2000 Year Old Remains Of Noah’s Ark Discovered By Archeologists

Published on August 29, 2019
The great flood that allegedly wiped out all life forms over 2000 years ago and Noah’s ark have mystified people all over the world for centuries. Could archeologists have found proof that it was indeed a historical event that occurred?

The Biblical Boat’s Resting Place

The Bible states that once the flood had subsided, Noah’s Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. Archeologists have been searching for evidence to shed light on what may have happened. Thousands of years later, they’ve hit the jackpot.

The Biblical Boat’s Resting Place

The Biblical Boat’s Resting Place

They Boarded The Ark Two By Two

The Bible describes how God instructed Noah that his family must board the boat together with enough animals of each and every species. This was so the earth could be filled with all life forms again once the flood receded.

They Boarded The Ark Two By Two

They Boarded The Ark Two By Two


A Vessel Strong Enough To Survive A Flood

God had given Noah very specific dimensions and instructions to build this boat to keep his family and all those animals safe during the flood. The ark was enormous, with dimensions of 450x75x45 feet in size, with three levels inside.

A Vessel Strong Enough To Survive A Flood

A Vessel Strong Enough To Survive A Flood


Non-Stop Research

Researches from Noah’s Ark Ministries International in Hong Kong has led many expeditions trying to find more information regarding the ark. Some believe their research is bogus, others believe they may have found the key to its last known location.

Non-Stop Research

Non-Stop Research


Which Theory Is True?

It was reported in 1955 that a 5000-year-old, five-foot wooden beam was found under a glacier on Mount Ararat, but it was false. In earlier centuries, the Syrians believe that the ark actually landed on Mount Judi, “Place of Descent.”

Which Theory Is True?

Which Theory Is True?


Conflicting Theories

The main theory is that the ark landed on Mount Ararat, however, a young_Earth creationist, Dr. Andrew Sneling believes that that’s not possible. He believes that Mount Ararat only formed after the flood. Why is he so convinced of this?

Conflicting Theories

Conflicting Theories


What Did The Ark Really Look Like?

Many theologians believed to know exactly what the ark looked like. Early theologians Origen and Augustine, were thought to have a more accurate idea than most. In the 15th century, Alfonso Tostada wrote a report revealing details about the ark.

What Did The Ark Really Look Like?

What Did The Ark Really Look Like?


Understanding The Why Is Quite Important

There are many miracles that occurred according to the Bible. Understand why these happened is just as important as knowing where, when, and how they happened. Just like with science, the Bible aims to explain why certain stories occurred.

Understanding The Why Is Quite Important 

Understanding The Why Is Quite Important


Trying To Protect And Preserve The Past

In 1829, Dr. Friedrich Parrot climbed Mount Ararat and explains in his book “Journey to Ararat,” how locals felt about their belief that Noah’s Ark’s remains rest atop Ararat. They want to preserve it so don’t allow anyone near it.

Trying To Protect And Preserve The Past

Trying To Protect And Preserve The Past


Substantial Evidence

Research from Noah’s Ark Ministries International (NAMI) believed to have found evidence that the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat. In 2010 another group from China and Turkey went searching and found wooden artifacts, which could be a breakthrough.

Substantial Evidence

Substantial Evidence


Bird’s Eye View

A helicopter pilot, George Greene, flew over Ararat and claimed he saw the ark from up high. It was allegedly nestled into a rock cliff about 13,000 feet above sea level. However, some people believe it was just basalt.

Bird’s Eye View

Bird’s Eye View


A Representation Of The Earth

The Hebrews believe the world is formed by three levels, the heavens, the waters, and the earth. The Bible states how God chose to destroy the three-leveled world he created and protected Noah and everything aboard with a three-level ark.

Noah’s Ark Said To Be A Representation Of The Earth

A Representation Of The Earth


What Kind Of Wood Was The Ark Built From?

The King James Version of the Bible states that it was made form ‘gopher wood,’ however because trees like that don’t exist today, it’s hard to confirm. The NIV version says it was ‘cypress wood,’ so it’s still a mystery.

What Kind Of Wood Was The Ark Built From?

What Kind Of Wood Was The Ark Built From?


Was It Really Two By Two?

There are contradicting statements in the Bible, which says that God instructed Noah to take more than two of each animal. A passage says, “seven pairs of clean animals,” “one pair of unclean animals,” and “seven pairs of bird kinds.”

Was It Really Two By Two?

Was It Really Two By Two?


Mount Ararat Is The Tallest Peak In Turkey

The Armenians believe that the ark rests on Mount Ararat in Turkey and think of it as a sacred mountain because of their deep Christian beliefs. They even have the snow-capped mountains and the ark on their coat of arms.

Mount Ararat Is The Tallest Peak In Turkey

Mount Ararat Is The Tallest Peak In Turkey


Landing Location Research Continues

For centuries scholars have been trying to identify where the ark rested. A first-century theologians believed the ‘mountains of Ararat’ in the Bible were in Armenia. Hieronymus and Nicolaus of Damascus believed that too, but not all scholars agree.

Research To Identify Where The Ark Landed Continues

Landing Location Research Continues


Marco Polo’s Theory

In his book “The Travels of Marco Polo,” the world-renowned explorer writes about “…the Armenian mountain range, with its peak shaped like a cube on which Noah’s ark is said to have rested…. It’s called the Mountain of Noah’s Ark.”

Marco Polo’s Theory

Marco Polo’s Theory


Inconsistencies In Biblical Theories

Scientists believe that there are inconsistencies with Christian theories regarding the great flood. Scientists say that if there had been a flood there would be evidence of those water levels in the soil. Such evidence is lacking according to science.

Inconsistencies In Biblical Theories

Inconsistencies In Biblical Theories


Tracing Back to Noah’s DNA

According to the Bible, Noah and his family were the only humans that survived the flood, so they were responsible for repopulating the earth. If that event was true then there would be DNA genealogy tracing back to Noah’s family.

Tracing Back To Noah’s DNA

Tracing Back To Noah’s DNA


A Similar Noah And The Great Flood Story

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a Mesopotamian poem recorded on 12 tablets. It’s about Gilgamesh’s search for eternal life and the story of the Great Flood. The similarities are astounding, Noah’s story and this one are almost word for word.

A Similar Noah And The Great Flood Story

A Similar Noah And The Great Flood Story


A Replica of The Ark

A life-sized replica has been built by a Dutch carpenter, and he plans to sail it to Israel, known as the Holy Land. He has even carved life-size replicas of the animals that would have been aboard the ark.

A Replica Of The Ark

A Replica Of The Ark


The Ark Encounter Theme Park

In 2016 an Evangelical Christian Group constructed another replica of the vessel. They turned it into a theme park in Grant County, Kentucky and it attracts many visitors from all around the country. It’s a massive 510 feet in length!

The Ark Encounter Theme Park

The Ark Encounter Theme Park


A Joint Effort

The Geoscience Research Institute held a symposium in Turkey to discuss theories about Mount Ararat. Over 100 researchers and scientists attended and shared their knowledge. One of the attendees even claimed to have the answer to where the ark rested.

A Joint Effort

A Joint Effort


Where Does The Ice Age Fit In?

Centuries later, scientists are still trying to figure out where on the timeline did the great flood occur, in relation to the Ice Age. This was a period when ice sheets formed in the Northern Hemisphere, which then retreated.

Where Does The Ice Age Fit In?

Where Does The Ice Age Fit In?


A Story That Doesn’t Quite Make Sense

George Hagopian claimed that he had seen the ark when he was a boy in the early 1900s. He said he and his uncle had climbed on the roof but this doesn’t quite add up as dates don’t match up either.

A Story That Doesn’t Quite Make Sense

A Story That Doesn’t Quite Make Sense


The Bible May Not Be The Only Source Of Information

Many believe that the story of the Great Flood originated from Mesopotamia, which is now known as Iran and Iraq. There are nine versions of the flood that wiped out the world that only start in the Old Babylonian period.

The Bible May Not Be The Only Source Of Information

The Bible May Not Be The Only Source Of Information


A Biblical Event In History

Regardless of skeptics, the story of Noah is significant in the Bible. It explains how God is tired of the wickedness of people and instructs Noah to construct the ark to save himself and his family from the flood.

A Biblical Event In History

A Biblical Event In History


A Biblical Resting Place For The Ark

Most people will tell you they believe the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat, because of its reference in the Bible. That’s why researchers believe it’s now resting on a place with the same name, which is Mount Ararat.

A Biblical Resting Place For The Ark

A Biblical Resting Place For The Ark


A Story That Is Believed To Be Sacred

The story of Noah and the flood is not only sacred for people with Christians beliefs, but for those with Jewish, Islamic, and Baha’i beliefs as well. You can find many similarities in the different stories but small differences too.

A Story That Is Believed To Be Sacred

A Story That Is Believed To Be Sacred


The Information Brought About Some Confusion

At the symposium, scientists shared much information regarding the ark and an ancient history lecturer questioned the theory in relation to the pyramids. If there was such a flood, how did these Egyptians structures that are centuries old remain intact?

The Information Brought About Some Confusion

The Information Brought About Some Confusion


A Very Well Thought Out Opinion

Dr. Snelling believes the biblical “mountains of Ararat” were formed before the Great flood receded so the ark could land there. Because a flood reshapes the earth’s geology it could be a clue of where to look for the ark.

A Very Well Thought Out Opinion

A Very Well Thought Out Opinion


Volcanic Ash Could Serve As Evidence

Biblical geologist, Dr. Snelling believes that Mount Ararat is not the resting place of the ark because the ash layers and lava on Mount Ararat date to a post-Ice Age time. This volcano only grew after the flood had receded.

Volcanic Ash Could Serve As Evidence

Volcanic Ash Could Serve As Evidence


Another Possible Lead To The Resting Place Of The Ark

Professor Raul Esperante from California works with the Geoscience Research Institute believes he found evidence of the ark on Mount Ararat. He visits sites around the mountain to find evidence of catastrophic events that may have occurred in the past.

Another Possible Lead To The Resting Place Of The Ark

Another Possible Lead To The Resting Place Of The Ark


Evidence Found By NAMI Researchers

In 2010, NAMI archeologists claimed to have found the remains of the ark high up Mount Ararat. They found a wooden structured that was partitioned as the Bible describes. Carbon dating states that the wood is approximately 4800 years old.

Evidence Found By NAMI Researchers

Evidence Found By NAMI Researchers


Some Pretty Strong Evidence To Go By

NAMI researcher Eung Wing-Cheung is 99.9 percent sure that what they found on Mount Ararat was Noah’s Ark. Professor Raul Esperante also believes that those findings are indeed accurate, but still, not all archeologists are convinced of the fact.

Some Pretty Strong Evidence To Go By

Some Pretty Strong Evidence To Go By


Trying To Prove NAMI’s Findings as True

Esperante is adamant and has made it his life’s purpose to prove NAMI’s findings. He is continuing his research and plans on publishing his findings as soon as possible. He plans on writing journals, publications, and books on the matter.

Trying To Prove NAMI’s Findings As True

Trying To Prove NAMI’s Findings As True


One Step Closer To The Truth

Esperante is urging international scientific communities to invest in his research to help with his research. He wants to publish his findings to share his discovery with the world. This would be as big as the discovery of the Rosetta Stone.

One Step Closer To The Truth

One Step Closer To The Truth


Evidence Of Where The Ark Was Originally Built?

A documentary describes how the ark may have been built in the Babylon Province in Iraq. there’s a set of ruins with many bricks scattered. This also could be the place where the Tower of Babel was built and destroyed.

Evidence Of Where The Ark Was Originally Built?

Evidence Of Where The Ark Was Originally Built?


Possible Satellite Images Of Where The Ark Rests

A Space Imaging Company, Digital globe traveled to Turkey to take photos of what they believed to be Noah’s Ark resting on the mountain of Ararat. The research took some pretty amazing images and have shared it with the world.

Possible Satellite Images Of Where The Ark Rests

Possible Satellite Images Of Where The Ark Rests


Fascinating Images

Once the images were released, Professor Taylor became convinced that this was reliable evidence of biblical proportions. He is optimistic that if he continues to push the intelligence communities they will make more images declassified and more can be revealed.

Fascinating Images

Fascinating Images