After Family Adopted A Dog, They Realized This Startling Fact

Published on February 21, 2021

Some Strange Features

As time passed, Su began to notice some other features that set Little Black apart from other dogs. While she understood that he is a large dog and that means his teeth would be large as well, she was still concerned about it. She also noticed that more and more, Little Black was standing on his hind legs. This was something she had never seen other dogs do for such extended periods of time. She finally admitted to herself that he was most likely not an ordinary dog.

Some Strange Features

Some Strange Features

Quite Scared

Even though she loved him, Su was quite afraid of Little Black, who was not so little anymore. Other people started to grow frightened as well. The family noticed that he wasn’t barking but growling instead. The more Little Black began standing on two legs and growling, they became quite afraid of him. The more they thought about it, the more they realized that he was not resembling any kind of dog at all. It was so gradual that it took them some time to realize what was really going on.

Quite Scared

Quite Scared