone else.