After Family Adopted A Dog, They Realized This Startling Fact

Published on February 21, 2021

Everyone knows that dogs are man’s best friend. Dogs show a level of loyalty to their humans that’s almost unparalleled to other animals. Many people seek this special bond that can be had with dogs. However, one family got more than they bargained for after they adopted a dog..

That’s A Really Big Dog

Su Yun, a native of Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China, adopted a Tibetan Mastiff puppy, but soon realized the dog was growing at an unbelievable rate. At just two years old, the pup grew to become 3 feet tall and 250 pounds! But the reason why will truly blow your mind…

That's A Really Big Dog

That’s A Really Big Dog

They Begged For A Puppy

Su, a hardworking mother, felt that her family was in need of a vacation. She never expected that this trip would end up bringing a new addition to their home. While traveling, they came upon a Tibetan Mastiff puppy for sale. Her children had been begging her for a dog, so this seemed like a perfect opportunity. They decided to take him home with them.

They Begged For A Puppy

They Begged For A Puppy