Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018

Opening The Door Mid-Flight

While speaking with Business Insider, flight attendant Annette Long explained that opening a door during the flight while impossible will get a passenger in serious trouble. Sometimes, they’re restrained on the flight after the incident and handcuffed upon landing or the pilot will even make an emergency landing. Long said, “I don’t make those decisions. I convey the information to the cockpit and the chief flight attendant, and they make the decision about whether or not we’re going to land and get someone off the plane…Most of the pilots say to us, ‘If you’ve got a problem with them, I’ve got a problem with them,’ and they will back us up 100%.”

Opening The Door Mid Flight

Opening The Door Mid-Flight

Help With Bags

Despite what you’ve seen, flight attendants are not necessarily supposed to assist you with your bags. They explained to Business Insider, that their only paid for the actual flight hours, not for time deplaning or boarding. One explained, “So for example, your duty day could actually be 12 hours, but you only get paid for six hours of work.” Also their unions do not cover injury from lifting bags into the overhead, thus, you shouldn’t expect them to risk being out of work for injury (that’s not covered) for you.

Help With Bags

Help With Bags