Being a Nuisance
One day, a man was already having a hard time, as he needed to get construction materials uphill. Unfortunately, this woman decided she wasn’t going to listen to reason when she was asked to move her car.

Being A Nuisance
A Brilliant Idea
Calling the police was an option, but the man decided against it. Even though he wasn’t rude to her, she continued to be aggressively impolite over the request. Incidentally, a great idea struck him.

A Brilliant Idea
New Scenario
The man was a foreman for a house construction project. Though he was good at his job, things were different with this project. The house, in this case, is on top of a hill, which makes things trickier.

New Scenario
No Easy Task
Unfortunately, the workers couldn’t drive to the top of the hill. Instead, they had to traverse a 250-foot footpath. Imagine having to move materials with that challenge in your way all the time.

No Easy Task
Ignoring the Signs
Thankfully, there were two reserved spaces dedicated to the construction project at the foot of the hill. For added security, the team had “no parking” signs to stop people from occupying the spaces.

Ignoring The Signs
A Bad Habit
Even with the signs present, people still parked in the spaces. Parents tended to use the reserved spots when they needed to get to an elementary school half a block away.

A Bad Habit
No Big Deal
Though the parents were violating the rule, the foreman was very cool about it. He never made a fuss once his team didn’t need the spot. However, this day was a different case.

No Big Deal
Consistent Compliance
Whenever the foreman did need the spaces, he calmly and respectfully explained the situation and asked the drivers to leave. This typically worked, but things were different one day when a lumber delivery truck was on the way.

Consistent Compliance
The Woman of the Hour
Since the foreman knew the truck was coming, he decided to check on the spaces and saw that one was occupied. A woman was sitting in the driver’s seat of the car.

The Woman Of The Hour
A Courteous Request
Usually, the parents who do this are just waiting on their children, so the foreman assumed this was the case. Still, he went to the woman and politely asked her to move from the parking spot.

A Courteous Request
Say What Now?
The woman’s response was not the normal one. Instead of granting the very reasonable request, she told him to take a chill pill because his truck wasn’t there. After the ordeal, the lumber delivery truck showed up.

Say What Now?
The Rudeness Escalates
Anyone who thought the truck’s arrival was going to get her to move was very wrong. Instead, she closed her window to block everyone else. When the foreman tried to get her attention, she partially rolled it down and shouted, “What?!”

The Rudeness Escalates
Is She for Real?
As the foreman had a job to do, he decided to reaffirm his instruction. In a shocking fit of expression, the woman asked if they couldn’t just unload around her. She also let the foreman know it wasn’t that hard.

Is She For Real?
The Master Plan
Her whole approach understandably threw the foreman off. Still, he decided to approach the situation in a witty way, and he told the driver to park parallel to the vehicle and get as close as possible.

The Master Plan
She Had No Idea
The woman had no idea that karma was about to hit her, but the truck driver saw the plan. You see, a parked car was on her other side, and a port-a-potty was behind her.

She Had No Idea
Boxing Her In
She was so busy doing her best to ignore them rudely that she didn’t notice she was being boxed next to the curb. Still, she forced the truck to park in an inconvenient area.

Boxing Her In
Taking the Right Precautions
The foreman wanted to cover all his bases, so he reached out to the police parking enforcement officers. It was more about explaining why the truck was in an unauthorized space than getting her in trouble.

Taking The Right Precautions
A Matter of Time
The traffic enforcer advised that she’d be there in a half-hour. However, the rude woman’s son exited the school well before that. She realized she could barely open her door at this point.

A Matter Of Time
She Still Didn’t Get It
With all that had happened, the foreman thought the woman would try to de-escalate the situation, based on the predicament. Instead, she looked at him as if he was responsible.

She Still Didn’t Get It
Her Rage Kicked In
She was angry, but there wasn’t much she could do. In her fit of rage, she forced herself into the passenger seat and uncomfortably got out to get her son into the back seat.

Her Rage Kicked In
Fighting the Laughter
Once the woman put her son in the vehicle, she approached the driver and the foreman, who had to hold their laughter. On the bright side, the woman started to see that the two men were not going to roll over.

Fighting The Laughter
Checking the Surroundings
She angrily started to look around to take note of the situation. When she realized she was blocked in all directions, the woman screamed that they need to move the truck immediately, as she was in a huge hurry.

Checking The Surroundings
Company Policy Says So
The truck driver added fuel to the fire when he told her they had to unstrap the lumber, and company policy prohibits moving with an unsecured load. He fought laughter as he spoke.

Company Policy Says So
The Show Is Here
The men found the ordeal entertaining, but they were not prepared for how the woman would respond. At this point, she started to curse at them loudly while letting them know she had somewhere to be.

The Show Is Here
Guess Who Arrived?
On top of all this, the traffic enforcement officer was already at the scene and behind the truck. The foreman continued to be very cordial, as he addressed the shouting woman calmly and politely.

Guess Who Arrived?
Anger Boiling
The foreman stirred the pot even more by mocking the woman, based on her earlier incredibly rude sentiment. This time, it was him asking her if she couldn’t just pull around, as it wasn’t that hard.

Anger Boiling
She Snapped
The traffic enforcer was now visible to everyone, and she approached the men. Suddenly, the woman, who had uncomfortably gotten back in her car, floored the gas in reverse and knocked the port-a-potty over.

She Snapped
Creating a Dangerous Situation
The ill-mannered woman was now entering the crazy territory, as she tried to drive forward over the sidewalk. Everyone who was previously laughing was now terrified and confused when they saw her mount the path.

Creating A Dangerous Situation
The Misfortune Continues
All three witnesses couldn’t comprehend what they were seeing. Unfortunately for the woman, she now couldn’t escape because she managed to get her car stuck on the curb. Things were about to head even further downhill.

The Misfortune Continues
You Just Messed Up
Once the woman was done, the traffic enforcer calmly approached her and asked that she step out of the vehicle. The officer then handcuffed her and had her sit on the sidewalk as they waited for backup.

You Just Messed Up
Is She Even Human?
After realizing how deep in trouble she was, the woman decided to respond to the situation by being awful. At one point, she lied and said the foreman never asked her to move.

Is She Even Human?
Nice Try Miss
The traffic enforcer stated that she was already aware of the situation, as the foreman called her earlier. She went on to say that she knew how everything, including the stubbornness, had played out.

Nice Try Miss
Business as Usual
As the foreman and the truck driver were talking to the backup officer and giving their statement, the rest of the construction team moved the items to the yard, which mitigated the crazy disruption.

Business As Usual
You’re Under Arrest
The woman was not ready for everything that was now coming her way. Here she was being arrested and charged with property destruction, reckless driving, and driving with a suspended license. Her vehicle got towed.

You’re Under Arrest
Did She Truly Take the Advice?
When the foreman told her to just pull around the truck, all he was doing was mocking her for her similar statement. However, it seems like she decided to take his “advice” and act on it.

Did She Truly Take The Advice?
Thank Goodness for Grandma
With all that was happening, it’s easy to forget there was a child in the car. Since his mom was being taken to jail, he needed someone to take him. Luckily, grandma saved the day.

Thank Goodness For Grandma
Another One
Shena Hardin, an Ohio resident, seemed to share ideals with the previous woman, as she decided not to stop behind a school bus. Hardin mounted the curb, which meant she traversed the path that children were being unloaded onto.

Another One
Common Occurrence
The whole thing was caught on camera, and it turns out this was a regular thing for her to do. She was taken to court, and she shocked everyone while there with the way she addressed the situation.

Common Occurrence
No Remorse
During her court appearance, Hardin showed no remorse and even laughed. Not only did Shena have to fork up $250, but she also had her license suspended. The judge wasn’t done, as she ordered Hardin to hold up a hilarious sign.

No Remorse
A Lesson Taught
Sheena had to be on the corner holding up a sign that indicated that only idiots drive on sidewalks to avoid school buses. She had to do this in the cold too! Hopefully, she learned her lesson where school buses are concerned.

A Lesson Taught
Entitled Drivers
What is it about people driving around that makes them think that they can get away with anything they feel like? This one particular driver thought that the world revolves around them, and it truly is one irritating story.

Entitled Drivers
Parking Permit
Plenty of municipalities have parking permit laws in order to keep cities organized and safe. It’s important to follow parking laws and get the right permits you need in order to park according to the rules. This person had other ideas.

Parking Permit
Parking Slip
This person did not have the proper legal permit available, so he decided to just write up a note explaining his situation. It would be one thing if he had kindly explained, but that’s not what he did at all. In fact, he left an incredibly rude note behind.

Parking Slip
What The Note Said
The note read: “Dear Mr Parking Inspector… Please don’t put another $100 parking fine on my car as it is not my financial responsibility if Brisbane council have technical problems. I am a resident in this s***hole street.”

What The Note Said
A Horrible Tone
It’s strange that this person decided to take such a rude tone, especially considering he was asking the parking inspector for a pretty huge favor. The inspector absolutely does not have to overlook this violation, and especially not when the person is being really antagonistic.

A Horrible Tone
A Final Note
What’s more, the note ended with the line: “you might feel good to not be an a*****e today.” It’s almost incredulous to think that this note would work. In fact, most people would agree that such a note deserves a ticket.

A Final Note
What Happened Next
Well, that’s exactly what happened here. The person’s worst fear came true: upon returning to the car, the driver found a fine of £55 waiting on the dashboard. What was he expecting?

What Happened Next
The Note Went Viral
To add insult to injury, the driver’s note began circulating online, where people were quick to react to this unnecessarily rude note. People on Reddit decided to voice their opinions on the matter as well.

The Note Went Viral
People’s Responses
One Reddit user said: “Wow, if I was a parking inspector that note would definitely make me not find an excuse to fine her. Really pulling at the heartstrings with that one.”

Man Expressing Road Rage
That Was Deserved
Another user said: “That was the ending I secretly hoped for,” after learning that the driver ended up receiving a parking violation ticket. It’s safe to say that most people agree that the ticket was well deserved.

That Was Deserved
A Defense
However, one Reddit user chose to defend the driver. The user said that the local council had recently changed over to a digital system for resident permits and that the change was poorly handled, leaving a huge mess behind.

A Defense
Not Only Drivers
Although drivers are often the ones that feel entitled in these types of situations, that’s not always the case. One woman was shocked to see what happened to her car after she refused a salesman earlier in the day.

Not Only Drivers
Just Another Day
A woman in Seberang Jaya, Malaysia was heading to the supermarket parked her car just as she always does when she was approached by a salesman. She said: “I had parked my car…upon arrival, he was already standing nearby when I opened the door.”

Just Another Day
Tried To Sell
The man tried to sell her a religious text, but she refused. According to the woman, he “became pushy and hot-tempered. I didn’t get out of the car as I was with my baby and worried.”

Tried To Sell
Continuing Her Errand
The woman eventually got out of the car and headed towards the supermarket. She said that the man spat on the ground and was bad-mouthing her as she left. What happened when she came back is truly infuriating.

Continuing Her Errand
The Damage Done
When she finished shopping and returned to her car an hour later, the woman felt a bit suspicious. She decided to inspect her car. Sure enough, she said she found scratches all along the car. She was absolutely furious at this point.

The Damage Done
The Scratches
She said: “Shockingly, I found scratches on both the left and the right car door. The scratches were still fresh as the residue of paint was visible. I’ve only bought that car four months ago.”

The Scratches
She Got Photos
The woman took photos of the damage and decided to leave. On her way out, she saw the man heckling other people, and quickly snapped some photos of him on her phone. When he saw her taking photos, he quickly ran away from the scene.

She Got Photos
Was It Enough Evidence?
The woman said: “It’s true that there’s no evidence that he had scratched my car, but why did he run away when I took his pictures?”

Was It Enough Evidence?
Not The Only One
Once the woman posted her story on Facebook, it went viral. Other people began to shared their experiences with the same man, so it is clear that he is a con artist trying to bother people in order to make a quick buck. Some people have no shame.

Not The Only One