These Are The Best Heart Healthy Foods To Incorporate Into Your Diet

Published on July 28, 2019

Bok Choy

It seems obvious to us all that green leafy vegetables are good for health, but we don’t always know exactly why. Bok choy is a great source of folate, vitamins C and B6, and potassium. Additionally, it helps reduce cholesterol. Bok choy is a great choice for those seeking heart healthy foods.

Bok Choy

Bok Choy

Soy Milk

Soy milk, especially calcium-enriched soy milk, contains isoflavones, niacin, folate, magnesium potassium, and phytoestrogens, as well as protein. This specific protein that isn’t found in animal milk helps reduce cholesterol and can aid in other heart-healthy benefits.

Soy Milk

Soy Milk