The world of late night comedy changed when Johnny Carson stepped onto the scene. The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson helped paved the way for our favorite comedians of today, and his wit and comedic genius cannot be denied. However, the man behind the laughs was troubled and often difficult to be around. These are the most surprising and little known facts about his life.
A Tough Husband
Carson was not known for being the greatest husband in the world. In fact, while on his honeymoon with Alexis Maas, his fourth wife, he got frustrated with her and even publicly exclaimed: “We’ve been married for three weeks. If you say something like that again, this marriage won’t last another three weeks.”
More Strained Relationships
Johnny had three sons from his first marriage. One of the boys, Rick, long struggled with his mental health and was even taken to a hospital to help him deal with his difficulties. Johnny Carson did not ever go to visit his son there as he felt the whole ordeal was highly embarrassing.