Neighbor Films Everything When a Garbage Man Eats a Girl’s Cupcake

Published on January 2, 2023
You see countless people each day while you run errands and do your normal routine. Sometimes, you wave at them or give them a nod to show you saw them, but that’s about it.

One little girl liked to wave at the garbage man in their neighborhood. She was out there every time, and it became a routine for them both.  The young girl enjoyed watching him work, and he liked the mini entourage while he did his job. What happened to make him eat her cupcake while a neighbor watched and filmed the whole thing? Continue reading to find out!

He Got out of His Truck

A woman saw a garbage truck pass through like it did every Thursday. However, the garbage man got out and stood in the street, seeming to wait for something. Finally, Brooklyn Andracke, a 3-year-old girl, walked toward him, and the woman recorded the incident.

He Got out of His Truck

He Got out of His Truck

Delvar Dopson’s Story

Everyone knew Delvar Dopson in the neighborhood because he had been the garbage man for many years. He mostly kept to himself and rarely talked to others. One neighbor got the chance to get to know him. Millions of people saw the encounter through recorded video.

Delvar Dopson's Story

Delvar Dopson’s Story


No One Personally Knows Him

This story happened in Bloomington, Illinois, and it teaches about what occurs in communities that aren’t often spoken of. Though most people didn’t know Delvar, he wasn’t unfriendly. Plus, he had a good relationship with the Andrackes, a family in the area.

No One Personally Knows Him

No One Personally Knows Him


A Particular Greeting

Every Thursday, Dopson greeted the family his own way as his garbage truck rolled down the street. He’d wave and honk, but why did he do that? Did he have a relationship with the Andracke family?

A Particular Greeting

A Particular Greeting


Little Brooklyn

He didn’t know them personally, but the Andrackes’ daughter, Brooklyn, was a huge fan of her favorite garbage man. The 3-year-old really enjoyed seeing the large truck coming down the street, and she made it known to everyone.

Little Brooklyn

Little Brooklyn


She Waited for Him

Each time, she waited at the window with her mother to wave at the garbage truck when it went through. It was the highlight of her week! Traci Andracke is her mom, and she said that Dopson was their favorite awesome smiley-faced garbage man.

She Waited for Him

She Waited for Him


Becoming a Routine

It went on like that for a few weeks, and each Thursday morning, Delvar knew that Brooklyn and Traci would be looking out the window and waiting for him. Brooklyn always got happy when he honked and waved, but she soon had the chance to personally meet him.

Becoming a Routine

Becoming a Routine


Leaving the House

At some point, the mother-daughter pair left the house Thursday morning to watch the truck pass and wave at Dopson. After that, it wasn’t about the garbage truck; it was about the man driving it that Brooklyn cared about.

Leaving the House

Leaving the House


Huge Fan

Brooklyn became Dopson’s number-one fan. She couldn’t get enough of this gentle guy and couldn’t wait for Thursdays to come around again. He was very appreciative because he liked that someone wanted him to wave and honk. It was a mutual kindness for one another.

Huge Fan

Huge Fan


Brooklyn’s Birthday

When it was Brooklyn’s 4th birthday, it was a great day except for one thing: it was Wednesday. She wished she could have waved to Dopson while he drove the garbage truck down the street. However, they had a plan that one of the neighbors witnessed and filmed.

Brooklyn's Birthday

Brooklyn’s Birthday


Wanted Dopson There

The mother-daughter pair really wished that Dopson could be there to celebrate. Brooklyn knew she had to do something nice for him, even though her birthday was over. Their plan was a great one!

Wanted Dopson There

Wanted Dopson There


Finally Meeting Delvar

Since Delvar couldn’t be there for Brooklyn’s birthday, she wanted to do something so he felt included. That morning, her mother woke her up, grabbed one of the cupcakes from the party, and waited in front of the house. As Dopson appeared, they motioned for him to stop.

Finally Meeting Delvar

Finally Meeting Delvar


Giving Him a Cupcake

Dopson saw the pair from his truck, waving and honking as usual. Then, he realized that they wanted him to stop, and he did! He walked toward them, and his heart melted when Brooklyn gave him a birthday cupcake, wishing he could have been there.

Giving Him a Cupcake

Giving Him a Cupcake


She Was Ecstatic

Traci told the reporters that she couldn’t believe how happy she was to finally meet the man. In fact, Brooklyn was starstruck and couldn’t say one word, so Traci did the talking. She pointed out that Brooklyn is rarely short on words.

She Was Ecstatic

She Was Ecstatic


So Very Shy

It wasn’t often that Brooklyn had nothing to say. In fact, she was overjoyed but became shy. It’s one thing to see the man in his truck and wave. However, it’s different when he’s right in front of you, and you feel like he’s a movie star!

So Very Shy

So Very Shy


Best Day Ever

The mother explained to Dopson that he made their day each Thursday. They left to take Brooklyn to the daycare center, and she was quiet. Traci asked if she was okay, and she responded with, “I’m so happy.”

Best Day Ever

Best Day Ever


Making Her Day

While Brooklyn couldn’t say much to Delvar, she was beyond thrilled to finally meet her favorite person. Traci even told him that he made their Thursday each week and that they appreciated the waving and honking.

Making Her Day

Making Her Day


Delvar Comes Back

A week later, Dopson’s truck rolled down the street, and Brooklyn and Traci were waving. He stopped in front of their home and had a box in his hand. Delvar smiled and handed it to Brooklyn. They were surprised and wanted to find out what was inside.

Delvar Comes Back

Delvar Comes Back


Delvar’s Gift

The box was full of toys from “Frozen,” Brooklyn’s favorite movie. That little girl could not contain her excitement, thanking Dopson. They shared a high-five before he had to finish making his rounds in the neighborhood.

Delvar's Gift

Delvar’s Gift


Thanking Delvar

A week later, Brooklyn stood outside with a sign reading “Thank You Delvar.” As he pulled up with the garbage truck, he got out. She handed him her homemade poster!

Thanking Delvar

Thanking Delvar


The Tears Flowed

Dopson started crying, hanging the sign on his truck for the entire neighborhood to see. Everyone was so happy that he made the little girl’s birthday better. While he didn’t expect anything for the gift, he was speechless and happy.

The Tears Flowed

The Tears Flowed


Far from Over

Today’s fast-paced world is driven by social media, and something new and viral happens each day. Many ordinary people get into the spotlight, and those stories often get forgotten. However, that didn’t happen for Delvar.

Far from Over

Far from Over


His Big Dreams

Before Delvar became popular on social media, he was trying to do better for himself. He liked his job as a garbage man, but that was just a stepping stone for him. Finally, the time had come for him to make it a reality!

His Big Dreams

His Big Dreams


Kindness at Every Turn

People learned of his story and thought it was a one-off thing. However, they soon realized that his kindness was not an isolated incident. Delvar had been bringing joy to neighborhood kids all the time, and his life’s mission wasn’t over.

Kindness at Every Turn

Kindness at Every Turn


The Next Step

Delvar was a family man and shared a deep connection with his wife. He was truly unique, and it shone brightly through everything he did. After working as a garbage man for years, he could spread his wings and focus on his passion by launching a new career.

The Next Step

The Next Step


Working Tirelessly

Millions of people now learned of his inspirational bond and kindness to Brooklyn, but they didn’t realize that he worked as a garbage man by day and did something else at night. He was studying for a new profession beyond the garbage truck.

Working Tirelessly

Working Tirelessly



Could he finally go beyond his garbage truck and do something he had always wanted to do? His hard work and dedication were sure to pay off, but it was hard to wait to get the news he so badly wanted to hear.




The News He Needed

After all of his efforts, Delvar was close to having his new life. He’d put in many extra hours and waited for the results. When the news was confirmed, he shared it on social media: Dopson passed his final exam and had become a licensed realtor!

The News He Needed

The News He Needed


Good News Keeps Coming

Delvar was so happy. Though he didn’t mind being a garbage man, he dreamt of a life beyond that. Dopson moved to Henderson to start his career after being licensed in Nevada.

Good News Keeps Coming

Good News Keeps Coming


Magnetic Personality

His magnetic personality was so great that it landed him a prestigious gig at Realty One. He was now a Realtor and had done what he hoped to accomplish. Plus, he was on his way to achieving other dreams.

Magnetic Personality

Magnetic Personality


Other Dreams

Delvar wanted to start a movement, and his mother instilled that passion in him. She taught him to be the best Delvar he could be. Helping others bring out their best was his goal, and he was ready to take it to the next level!

Other Dreams

Other Dreams


The Next Chapter

Dopson wanted to share his zest for life with everyone. To do that, he couldn’t just inspire them. He had to be part of a special movement that acted as a beacon for others. The pieces were coming together, so he could become a leader and motivational speaker!

The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter


Pieces Come Together

Everything seemed to fall into place for Delvar, and he couldn’t believe it all started with a little girl’s birthday cupcake. Since his story went viral, the puzzle seemed to connect and fit like never before!

Pieces Come Together

Pieces Come Together


The Movement

Delvar became part of the Eregon 206 movement to share his journey with others and inspire them. In fact, he led by example and focused on fitness, self-care, leadership, self-love, and empowerment. Overall, he tries to stay grounded by indulging his first passion.

The Movement

The Movement


Back to His Roots

Dopson’s fame and support started when he showed kindness to one child. He loves being around kids and does so whenever he can. In fact, he says himself that “children have the best hearts.” You can’t argue with that logic!

Back to His Roots

Back to His Roots


Come a Long Way

Overall, he’s come a long way since he shared a cupcake with little Brooklyn. Years passed, and he’s now in a different city. What became of the girl who started it all? Did Brooklyn understand why her favorite person had to stop coming around?

Come a Long Way

Come a Long Way


Brooklyn and Delvar

Delvar didn’t stop being friends with Brooklyn’s family after all that time passed. He didn’t forget her and visited whenever he could. She’s now about 9 years old and has a young brother. Dopson posts about his special bond with that family even now!

Brooklyn and Delvar

Brooklyn and Delvar


An Inspiration

Delvar has an impressive online following now. After the fame started with Brooklyn, he’s become a true inspiration to others. Some might have wanted to exploit all that fame, but he uses his platform and the viral story to create better things around him.

An Inspiration

An Inspiration


What a Ride

When he first started working in the neighborhood, he couldn’t have imagined what impact it might make on his life or the Andracke’s. Years later, millions viewed that video that brought them to fame. Many things have changed, but Delvar reflects on that moment often.

What a Ride

What a Ride


Pay It Forward

Delvar’s mission is to spread joy and kindness wherever he can while motivating others to follow suit. He has shown everyone that simple acts can change circumstances. Everyone can change the world by being kind and sweet.

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward


Not The Only Time

Such heartwarming stories bring a bit of joy into a world where it often feels like there is only bad news going on. Life is really made up of the little moments that are full of meaning. Here’s another story that will warm your heart.

Not The Only Time

Not The Only Time


Meet Quincy

Quincy Kroner was just 2 years old when he became absolutely fascinated by the garbage truck. His father, Ollie Kroner, shared that it had been going on “since about the age he could walk.”

Meet Quincy

Meet Quincy


Mark And Eddie

Mark Davis and Eddie Washington were the garbage men in question. They were just going about their business as usual when suddenly, they experienced a truly unusual encounter.

Mark And Eddie

Mark And Eddie


Always Waving

Quincy told his parents that every day when he looks at the window, the garbage man always waves at him. At first, his parents thought that he was imagining this, not thinking much of it.

Always Waving

Always Waving


It Was True

However, his parents then looked out the window one day when he was looking at the garbage men. They said: “We laughed at his imagination, and then we looked out the window and the garbage man was waving! I couldn’t tell you how long ago it started.”

It Was True

It Was True


A Proposal

Quincy’s father Ollie saw how much joy seeing the garbage truck gave his son, and so one day he decided to propose something. He asked Quincy if he wanted to go outside while they were out there.

A Proposal

A Proposal


He Eagerly Agreed

He said: “He was all smiles as the garbage truck pulled up. I asked him if he wanted to take his [picture] with them, and he gave an eager yes.” It was time for Quincy to meet his heroes.

He Eagerly Agreed

He Eagerly Agreed


The Big Day

Since Quincy had been fascinated by the garbage truck for so long, this was truly an exciting prospect for him. However sometimes, nerves can get the best of you, especially if you’re a toddler.

The Big Day

The Big Day


He Got Emotional

The adorable little Quincy was so excited to meet Mark and Eddie. In fact, it all became a little too overwhelming for him, which resulted him in starting to cry out of excitement.

He Got Emotional

He Got Emotional


Nerves Set In

Ollie said: “I think his nerves set in when the loud truck was right there in front of us.” We understand Quincy!

Nerves Set In

Nerves Set In


What Happened Next

His father continued: “He calmed down after a few minutes and resumed playing. He hasn’t had a whole [lot] to say about the experience yet.”

What Happened Next

What Happened Next


A Longtime Fascination

Quincy had long been a fan of vehicles and trucks in particular. After successfully completing potty training, his parents decided to give him a gift of a toy garbage truck.

A Longtime Fascination

A Longtime Fascination


Showing It Off

Quincy was so eager to show Mark and Eddie his garbage truck, that he ended up getting overly emotional. Luckily he was able to calm down and continue playing afterwards.

Showing It Off

Showing It Off


Another Exciting Moment

Quincy isn’t the only little boy who was absolutely fascinated by garbage trucks. Three year old Wyatt was obsessed with his garbage toy truck more than any of his other toy trucks.

Another Exciting Moment

Another Exciting Moment


Why He Loved It

The reason why Wyatt loved his garbage toy truck so much was because it was exactly like the one that visits him each week and that he patiently waits for.

Why He Loved It

Why He Loved It


His Mom Leslie

Wyatt’s mom Leslie Hagan shared that: “He’s loved anything with wheels since the day he was born.” Wyatt patiently waited each Monday morning for the truck to arrived before he headed to school.

His Mom Leslie

His Mom Leslie


His Adorable Reaction

Jacob Smiddy, a Waste Connections of Tennessee employee shared: “He just gets so excited and runs up to the truck, happy as can be.” But that wasn’t all.

His Adorable Reaction

His Adorable Reaction


A Highlight For All

Little did little Wyatt know, the highlight of his week was also the highlight of the day for the three garbage men who collected the trash in his neighborhood.

A Highlight For All

A Highlight For All


They Appreciated It

Waste Connections employee Ben Matchett shared: “It’s the highlight of our morning. It makes the day go by a lot easier. We talked about putting some of our tip money together to just thank him for the cookies he brought out to us.”

They Appreciated It

They Appreciated It


The Incredible Gift

Matchett shared: “The Lord put it on my heart that we should get him a little garbage truck,” Smiddy said. “We just want him to give to others as we gave to him. It smashes the trash.” Wyatt’s mom shared: “He sees them as heroes. He sees them in their big truck every week with their big machines. They always are giving him high fives. They’re just really sweet men who take the time with him.”

The Incredible Gift

The Incredible Gift