When they started the renovations, they quickly noticed something very odd. It came as a shock when they got to the basement. They started removing plywood from their ceiling. They never dreamed they’d find what waited for them. What could have changed their lives in such a profound way and required an FBI raid on the home?!
Demolition Begins
When they initially stumbled onto the strange item they located, they wanted to research what had happened in the home. However, they didn’t realize that the FBI might soon wish to get involved because of the many questions unearthed.

Demolition Begins
Starting the Renovations
Most people know home renovations can have a few unexpected surprises pop up, and this couple was prepared for them. As soon as the husband started demolition, he found graffiti behind the walls, making him question everything.

Starting The Renovations
Many Secrets
It’s not surprising that this homeowner was shocked at the scribbles found on the walls of his current basement. At the time, though, he had no idea that graffiti was the least bizarre thing he’d find during the renovation!

Many Secrets
The Thing on the Ceiling
Soon, the man noticed something stuck in the rafters of the ceiling. He got closer to see and was puzzled to find an object he couldn’t identify. It was as though that item was placed in such a way to keep it hidden. The man used all of his strength to bring it down.

The Thing On The Ceiling
Something Bizarre
This homeowner chose to document the renovation with his camera, which came in handy later. At first, he believed it could be a nice way to show the transformation. Then, he noticed that strange object.

Something Bizarre
An Old Suitcase
The homeowner was demolishing the ceiling to update it and noticed that pieces of the wall came down. That’s when he found the old suitcase in the rafters. At first, he wasn’t sure what to do. Why was it there? Did someone leave it accidentally or on purpose?

An Old Suitcase
What’s Inside
The suitcase was a faded gray and green and seemed to be hidden perfectly. In fact, the homeowner wondered if it had been put there on purpose. When he finally reached it, he was shocked at how heavy it really was!

What’s Inside
Heavy Suitcase
After getting the heavy suitcase down, the homeowner worried that something strange was happening. He had to be careful when he opened the case, and his curiosity finally made him do it. He just had to see what was inside it!

Heavy Suitcase
The Big Reveal
The man called his wife to tell her about this strange suitcase. She told him to wait so that she could be there for the reveal. He didn’t want to do it alone anyway since he had no idea what might be inside. It could shock or hurt him!

The Big Reveal
What Might It Be
The homeowner just felt that this suitcase was hidden in that spot purposely, but he had no idea why someone might do that. What secrets did it hold, and why was it tucked away in a ceiling? He was tempted to go ahead and peek while he waited for her to return.

What Might It Be
Small and Heavy
This suitcase was quite small, so the homeowner was shocked that it was so heavy. He waited impatiently for his wife to return so that they could open it up. In the meantime, though, his imagination ran wild. When she returned home, he explained the story quickly.

Small And Heavy
A Possible Overreaction
There was the possibility that the homeowner was overreacting because of the suitcase’s position. However, why might someone take such care to hide the very heavy bag in an inconvenient location? It was in the ceiling rafters!

A Possible Overreaction
The man was quite hyper right now, and he had to tell himself to calm down. It was like finding one mysterious box under the tree on Christmas Day. You weren’t supposed to find it immediately, and then you couldn’t help but wonder what was in it.

Wild Guesses
This man wondered if he might find a personal treasure, such as keepsakes (letters, heirlooms, or family photos). There were endless possibilities and options. However, the man was way off when the couple finally opened the suitcase!

Wild Guesses
Unwrapping Items
At first, the pair didn’t know what they were seeing. Then, they realized that the items within were wrapped individually in wax paper. They couldn’t see what they were, so they had to unwrap each one to find out what was happening.

Unwrapping Items
Bag of Money
The wife and husband were completely stunned when they unwrapped a few parcels. The wax paper held piles of money! The questions started rushing through their minds. Who did that money belong to, and why did they leave it behind? What should they do now?!

Bag Of Money
Completely Stunned
These two homeowners were shocked to see so many piles of money in that hidden suitcase. How could they find out who that money belonged to? Why had it been hidden in the first place?!

Completely Stunned
So Much Money
They continued unwrapping the wax paper items and found more and more money. With that, the bill size increased. It was clear these bills were old. The couple was quite curious about the owner of the money and how long those bills had sat up there.

So Much Money
What to Do
These two people were at a loss and had no idea what to do. They weren’t expecting to find a huge amount of money in their home. The homeowner told an interviewer that he had never experienced something like that before and was shocked.

What To Do
The Endless Pile of Money
While the couple had already unwrapped tons of money parcels so far, there were still many packages to unwrap. They wondered if the entire suitcase was filled with packets of money or if anything else might be inside.

The Endless Pile Of Money
Things Got Serious
As the couple first started unwrapping parcels, they noticed $20 stacks. However, they continued and found $50 bills and $100 bills. They were quite stunned to see that much money and had never held that many bills at once before.

Things Got Serious
Lots of Cash
In one interview, the man told reporters that the second package didn’t contain $20s. It was made up of $50 bills. What was happening here? Could they have $5,000 in that small suitcase? Then, they found the third package was full of $100 bills. It was out of control!

Lots Of Cash
When It Came From
The couple now had to figure out what to do with all that money. At first, they felt the situation was funny. Now, though, they realized it wasn’t. They were now worried that something bad might be going on in their home.

When It Came From
Earlier Decades
This couple started to guestimate how old the dollar bills were. Overall, they decided that the money was from the 1920s and 1930s. There were some bills from the 1950s, too. What was going on here?!

Earlier Decades
More Items
As they dug further into the suitcase, they found other items inside. The couple realized that the money and possessions had to have been in the bag for a while. Plus, it had been in their house for many years or even decades!

More Items
First Clue
They kept digging into the suitcase and ended up finding an old newspaper at the bottom. The couple knew that this could help them date the cash and items and even determine what had happened and why it was there at all.

First Clue
More than Half a Century Old
As they read the paper, they saw that it was dated March 25, 1951! They were at a complete loss of words and couldn’t believe their eyes. How had this suitcase been tucked in ceiling rafters for more than half a century with no one noticing? Was it on purpose?!

More Than Half A Century Old
Feeling a Little Apprehensive
The couple read the paper, which was called the Cleveland Plain Dealer. While they were mesmerized by this piece of history, they worried that something might be wrong. How much money was there, and what was its worth now? Why had it stayed hidden?!

Feeling A Little Apprehensive
Star Bills
Another surprising fact about the money was that they found “star bills” within the suitcase. This means that the money was never in circulation. They had been around for over 70 years!

Star Bills
Asking for Help
The couple realized that they needed help to uncover this mystery. Therefore, they found a lawyer to help them determine the worth of the money now. That lawyer did some research and said the money was now worth $23,000!

Asking For Help
Here We Go Again
This couple decided that they had had enough excitement. It was time to go back to their routine and begin renovations once more. However, they never dreamed they might find another suitcase!

Here We Go Again
The Second Suitcase
The couple immediately opened the second suitcase and were in complete shock again. They couldn’t believe their eyes as they saw almost the same thing as before. Was it deja vu?

The Second Suitcase
An Identical Suitcase
The second suitcase also had stacks of cash inside of it. This was just too much for the couple to comprehend. However, what they discovered next truly blew their minds and made them question everything.

An Identical Suitcase
A Secret Door
While they continued the home renovations, the couple found a door they’d never noticed before. Most people don’t find secret doors in their homes every day, and they were nervous and curious about what might be behind it. What they saw freaked them out!

A Secret Door
Another Mystery
When the couple initially searched for mysterious items in the home, they didn’t know they’d end up dealing with the FBI. They hoped that they hit the jackpot and could keep the money, but they soon learned that this wasn’t likely to happen.

Another Mystery
Behind the Door
When the couple bought the home, the realtor said that the door was only for the water heater. They had no reason to question it, but that wasn’t true. It was unclear if the realtor misled them on purpose, but they soon realized what was behind the door.

Behind The Door
Locked Away
The door was actually secured with a bolt and featured a master lock. However, the couple had to see what was behind that strange door. Therefore, the man went upstairs to get a hammer and chipped away at the lock.

Locked Away
Musty and Dark
It was clear the door had been hiding something and was locked up for a long time. Once the couple cracked the door a smidge, they saw the terrible condition it was in. Mold was growing inside, and they worried for their health.

Musty And Dark
Never Before Found
The couple had actually been living in that house for many years now, and they hadn’t noticed these strange things before. In fact, they felt odd when they discovered that something had been hidden here all along.

Never Before Found
Finding Out
Some people question the couple’s decision, saying they were reckless by poking around on their own. The couple had to know that something dangerous was happening or had occurred before. However, they were curious and wanted to get the scoop before other people got involved. Plus, it was THEIR home!

Finding Out
They’d Been Duped
It turns out that their water heater room was a cove-up! Whoever designed that trick room wanted badly to pass it off as a normal house area. That way, everything inside stayed hidden – possibly forever!

They’d Been Duped
Soundproof Room
As the couple opened the door, they noticed a room covered completely in a soundproofing tarp. The floor, ceiling, and walls were covered. Immediately, they panicked. Had criminal activities been going on? It alarmed them!

Soundproof Room
The Second Door
Even though they were nervous, they continued looking around the room, finally finding another door. What could be behind that one? Carefully, they opened the door and decided to call the authorities right away.

The Second Door
Mysterious Item Found
As the couple looked in the inner room, they found a black Sentry safe in the corner. They glanced at each other, unsure of what to think. Things were getting stranger by the minute, but they had to know what was inside this safe.

Mysterious Item Found
The Safe
It’s crazy enough to find a mysterious room within the secret room. Then, the safe creeped them out. The man worried that the safe might not contain money like the suitcases. However, he had to look inside to be sure.

The Safe
More Secrets
At this point, the man realized he wasn’t likely to find what he wanted inside. While everything they gathered was quite valuable up until now, he questioned why the safe was there at all. It was clear someone wished to hide it and secure what was in it.

More Secrets
A Terrifying Note
With trembling hands, the man carefully opened up the safe. It revealed a scary-sounding note with two words on it: “save yourself.” Now, the couple was downright terrified. What had happened in their home before they bought it?!

A Terrifying Note
The Second Note
They were absolutely terrified now. However, they decided to push aside those fears to see what else was inside the safe. The first note said, “save yourself,” and the second note was no better.

The Second Note
The Writer
The words alone were terrifying enough, but how it was written was scary. Overall, the writing appeared rushed and was in black ink. These two things made everything feel more sinister. Who wrote it? What was happening?!

The Writer
Must Keep Going
The man felt that they had more to unearth. He and his wife chose to keep searching the home and continued finding strange and confusing things. They knew it couldn’t be much longer before they called the police.

Must Keep Going
Getting Scarier
Underneath that terrifying note, “save yourself,” they found dozens of videotapes. However, the man also uncovered another hand-written message: “do not.” What could possibly be going on here?!

Getting Scarier
VHS Tapes
Quickly, the man realized that they were VHS tapes. He wondered if he could find out the truth of this story from them. Therefore, he took them out of the safe to inspect them more thoroughly.

VHS Tapes
The Tapes
The poor couple realized that the tapes were newer than the other items they’d found in their home. Ultimately, they knew it was more than they could handle, so they called the authorities for assistance.

The Tapes
The Unlabeled Tape
There was six tapes total, and five had strange labels on them. They couldn’t decipher them, but one of the tapes didn’t have a title at all. Could it have fallen off? Overall, the couple was creeped out right now!

The Unlabeled Tape
Curious to a Fault
The man couldn’t wait and wanted to see what was on the tapes. Therefore, he searched high and low until he found a way to view them. Within just a few seconds of the tape playing, he grabbed the phone and called the police to get involved.

Curious To A Fault
The FBI Comes In
Once the authorities learned of everything, the FBI came to the couple’s home to take the tapes. At this point, no one knew the contents of them. Now, the FBI had to figure it all out and get answers.

The FBI Comes In
Very Mysterious
The couple living in the home found the tapes and realized that they might never learn the whole story behind the items. The media had theories, and most of them involved horrific crimes that took place within the soundproof room. Even now, it’s unclear what happened!

Very Mysterious
Questions Arise
It’s natural for the public to have many questions when they learned of the situation. What had happened in that house? Who lived there before this couple, and why did they hide those strange things?!

Questions Arise
The Idea of More Secrets
Could anything else possibly be hiding in a crevice or nook of the house, just waiting to get discovered? Might the couple stumble onto more mysteries that were hidden away in the hopes they might never be found?!

The Idea Of More Secrets
Very Lucky
The couple who found those strange items in their house were lucky that nothing bad happened. They chose correctly when they called the authorities and let them handle the situation. Now, they’ve got a bona fide mystery to tell their friends!

Very Lucky