NFL Cheerleaders Are Subjected to Unexpected and Crazy Rules

Published on August 1, 2022

Everyone enjoys seeing the gorgeous cheerleaders rushing onto the field during football games. They’re often seen as the highlight of the show! You experience the long legs, beautiful smiles, and midriffs, but the coordinated choreography is one of the best things about them. However, it’s easy for people to forget that cheerleaders are also athletes!

Behind the flawless movements and happy expressions is a series of rules dictating what these women can do. Life becomes a harsh reality for these ladies, and some of them are outdated and should definitely go! Here are some of the most extreme or strict rules governing their lives:

Income for the Uniform

The uniforms cheerleaders wear bring the excitement. While they might look small while on the woman, they use many materials and cost a lot of money. These ladies have to pay for them. They only earn about $10/hour, but uniforms can cost $500 or more!

Income For The Uniform

Income For The Uniform

Timing Is Everything

Cheerleaders only get paid minimum wage, so most of them work second jobs. However, those must be done around rehearsals. NFL cheerleaders must be on time to practice or lose their standing. Some even get fines, which come out of their own pockets!

Timing Is Everything

Timing Is Everything