Perfectly Timed Misleading Photos That Will Have You In Stitches

Published on March 3, 2020
Photos can make time stand still as you encapsulate a single moment in a snapshot. There’s something to be said about photos that are taken at just the right time and place. These misleading photos will make you look twice.

And That’s A Wrap

The van in this picture advertises how they specialize in banners, posters, display systems, and vehicle wraps. The wrap of the sports car demonstrates how good they are at their job as it creates such an optical illusion. It looks like the car is actually right there.

And That’s A Wrap

And That’s A Wrap

An Extra Appendage

When you take a quick look at the photo it looks like the little girl third from the left has an extra arm growing from her head. But soon you realize it belongs to the boy to her right. You have to really look closely to see that.

An Extra Appendage

An Extra Appendage


Is That A Man Child?

Have you ever seen a man with a child’s body? Well, now you have. The way this photo was taken was so clever because it appears to be a man holding a man with a child’s body. When it’s actually a man holding a child.

Is That A Man Child?

Is That A Man Child?


Godzilla Really Exists

Is that Godzilla or a giant baboon about to squash that car into a pancake? The baboon appears to be larger than the car ahead but in actual fact, it is a normal-sized baboon sitting on another car’s windshield. What a deceiving photo.

Godzilla Really Exists

Godzilla Really Exists


A Cat With Two Heads

At first glance, your brain struggles to make sense of what it’s looking at. Is that a giant cat with two heads and broad shoulders? You really have to take a second look to figure out it is actually two cats resting on each other.

A Cat With Two Heads

A Cat With Two Heads


The Dog On The Train

You know how they say that dogs often look like their owners? Well, this is taking it a little too far. This person looks so much like its dogs that you can’t actually tell that the owner is human!

The Dog On The Train

The Dog On The Train


Great Camouflage Skills

Animals in the wild have to be good at camouflage in order to be invisible to predators, so when going on safari you have to blend in with the environment too. This girl is a pro at it! It even looks like she doesn’t have legs!

Great Camouflage SKills

Great Camouflage SKills


The Son Of Bigfoot

Big Foot might be a legend who probably doesn’t exist, but it looks like his son does! By looking at this photo you’d swear that this baby’s feet were bigger than him. Is it eye trickery or could really be the son of Bigfoot?

The Son Of Bigfoot

The Son Of Bigfoot


Lying On Water

Anyone would agree that if a man were to have walked on water it would have been a miracle right? But what about lying on the water? We’re not quite sure how he’s doing it but it would appear that his body is weightless.

Lying On Water

Lying On Water


Whose Head Is It?

This is either a case of a two-bodied-one-headed-person or one of these ladies is headless? It’s amazing how perspective can play such a big role in how the brain perceives what the eye sees. Even back in the time of monochrome photos, this would have been weird.

Whose Head Is It?

Whose Head Is It?


Revenge Of The Giant Bird

The way this photo was taken it looks like this giant bird is about to take revenge on an innocent passerby. Who knows, maybe this guy deserves what’s coming but he most definitely doesn’t expect it. Be kind to birds from now on!

Revenge Of The Giant Bird

Revenge Of The Giant Bird


What A Long Game!

This basketball game was so intense and long that this player’s hair turned gray in the process. Or is that a white man’s head on a black man’s body? Gosh, this photo sure is confusing. A perfect example of a photo taken at just the right time.

What A Long Game!

What A Long Game!


Two Left Feet

This photo gives new meaning to the saying when someone has two left feet. It looks like the woman literally has two left feet, except one is in the place of her left hand! How is that even possible? Oh wait, there’s her left hand!

Two Left Feet

Two Left Feet


Floating On Water

There’s one thing floating on water and there’s another actually resting on the water’s surface. Whoever took this photo managed to snap it at just the perfect time s it looks like this little girl is doing a magic trick of floating on water.

Floating On Water

Floating On Water


Half Man, Half Woman

So we’ve seen half-human, half-horses, a half-human half-zebra, and even a half-human, half-dog but we’ve never seen a half-man, half-woman. Guess there’s a time for everything. Well, they seem to be enjoying the beach regardless. The lady in the black bathing suit does look quite confused though.

Half Man, Half Woman

Half Man, Half Woman


The Human Tripod

At a quick glance, it looks like this lady has three legs. In fact, even at close inspection, it’s difficult to see anything but a lady with three legs. Be patient though, you’ll see the vase soon enough. When you do you, the image makes sense.

The Human Tripod

The Human Tripod


Those Are Some Impressive Horns

There’s a saying ‘getting in touch with nature” that refers to submerging yourself in nature and appreciating the beauty around you. Some even call it becoming one with nature, but that’s meant metaphorically not literally… This girl looks like she took the concept too literally.

Those Are Some Impressive Horns

Those Are Some Impressive Horns



Have you ever seen the movie Face/Off, where one character takes the other character’s face off and puts it on himself to look like? We’re not quite sure what’s going on here but let’s hope this child gets his face back real soon!




Gorillas In The Midst

Did you pick up on the play on words? Gorillas in the Mist… Gorillas in the midst? The way this guy is sitting and the reflection behind him makes it seem as if the gorilla is wearing clothes. He looks like one cool gorilla.

Gorillas In The Midst

Gorillas In The Midst


What Beautiful Hair You Have

This appears to be an ordinary picture of a couple posing for the photo, right? But look at their reflection in the mirror. If that’s all you saw the picture would tell a different story. It just shows how perspective can create or distort reality.

What Beautiful Hair You Have

What Beautiful Hair You Have


Something Stuck In Your Throat?

“Help me doc! I have something stuck in my throat! Can you see what it is?” This photo was taken at such a perfect angle that it looks like this horse has a small horse inside its mouth trying to get out. Follow the light champ!!

Something Stuck In Your Throat?

Something Stuck In Your Throat?


An Unsuspecting Piggyback Ride

This photo is another perfect example of how angles and perspectives can affect your viewpoint and it’s hysterical. The patterns on the lady on the left’s blouse make it look like she is giving a piggyback ride to the man sitting on the back row.

An Unsuspecting Piggyback Ride

An Unsuspecting Piggyback Ride


All Googly-Eyed Over You

When someone has a crush on someone else you can say they look at their object of affection all googly-eyed. This photo gives a new meaning to looking all googly-eyed at someone. To top it all off, his facial expression just adds humor to the illusion.

All Googly-Eyed Over You

All Googly-Eyed Over You


Who’s Carrying Who?

This photo is so confusing at first glance. Because of the angle of this photo, your brain automatically assumes that a lady is carrying a man with his legs up in the air. She’s one strong woman if she was, but it’s the other way around.

Who’s Carrying Who?

Who’s Carrying Who?


A Bizarre Dislocation

The first thing you might feel when you look at this photo is probably confusion coupled with eerie admiration. Wow this girl is so flexible she can move her neck like that! Wait a minute is her head even attached or her body? It’s so confusing!

A Bizarre Dislocation

A Bizarre Dislocation


Give Me A Hand Please

We’ve all heard of the evolution of some animals to adapt to their environments. But a fish with arms is a little much, isn’t it? I suppose fish also want to be able to reach out to their buddies and lend a helping hand, right?

Give Me A Hand Please

Give Me A Hand Please


Go-Go Gadget Arms

If you’re a particularly short person it’s helpful to have a tall person around to help you get things out of your reach. How about someone with exceptionally long arms? That would do the trick too, wouldn’t it? Maybe he’s the real-life Inspector Gadget, who knows?

Go Go Gadget Arms

Go-Go Gadget Arms


A Freak Accident?

By looking at this photo it looks like this guy hurt his hand pretty bad that it had to be bandaged up. Let’s hope it recovers soon. Wait, that’s not his hand, it’s his girlfriend’s shoulder. Well, we’re glad he’s not hurt at least.

A Freak Accident?

A Freak Accident?


Double Canine Trouble

In the news tonight… a dog with two heads was spotted walking along the main street with its owner. Would they try to bite each other’s faces when they’re having an argument? That would surely be double canine trouble! He’s still a cute puppy, though.

Double Canine Trouble

Double Canine Trouble


Pretty As A Painting

This photo gives the expression, “pretty as a painting” a whole new meaning. Is dad in the picture for real or is it just the painting in the background that we’re seeing? We must admit we had to really inspect this photo to figure it out.

Pretty As A Painting

Pretty As A Painting


Can’t Make Heads Or Tails

When someone can’t quite understand something and they can’t make sense of a situation it is said that they can’t make heads or tails out of it. This is most definitely one of those situations where we can’t make heads or tails out of this photo.

Can’t Make Heads Or Tails

Can’t Make Heads Or Tails


Looking Good

Who says your boyfriend can’t pull off wearing your short-shorts and sparkly high heels? Especially when he comes to surprise you at the office. In this instance, whoever is sitting on the chair isn’t too bothered by the outfit. That’s what you call acceptance for all!

Looking Good

Looking Good


Miss Popular

Is that at a lady with two torsos and two heads? Who’s Miss Popular? Who’s carrying who? So many questions! What a confusing photo! Regardless, congratulations to the girl who won the Miss Popular contest! We may not understand this photo but we can appreciate it.

Miss Popular

Miss Popular


A Great Dad

There’s nothing better than seeing a dad that is actively involved with his kids and enjoys taking them on adventures. So one should ignore the moment when he embarrasses himself and the kids in public by sitting in a funny position. Quality time is what matters.

A Great Dad

A Great Dad


Don’t Get A Big Head

It’s great to become successful and to accomplish things, but it’s not nice when people get a big head about it when it happens. Remaining humble is the key to true success. This guy has taken it so literally that his head has shrunk instead of growing!

Don’t Get A Big Head

Don’t Get A Big Head


Rocking Pink

Gone are the days when it was unacceptable for men to wear pink and aren’t we glad about that. Nowadays men can wear pink without judgment and look good in it too. But wait, who’s that in the pink, the girl or the guy? Nice color regardless…

Rocking Pink

Rocking Pink


Crispy Fried Chicken

Who doesn’t love delicious crispy fried chicken with a crunchy, golden crust? But that’s not chicken? If you look carefully it’s actually a whole lot of cute cocker spaniel puppies. Well, these puppies would sure love some crispy fried chickens too if they got some.

Crispy Fried Chicken

Crispy Fried Chicken


Dogs of Golf

It’s beautiful to see when owners treat their pets like they’re part of the family. This guy must really love his dog to take him to his golf tournament. But where’s the dog? We see his silhouette but no sign of him. He’s clearly there in spirit.

Dogs Of Golf

Dogs Of Golf


Is That A Zebtaur?

A centaur is a Greek mythical creature that is half-man, half-horse. So this half-woman, half-zebra could easily be a modern-day centaur appropriately called a Zebtaur. You can see the evolution of the ancient centaur, as it’s now a fashionable creature.

Is That A Zebtaur

Is That A Zebtaur?


Giant Squirrel Invasion

Before we moved into the neighborhood we were told that we’d see squirrels regularly and that they’re gentle creatures. But no one ever said anything about them being giant squirrels! Should have picked the other apartment on the other side of town.

Giant Squirrel Invasion

Giant Squirrel Invasion


A Glitch In The Matrix

It seems as though this little guy simply forgot what he was up to mid-step. It’s either that or there was a glitch in the matrix and his actions were frozen in time. Then again, it could just be that someone captured his jump just at the right time. We’ll let you be the judge.

A Glitch In The Matrix

A Glitch In The Matrix


A Man Made Eclipse

Solar eclipses are one of the most incredible natural occurrences and when they happen, should not be missed. These basketball players enjoy the sign of a solar eclipse so much that they decided to recreate one on their own with their trusty basketball and a well-positioned camera.

A Man Made Eclipse

A Man Made Eclipse


I Am An Artiste

When it comes to self expression, dancing is one of the best methods to show the world. This cat has been training for years and has finally perfected the difficult mid-spin pose that she has been practicing non stop for years.

I Am An Artiste

I Am An Artiste


His True Form

We’ve all heard the story about the prince who turned into a frog, but how many of you have heard the original version, where he turned into a shark? Here we can see his transformation in action, switching over from his shark form into a man ready to walk down the aisle.

His True Form

His True Form


Heavenly Dessert

There’s nothing quite like a delicious scoop of ice cream on a hot summer day. This little boy is enjoying the newest craze in desserts: pillowy, cloud-soft ice cream! The best part is that it’s available in abundance, all you have to do is reach up in the sky for some!

Heavenly Dessert

Heavenly Dessert


He Feels Overworked

Mr. Spins has been a loyal worker his entire life. However, he’s finally reached the point where he can no longer do it. He was overworked and was almost never given a break, and so it’s now time for his retirement.

He Feels Overworked

He Feels Overworked


Bubble Boy

Peter the puppy loved playing outside until he caught a rare bug that meant it would be dangerous for him to go outside. His parents found the perfect solution for him: a protective bubble! Now Peter can roam about joyfully, completely protected by his bubble.

Bubble Boy

Bubble Boy


Being One With Nature

As humankind continues to evolve and develop technology, sometimes it can feel as though we are getting farther and father from our roots. This woman decided she had had enough of the hustle and bustle of city life, and she was getting back to nature. She felt that become one with the wildlife was the perfect way to start.

Being One With Nature

Being One With Nature


Attack Of The Giant Bee

As if regular sized bees aren’t terrifying enough, this village suddenly had to deal with the appearance of this giant bee buzzing around their homes. The wild beast appeared out of nowhere, terrifying the village people. However, luckily for them, this is a friendly bee who is just looking for flowers. It looks like he’ll have to continue looking elsewhere!

Attack Of The Giant Bee

Attack Of The Giant Bee


Always Watching

Many people prefer cats over dogs because they tend to be much less high-maintenance than dogs. After all, you don’t have to take them out for walks! However, one thing you might want to keep in mind before adopting a cat is that they truly have eyes in the back of their heads, and they’re always watching!

Always Watching

Always Watching


A Teeny Tiny Hat

Fashion trends come and go, and often we look back on trends that we took part in and wonder just what we were thinking. We’re sure that this woman will eventually look back and wonder why she agreed to fall for the teeny tiny hat trend that was all the rage during festival season.

A Teeny Tiny Hat

A Teeny Tiny Hat


You’re Looking A Little Different

Reading can be quite the transformative experience. A great book can transport you into a totally different world. However, if you’ve quite literally become another person because of your book, maybe it’s time to start getting a little bit worried.

You're Looking A Little Different

You’re Looking A Little Different


Where’s His Head?

Who hasn’t heard the expression “Like father like son”? This father-son duo truly embody the famous phrase by morphing into one being while taking a swim in their pool. The pair look so alike that side by side, it’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between the two!

Where's His Head?

Where’s His Head?


This Looks Tasty

Visiting the zoo is quite the fun experience, especially when taking children there. This particular trip to the zoo seems to be more exciting for the creature rather than the child, however! While this little girl is more interested in what’s on the floor, the animal behind her thinks she looks like a tasty snack. Thank goodness for the glass barrier!

This Looks Tasty

This Looks Tasty


Please Don’t Eat Our Cat

Around the globe, different cultures have varied customs, especially when it comes to local cuisine. While some countries keep certain animals as pets, others may enjoy them as a delicacy. In this particular case, this family cat seems to be in danger of becoming someone’s lunch!

Please Don't Eat Our Cat

Please Don’t Eat Our Cat


I Believe I Can Fly

As the saying goes, if there’s a will, there’s a way. This little pooch always dreamed of flying like the birds he always sees in his backyard. One day, he just believed so hard that he suddenly sprouted wings. He decided to test them out by the ocean, so in case things go awry, he can have a soft landing.

I Believe I Can Fly

I Believe I Can Fly


The Bride And Hoot

This bride was truly ecstatic on her wedding day. She knew she was marrying the absolute love of her life. However, when he turned up at the altar, his true self was on display for everyone to see. In the end, she decided that true love conquers all, and that she would accept him for “hoot” he really is.

The Bride And Hoot

The Bride And Hoot


Special Delivery From The Stork!

Everyone knows the story about the stork delivering new babies, but have you ever seen it in action? A snappy photogorapher was able to capture the elusive event and even managed to capture the pure joy on the baby’s face upon being delivered to his parent.

Special Delivery From The Stork!

Special Delivery From The Stork!


That’s Gonna Hurt

We’ve all heard the expression, “there’s no crying in baseball,” and we’re sure that this basketball coach is glad that the phrase does not extend to his sport. Getting a basketball directly to the face will most certainly be a great reason to start crying.

That's Gonna Hurt

That’s Gonna Hurt


Photobombed By Jesus

This couple were having a grand old time on their trip to Brazil when they decided to commemorate the occasion with a classic selfie. Little did they know that someone would be joining in on their photo opportunity. They’re in for quite the holy surprise when they take a look at the final shot.

Photobombed By Jesus

Photobombed By Jesus