It Took 28 Years for a Man Who Adopted a Girl No One Wanted to Learn Why

Published on February 12, 2023
People adopt children for many reasons. They might not be able to have a baby or feel that they need to give back to the community and help less fortunate kids living in foster care. Regardless, it’s a beautiful occasion that brings forth the love and support they have to give.

One man adopted a girl no one wanted. However, he cared for and loved her without any issues up until adulthood. Then, things suddenly changed, causing him to become confused and sad. What happened to make that girl unadoptable? Had she done something wrong, or did it have to do with lineage?

Meet Dale

Dale Jefferson was about 44 years old when he chose to have a child. He lived in St. Cloud, Minnesota, and didn’t really date. Since he was single, he jumped at the opportunity to adopt a 6-year-old girl named Lise Barber. No one wanted her, and it could be his only chance!

Meet Dale

Meet Dale

Very Determined

Dale wasn’t sure why he was set on adopting and didn’t care. He knew he wanted children, and this might be the only chance to make it work. Later, he realized that he should have been much more careful. Just 28 years afterward, he found out the truth.

Very Determined

Very Determined


Dream Come True

After Dale adopted Lise, he was ecstatic. He’d wanted to be a dad for a long time, and this opportunity was perfect for him. As a child, he had hoped to have a big family but had missed the crucial component to make it all happen.

Dream Come True

Dream Come True



Dale was a hopeless romantic but hadn’t met his match. Therefore, he lived singly and learned to accept that. However, he wanted a child to raise and chose to adopt. He knew it wouldn’t be easy and wished to try to make another child’s life better.




6 Years Old

Lise was 6 years old when Dale chose to adopt. She’d been in the system since she was born. Though she got close with the orphans, it hurt when they were picked over her, and she felt she’d never have a permanent home to live in.

6 Years Old

6 Years Old


Never Chosen

As Lise spent more time at the orphanage, she saw that her many friends got adopted. She was passed over for them, which made her feel unwanted and rejected as she got older. It was a sad situation for this little girl.

Never Chosen

Never Chosen


Her Only Chance

It’s nearly impossible for such an old child to get a permanent home, so the orphanage didn’t tell Dale everything about her background. Those running the orphanage knew he’d find out eventually, but she’d already be chosen.

Her Only Chance

Her Only Chance


A Good Fit

Dale and Lise hit things off well. She was definitely on her best behavior, and he feared that he’d have issues if he tried to adopt again. Single men rarely adopted young girls, but things were falling into place, and he didn’t want to rock the boat.

A Good Fit

A Good Fit


Easier Age

Lise was already 6 years of age, so it was easier on Dale. Newborns required constant attention, but she was well-behaved and already independent in many ways. In fact, she only needed kindness and love, and he was ready to provide!

Easier Age

Easier Age


Years Go By

Dale worked hard to build a strong relationship with his adoptive daughter. They did things together, and he felt she did well. However, there was a nagging feeling that she held back. Could he do more?

Years Go By

Years Go By


His Best

Dale did his best to be a great dad so that Lise would trust him. She should feel comfortable enough to share anything with him. However, he still thought that she wasn’t forthcoming, so things weren’t as good as he wanted them to be.

His Best

His Best



Dale thought Lise was distant and disconnected from him and believed she was a recluse. She usually stayed in her bedroom and did not have many friends her age. However, she rarely came straight home from school, wanting to stay away from him.





Dale wanted his daughter to be more sociable, so he thought talking to her was best. However, he wished to respect her independence and freedom. Therefore, he decided it would be wise to let her be alone during this phase.




Nothing Changed

As Lise grew older, nothing changed. Her teenage phase lasted the entire time, and now she was 18 years old. She was ready to move out and get to college. In fact, time had flown before his eyes, and she was starting a new chapter of her life.

Nothing Changed

Nothing Changed


Bonding Now

Dale hoped that Lise would want to bond now, but things got worse. Though he wished for a closer connection to his daughter, she was leaving, and there was nothing he could do. That wasn’t something he could have predicted all those years before.

Bonding Now

Bonding Now


Losing Contact

During the first weeks of her being gone, Dale tried contacting Lise, but it was difficult because she was far from home. He knew it would be a struggle now that she was living apart from him, but he had to give it a go.

Losing Contact

Losing Contact


He’s Sad

When Dale learned that she’d picked a college far from home, he was sad. He couldn’t check in with her or visit. It was hard for him to realize that she could disconnect so easily and find a new life without him in it.

He's Sad

He’s Sad


Surprising News

Dale decided to surprise his daughter and go to her college. However, he got concerning news from the receptionist when he arrived. This upset him tremendously, and he was stunned. How could he have expected that information?

Surprising News

Surprising News


She Lied

Lise had actually dropped out of school many months ago without telling her adoptive dad. She’d hidden it from him, and now Dale had no idea where she was living or what she was doing. Her safety was at stake, and he had to do something!

She Lied

She Lied


Calling Lise

Dale first tried to call and text his daughter, but he never received a response. This girl didn’t want to speak to him, and it hurt tremendously. He understood why she kept things from him, but he was worried about her safety! Should he call the cops?

Calling Lise

Calling Lise


Very Worried

Dale felt he was a failure as a parent. He’d hoped to raise a child and believed Lise was his dream. However, he must have done something wrong because she couldn’t even talk to him. Though he wouldn’t force the issue, he had to know she was okay.

Very Worried

Very Worried


The Last Try

Overall, Dale decided to send one more message to Lise, asking if she was okay. If she responded that she was, he’d leave her alone. He was extremely sad to think of all those years he raised her for them to end it like this.

The Last Try

The Last Try


I’m Okay

Lise simply responded with, “I’m okay.” She didn’t provide more details, such as where she was or the reason for leaving school. It was a cold message because she didn’t thank Dale for everything he’d done or use the term “dad” in the response.

I'm Okay

I’m Okay


Making Peace

Dale couldn’t stop himself from thinking about Lise every day after that text response came through. He wanted badly to ask her where he had gone wrong. However, it had been years since he’d heard from his daughter, so it was a surprise when it occurred!

Making Peace

Making Peace


The Mystery Call

Dale was outside doing yard work, so he didn’t hear the phone ring. He realized there was a missed call later, but the person didn’t leave a voicemail or text. Most people automatically called the home phone, so he checked that, too. However, there was nothing.

The Mystery Call

The Mystery Call


Asking Others

Dale met Hannah a few years ago, and eventually, they married. She enjoyed their quiet lifestyle, just like him. Now, he went outside to ask if she knew about the call. When she said no, it confused him even more.

Asking Others

Asking Others


The Tragedy

Hannah had gone through a tragedy when her two sons died in a car crash. This was 20 years before she met Dave. Instantly, they connected and bonded because Dale actually felt like his daughter had died. They understood each other and sympathized.

The Tragedy

The Tragedy


Dale’s Heart

Instantly, Hannah knew that Dale was adorable and loving. He did what he could to make her happy and give her a wonderful life. Therefore, she had hope for the future. No one could keep him down, but Dale thought she overexaggerated his qualities.

Dale's Heart

Dale’s Heart


No Idea

Hannah told Dale that she’d never give out his phone number to others and didn’t know about the phone call. She then asked if he’d called them back, but Dale hadn’t. He’d received bogus and time-wasting calls in the past. Now, he thought he had better try.

No Idea

No Idea


Phone Rings Again

Dale called the phone number, but no one answered. As he was pouring a glass of wine later in the evening, it rang again and was the same number. Who was it? Most people called his home phone, but he’d kept the cell phone in case his daughter called.

Phone Rings Again

Phone Rings Again


Not Lise

After repeating the word “hello” many times, someone finally answered, but it wasn’t Lise. In fact, a man was on the other end, which disappointed Dale. He listened to the noise in the background, hearing a woman talk. Dale asked for the man’s name but received nothing.

Not Lise

Not Lise


Important Message

Dale knew the man had held his hand over the microphone to ask the woman a question. Finally, he asked to talk to Dale. Dale wondered if it was best to hang up, but then the man uttered Lise’s name, and he gasped with shock and concern.

Important Message

Important Message



The man claimed that Lise was worried Dale wouldn’t speak to her, but Dale reassured him that wouldn’t happen. Finally, she took the phone but didn’t speak for a few moments. Had she hung up? Finally, he heard, “Hi, dad.”





Lise now said she was doing well but had to get something off of her chest, which was why she was calling. She asked her dad to listen so that she could say it all at once, and Dale promised. This must be important if she called after all those years!




Getting Answers

Lise started explaining that she’d felt odd when he adopted her. He interrupted, asking why she’d waited so long. This caused her to cry, but he felt he deserved to know after he’d thought about it all those years. Finally, she told her father the truth.

Getting Answers

Getting Answers


A Forever Love

In college, Lise had met another adopted woman, so they decided to find their biological parents. Her friend said she shouldn’t talk to Dale, and then too much time passed. She had worried he wouldn’t speak to her, but he reassured her that wouldn’t happen.

A Forever Love

A Forever Love


Her Biological Parents

She had gotten her hands on her birth parents’ records and went to visit them. However, she got robbed, losing everything. Lise wouldn’t give up hope, learning that her parents had moved. A neighbor said they’d gone to rehab for a drug addiction.

Her Biological Parents

Her Biological Parents


A Lucky Break

Lise started working and stayed with friends while she finished college. It was difficult to find a place to live, but then she’d met a man. They moved in together and were in love. He supported her idea to get in touch with Dale again.

A Lucky Break

A Lucky Break



Though Lise was worried that Dale wouldn’t speak to her, she still tried to track him down. It wasn’t easy. Then, she went to his old home, receiving his last known phone number from the new owners. She waited after she got that information.





Dale wished for her to be part of his life now and wanted to meet her boyfriend. However, he had to see her in person. Two weeks later, they all met, with Lise’s boyfriend and Hannah to boot. Eventually, they decided to move closer to each other and establish a relationship.

