These People Will Never Shop Online Again

Published on November 14, 2021

With the invention of the internet, a lot of things that people never thought about dramatically changed. One of those things is how we shop for things. Instead of heading to a store, now all we have to do is look something up, click a few buttons, and wait for its delivery. That’s all very well and good, but the major drawback of online shopping is the fact that you can’t physically see what you’re ordering until after it’s been delivered. Here are some examples of people receiving something totally different than what they expected, and we’re not so sure they’ll be trusting online shopping anytime soon again.

You’re Kitten Me

This woman came across this adorable kitty bathrobe that looked super cute and very luxurious and soft. What arrived in the mail looks more like a cat the got caught out in the rain. Not very luxurious at all.

You Re Kitten Me

You’re Kitten Me

Men’s Tank

A lot of people who work out like to get fitness clothing that will show off all of their hard work. This guy wanted to get a minimal tank top that would show off his arms, since he has been trying to grow his muscles. What arrived was unfortunately more like a dress than a tank top. At least it still looked good on him!

Men’s Tank

Men’s Tank