Drivers Get What They Asked For With These Parking Jobs

Published on March 24, 2020
Some would say that parking is a skill that can be labeled as art. Some people have managed to perfect the art, while others are still trying. Unfortunately, some people don’t even try at all and that’s why they sometimes find themselves in sticky situations. In such instances, these people get taught a lesson the hard way. But being a good driver isn’t all about skill, it’s also about being thoughtful and considerate to other drivers on the road as well as knowing what’s right from wrong. This couldn’t be more true when it comes to parking. Often you’ll see cars parked in no-parking zones, or parked in a way that’s inconsiderate to other drivers. These people often become victims of parking revenge. Here are some photos that show how people took their revenge on bad drivers. Hopefully, they learned their lessons after they got what was coming to them.
You Get What You Ask For

You Get What You Ask For

Nothing Stops A Fireman!

Everybody knows that parking in front of a fire hydrant is illegal, but you’ll still find some drivers that think that they’re above the law and park there anyway. In this case, as his luck would have it, things were different.

Nothing Stops A Fireman

Nothing Stops A Fireman

There was a fire that day and he got what he deserved. The firemen couldn’t let a car get in the way of saving lives, so they smashed his back windows to feed the fire hose through to extinguish the fire.

A Pile Of Scrap

As is the case with most people, your heart drops when you’re approaching your car and you see that someone has left a note on your windscreen. Those notes usually mean that someone isn’t happy with the way you’ve parked.

A Pile Of Scrap

A Pile Of Scrap

That usually means they have to let you know how they feel.  This guy was very upset that he was blocked in by an inconsiderate driver and had to let him know what was coming to him if it ever happens again.


Can’t You Read Buddy?

Areas that are not designated for parking are usually clearly marked in some way or another. So when you see “No Parking” plastered across a dumpster, the message should be clear. But when people are running late, they tend to do things they wouldn’t normally do.

Can’t You Read Buddy?

Can’t You Read Buddy?

One of these things includes parking where they are not supposed to. This person thought they could get away with parking in a no-parking zone and someone made sure to highlight their wrongdoing by sandwiching their car between two dumpsters.


And The Winner Is?

Parking spaces can be really small sometimes, and people with fancy cars worry that someone will park too close and possibly bump their precious car. So they make a decision that isn’t very thoughtful. Instead of parking in the allocated space, they take up two parking spaces.

And The Winner Is?

And The Winner Is?

People (who tend to be on the selfish side) tend do this to ensure that no other car parks near them. This person just wasn’t having any of it and left a note for everyone to see just how inconsiderate this driver was by doing that.


Fit For A Princess

In order to pass your driver’s test, it’s not enough to know how to handle a car, you have to know the road signs and what they mean. Either this driver didn’t learn their road signs properly or they believe that they’re royalty and are entitled to par wherever they please.

Fit For A Princess

Fit For A Princess

However, they were not getting away with this parking job. Another driver thought it necessary to let them now that they’d parked in a clearly marked no-parking zone. They even used pink to emphasize the fact absurdity of what they did.


Let’s Wrap It Up!

One of the most basic rules of parking that is taught to every single driver who is learning is to stay within the allocated lines. However, it seems that for some people, that’s the one rule that’s the hardest to follow.

Let’s Wrap It Up

Let’s Wrap It Up

Either that or they are just not good enough drivers to be able to park within the designated lines and should have never gotten their driver’s license in the first place. This person sure learned his lesson the hard way!


Get It Done Chop Chop

It’s not very clear what parking violation this car committed by simply looking at the photo. What we can see is that someone was clearly extremely upset with this driver about something. You know what that means, when someone is upset, the revenge is coming.

Get It Done Chop Chop

Get It Done Chop Chop

This driver must have wronged someone in a very bad way and that person certainly took their revenge on them. It’s quite alarming that anyone owns so many pickaxes in the first place. Let’s hope the driver of this car learned not to mess with the pickaxe person again.


An Odd Crime Scene

Whenever you see that yellow police tape, you know that an area has been labeled a crime scene of sorts. In this photo, all we can see is a whole lot of yellow tape signaling a crime, yet it’s a bizarre one.

An Odd Crime Scene

An Odd Crime Scene

The driver of this fancy car clearly has no parking skills or is just simply completely inconsiderate. To which another person responded with much anger and decided to demonstrate their fury by creating a big mess on their expensive car.


A Note From A Superhero

Here we have yet another driver that has decided that parking rules don’t apply to them and instead of taking one parking space they took up two. Someone noticed and thought that they needed to do their civic duty and inform them of their wrongdoing.

A Note From A Superhero

A Note From A Superhero

It’s very clear that whoever wrote the note is not an aggressive person, but they are an upstanding citizen that appreciates common courtesy. Hopefully, their humorous approach was effective enough to get through to the other driver and will teach them a a lesson.


Maintenance Day

Every so often, most apartment buildings undergo some maintenance work to ensure that everything is in tip-top shape. As part of maintaining the building, the lines demarcating parking spaces get a fresh coat of paint so they’re clearly visible to everyone.

Maintenance Day

Maintenance Day

This driver chose the wrong day to park outside the line and he will find out soon enough how important it is to stick to the rules of parking to prevent mishaps like this. He’ll definitely park correctly next time!


Surrounded By Trash

Parking anywhere near trash cans isn’t ideal, because of the smell. Can you just imagine what this car smelled like after a few hours of being parked in by so many trash cans? This person must have parked in the wrong place.

Surrounded By Trash

Surrounded By Trash

This parking job pushed someone to take things into their own hands and teach them a lesson. We’re sure that the moment they saw this they immediately regretted parking so badly. They definitely won’t be parking near trash cans ever again!


Not So Smart

Trying to park in a crowded city isn’t always easy because space is limited. People that have Smart cars don’t often have this problem because those cars are so compact that they can pretty much park anywhere. Unfortunately, this Smart car driver took that too literally.

Not So Smart

Not So Smart

That mean that he parked where he wasn’t meant to and caused problems. Whoever blocked his car with wooden pieces was definitely not happy that they parked in that spot and made sure they vocalized their frustration loud and clear.


Spreading The Word On Social Media

Social media is a massive tool to spread news these days, be it good or bad. It is a very powerful tool to get maximum exposure in a short period of time. The person who left this note knows that and used that as a means of revenge.

Spreading The Word On Social Media

Spreading The Word On Social Media

They were obviously not happy about the way the driver of the silver car parked and was going to use social media to shame them publicly in the hopes that they’d learn their lesson, which is a very popular method of punishing people nowadays.


A Simple Illustration

There’s nothing worse than someone parking in a way that blocks your driveway. What do you do when that happens? You can either lose your cool and do something you will definitely regret or you can take a gentler approach.

A Simple Illustration

A Simple Illustration

This person decided on the latter and chose to draw the offending driver a simple illustration giving them basic parking instructions. Hopefully, next time they’ll park without blocking their driveway again. If they do, maybe this guy won’t be as nice next time.


A Modern-Day Shakespeare

The way people tackle difficulties in life says a lot about that person. This person may have been quite annoyed with the driver that parked so badly, but instead of getting aggressive, they chose to express their frustration with a little poetry.

A Modern Day Shakespeare

A Modern Day Shakespeare

This modern day Shakespeare is clearly a creative person and he used this situation to express his annoyance. We really hope the guy who parked in such a terrible way has realized his mistake and will park better in the future.


A Note Just Wasn’t Enough

The driver of this BMW driver sure regretted ever parking in that spot once they saw how someone took their revenge out on them. Maybe this driver had been parking there time and time again even after they were asked not to.

A Note Just Wasn’t Enough

A Note Just Wasn’t Enough

Eventually the other person had had enough, and a note simply wasn’t enough anymore. So they did something that they knew would get the driver’s attention: they poured paint on the car to get their message across loud and clear.


Taking It Into Their Own Hands

If you’re a law-abiding citizen that follows the rules of the road, it can be very infuriating when someone comes along and decides they can do whatever they please. When this guy saw how badly this car had parked, he decided to take things into his own hands.

Taking It Into Their Own Hands

Taking It Into Their Own Hands

He decided this was the time to correct the wrong. He went ahead and toppled the car on its side so he could park as well. Thankfully the car was small and light enough to move without too much effort.


Saying It With Chocolate

Chocolates are the universal symbol to convey all sorts of messages from “I’m sorry”, to “I love you” and many others. However, we’ve never seen chocolate being used to call someone out on their bad parking skills. This guy parked really badly and someone thought to teach them a lesson.

Saying It With Chocolate

Saying It With Chocolate

In a creative move, the punisher decided they would leave a message written in chocolate sauce. We have to say, the way that person parked was very deserving of the “choco-gram” they received. Hopefully the driver involved has learned his lesson.


Parking Award

Some people get very creative when trying to relay a message to bad drivers about their terrible parking skills. This guy is one of those creative people. He went to great lengths to get his message across loud and clear.

Parking Award

Parking Award

Not only did he cover the car with strings of multi-colored ribbons but he even designed an award certificate and had it printed. If this doesn’t do the trick, then it just means that the driver of this car is either hopeless or just plain inconsiderate.


A Great Role Model

Here’s a little information regarding Helen Keller in case you don’t know who she is. She was an extraordinary woman who, despite being both blind and deaf, conquered adversity and graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree, defying all odds.

A Great Role Model

A Great Role Model

Using her as the butt of a joke is no laughing matter, and is not acceptable in our eyes. However, in this context, this person thought that it was the only way to convey a message to the person that parked so badly.


Using Simple Language

Some people like to use complicated language to communicate with others and that makes it difficult to understand them. If they just used simple language, people would understand them better. Clear messages that get straight to the point tend to be more effective.

Using Simple Language

Using Simple Language

The person who wrote this has clearly experienced this at some point in their lives so they decided to use simple words to get this driver back for parking so badly. They even when as far as drawing make-shift parking lines to highlight the fact that they parked wrong.


Pulling Out All The Stops

If you thought the guy with the balloons and streamers had pulled out all the stops, then this guy really put him to shame. The driver of the car must have done this several times for this person to get infuriated enough to plan, design, and print this fake violation ticket.

Pulling Out All The Stops

Pulling Out All The Stops

At least he added a little sarcastic humor in there too. Let’s hope this guy’s effort worked and the bad driver finally learned his lesson and parked better next time. At the very least, his message was very entertaining if not effective.


A Shopping Cart Enclosure

It’s not very clear by looking at this photo what this driver did to annoy someone so badly. All we can guess is that he parked in a way that blocked another car or he parked in the shopping cart bay.

A Shopping Cart Enclosure

A Shopping Cart Enclosure

Either way, someone saw it very fitting to get his revenge on the driver of the badly parked car and surround it with shopping carts. It must have taken a really long time to clear all those carts to get out.


Stand Together Against Unlawfulness

There’s something really inspiring when a community stands together against injustice and unlawfulness. When people come together and unite for a common goal, a lot can happen. Here we see an example of people standing together and working as a team against this inconsiderate driver.

Stand Together Against Unlawfulness

Stand Together Against Unlawfulness

As they saw how badly the driver had parked they each reacted by blocking his car to teach him a lesson. Let’s hope the bad driver realized his mistake after this bold statement and was more considerate the next time he parked. This shows how working together is always more effective.


Getting Your Car Trashed

When someone tells you that their car was trashed, you immediately think that someone did some serious damage to the car, right? Well, this guy completely changed the meaning of ‘trashing’ someone’s car. This is a good lesson in “things are not always what they seem.”

Getting Your Car Trashed

Getting Your Car Trashed

This car was obviously parked where it wasn’t supposed to be and he learned it the hard way. Someone decided to teach them a lesson by throwing bags full or trash onto the car so they would realize that they’d parked in a no-parking zone.


A Disappearing Act

A bicycle is small and compact enough to fit absolutely anywhere! So why would anyone choose to take up an entire parking spot with their bike? Well, this guy thought he could and but he soon regretted it when a driver decided to teach him a lesson.

A Disappearing Act

A Disappearing Act

This guy needed to park and decided to take things into his own hands and successfully removed the bike out of the bay so he could park. Good luck finding your bike buddy! Hopefully a lesson was learned the world gained a more mindful parker.


Mother Nature’s Revenge

Looking at this picture you realize that it isn’t just humans that get annoyed with people that park badly. Mother nature also doesn’t appreciate bad drivers and she spoke loud and clear that day. Those cars that parked correctly were untouched.

Mother Nature’s Revenge

Mother Nature’s Revenge

However, the one that thought he could park however he pleased was taught a lesson he’d never forget. If your car being squashed by a tree isn’t enough to make someone change their ways, then we don’t know what is.


The Angry Potato Clan

Everyone has their own way of dealing with conflict, and it looks like this guy likes to use potato figurines. The bad driver must have done something pretty bad to anger someone so badly that he turned to carve potato figurines to express his anger.

The Angry Potato Clan

The Angry Potato Clan

Who knows what vegetable this guy will use next time if the same driver parks badly again. Let’s hope this is the last of the angry vegetable clan messages we’ll see from him. Otherwise, we’ll be seeing a lot more vegetable carvings.


Movie Star Dream Come True

Everyone has their own unique hopes and dreams. It seems this guy’s dream of becoming a Hollywood movie star isn’t quite becoming a reality, but almost. We don’t blame him for wanting to becoming rich and famous, as celebrities’ lives look enviable.

Movie Star Dream Come True

Movie Star Dream Come True

Even though the note is quite humorous, it’s evident that the wannabe movie star is not impressed with this bad driver’s parking skills and lack of respect for others. So he used some humor to get his message across. This is a good example of making lemonade out of the lemons that life throws at you.


Monster Truck Derby

This guy really takes the cake when it comes to the worst parking skills! Why would anyone parallel park in a parking bay that isn’t parallel to the sidewalk? Plus, because of the way he parked, he didn’t just take up two parking bays but three!

Monster Truck Derby

Monster Truck Derby

This monster truck was having no of it and took it upon himself to teach this bad driver a lesson. So he parked over the car and blocked it in at the same time. Hopefully he learned his lesson this time.


A Combo Deal

Don’t you just love combo deals when you buy an item and you get another item free? Well, this is a combo deal with a twist. This driver parked the car so badly that someone decided to take car wrapping to the next level.

A Combo Deal

A Combo Deal

We’ve seen cars being wrapped in plastic wrap before, but this person wrapped a dumpster together with the car. This guy’s combo deal punishment was a free dumpster wrapped with a badly parked car. We definitely think this was an effective revenge method.


Always By Your Side

If you’ve just popped out to the shops, you didn’t go expecting to encounter a bad driver. That’s why most people don’t have too much on hand to take their revenge on the bad driver. However, that’s not always a problem.

Always By Your Side

Always By Your Side

By looking at this photo you can see that you don’t need much to get your message across. All you need is a shopping cart, some cable ties, and the offending car, and you have a pretty effective way of expressing your disdain.


The Tables Are Turned

Law enforcement officers are there to perform their public duty, which is just to enforce the law and penalize those that don’t. So what happens when they’re the ones breaking the law? Just because they’re in a position of power it doesn’t give them to write to abuse it.

The Tables Are Turned

The Tables Are Turned

That’s why a law-abiding officer chose to write this vehicle a ticket for parking illegally. This just shows how anyone can be a bad driver, be it a civilian or a cop. Hopefully this police officer will learn to set a better example for the public.


The Parking Award Goes To…

When someone wants to prove a point, they’ll go to any lengths to do it if it’s that important to them. Clearly, this guy was so annoyed by the way that this red car parked that he took drastic measures to express himself.

The Parking Award Goes To...

The Parking Award Goes To…

He took a photograph of the parking offense, photoshopped an award ribbon on the image, printed it out, and then returned back to the car and left it on his windscreen. Now that’s a great example of determination and perseverance!


Double Trouble

When someone parks badly, it’s enough to irritate another driver to leave a note on their windscreen expressing their disdain. But we’ve never seen a car so badly parked that not only one person, but two people felt the need to leave a note on their windscreen.

Double Trouble

Double Trouble

This guy must have parked so badly that it annoyed and inconvenienced many people. Who knows, maybe by the end of the day, he collected even more notes on his windscreen. Only time will tell if he truly learned his lesson.


Short And To The Point

You don’t need many words to communicate effectively. Sometimes, all you need is a simple sentence that anyone can understand. This person took the approach of ‘less is more’ and left a note that was short and to the point.

Short And To The Point

Short And To The Point

What this guy couldn’t understand is why, when there were so many parking bays available, this driver decided to still take up two. It’s probably a case of a driver that’s naturally inconsiderate, who will continue to be no matter the circumstances.


Better Than The Rest

Having a fancy car doesn’t give anyone the right to be a rude and inconsiderate driver. Unfortunately, we find that that’s the case more often than not. They think that because they have a fancy car, they can park however they want.

Better Than The Rest

Better Than The Rest

Perhaps they’re doing this to protect their car from bumps and scratches. What they don’t realize is that everyone on the road also wants to avoid scratches, yet they still manage to obey the rules. Rules are rules and everyone should abide by them.


What Makes You Special?

Every driver on the road should respect other drivers equally. Whether their car is big, small, fancy, or not, the same rules apply. So why is it that some truck drivers think that they own the road and the parking lot and can park however they want?

What Makes You Special?

What Makes You Special?

This guy certainly had that mentality of superiority and another driver thought it was necessary to put them in their place. They wrote that message for them to know that they’re no special than anyone else. Maybe this is the only way for the message to sink in.


Calling You Out

You often see people with fancy cars taking up two parking bays because they don’t want anyone to park too close to them. But boy did this guy get the surprise of his life when another car called him out on his selfish parking tactics.

Calling You Out

Calling You Out

The other driver accomplished this by parking right next to him. The driver of the smaller car decided to park so close that the other driver wouldn’t even be able to open his door to get it. He sure learned his lesson!


Going Against The Grain

People will tell you that you should not conform and that you should be an individual and not be ashamed of standing out from the norm. This person took that to another level and applied the same philosophy to parking.

Going Against The Grain

Going Against The Grain

He decided he would parallel park in a parking bay that wasn’t appropriate. By doing that, he drew bad attention to himself, which in turn resulted in other drivers teaching him a lesson, by blocking him in. We wonder if he learned his lesson.


An Untouchable Flashy Car

We have no idea how badly this car parked, but we do know that the driver of this flashy car probably thought he was untouchable. Driving a fast, flashy car can give some people a big ego and that leads to problems.

An Untouchable Flashy Car

An Untouchable Flashy Car

They tend to think that the rules of the road don’t apply to them. But they couldn’t be further from the truth. If anything, the authorities keep a closer eye on flashy cars, because their drivers are more likely to speed or park illegally.


Not Good Enough For Aliens

According to many science fiction movies, aliens are said to be intelligent beings. More often than not, they invade planets with other intelligent beings, like Earth. This person obviously parked so badly that it would have given humanity a bad name.

Not Good Enough For Aliens

Not Good Enough For Aliens

So much so that if an alien had seen that person’s parking skills or lack thereof, they would flee from our planet thinking that we’re inferior. This guy was clearly very angry with that driver to make such a statement and have it printed on a card.


Nowhere To Go

No one ever knows why people do what they do, and what goes through their mind when they do mindless things. Like this driver for example, why in his right mind would he park in the middle of an intersection?

Nowhere To Go

Nowhere To Go

City officials had to take action and show him just how wrong he was. Instead of towing his car, they made a statement by blocking his car in a way that he wouldn’t be able to unblock without any help.


A Little Excessive Perhaps?

You know you’ve taken it a little far if your revenge involves a tractor with a massive, industrial-sized saw attachment. This bad driver had no idea that his car would end up sawed in half by taking the wrong person’s parking spot.

A Little Excessive Perhaps?

A Little Excessive Perhaps?

This may have been a little extreme, but there’s no doubt that the bad driver learned his lesson and will be an exemplary driver from now on. He’ll look carefully where he parks and make sure he hasn’t taken anyone’s spot.


All Chained Up

People that own Smart cars feel like they have one leg up on everyone else because their car is so small and compact and they almost never battle to find parking because of that reason. Boy was this driver wrong!

All Chained Up

All Chained Up

They thought they could just park anywhere, and they got a rude awakening by means of a restricting chain. We have no idea how they managed to remove the chain, but the inconvenience would serve to teach them a lesson for the future.


Saying It With Post-Its

This driver must have really upset someone by the way they parked that they covered almost the entire car with Post-It notes. That must have taken so much time to do! That shows you just how angry the Post-It person was.

Saying It With Post Its

Saying It With Post Its

If the perpetrator didn’t realize that he had parked badly before, he’d soon find out when he arrived at his car and found all those Post-It’s all over his car. Good luck with removing all those notes one by one!


Attacked By Yellow Stickers

This person parked so badly they almost took up three parking bays instead of one. How can anyone walk away from their car having parked so badly? Well, if they didn’t realize that they did a terrible parking job, they’d find out soon.

Attacked By Yellow Stickers

Attacked By Yellow Stickers

When they returned to their car, it became very clear that other people were not impressed. The attack of the yellow stickers would say it all. That will teach them to take up one parking bay like the rest of us do when parking.


A Spot Just For You!

People that park so badly with complete disregard to the designated lines either have a visual impairment or they think they’re above the law. We’re more inclined to believe the latter, because of their sheer disregard for other drivers on the road.

A Spot Just For You

A Spot Just For You

The other driver that witnessed this horrific parking job decided to draw the badly parked driver a picture so they would realize their mistake. Please stick to the designated parking lines next time you park, it’s really not that difficult!


Not Going Anywhere

If a driver parks their car parallel in a bay not designed for parallel parking, he must know that he’s asking for trouble. This car did exactly that, and he got what he had coming. He soon found out what happened.

Not Going Anywhere

Not Going Anywhere

He got blocked on all sides by other cars who had parked correctly. Next time don’t try to go against the grain and park the right way. That will save you a lot of time because you won’t have to wait for the other cars to move.


The Inconsiderate Parkers Prize

Have you ever received a prize that you didn’t really want? This guy was nominated for the most inconsiderate parker and he did such a terrible job of parking that he actually won the award! That’s definitely not a prize to be proud of.

The Inconsiderate Parkers Prize

The Inconsiderate Parkers Prize

We’re not sure if the prize was welcome or not, but we hope the make-shift certificate served a purpose. And that was to teach this driver a lesson on basic parking rules. Number one being, only take up one bay when parking, no matter how narrow the spaces are.


Staying Within The Lines

Everyone knows that small children battle to stay within the lines when they first learn how to color. You’d think that by the time they’re driving, they would have perfected the concept of staying within the lines and they would apply it to driving and parking.

Staying Within The Lines

Staying Within The Lines

The person who had this little turtle coloring sheet printed was hoping to not only get his revenge but to do his bit for the community by educating someone about staying within the lines. Sometimes the most important lessons are the simplest ones.


Nowhere To Run

Bus drivers are not to be messed with. So when someone comes and parks in their bay without any respect for them, it’s no wonder they decided to take their revenge. If this driver thought he could get away with this, he was sorely mistaken.

Nowhere To Run

Nowhere To Run

The buses simply parked the car in. those buses were probably parked there overnight only to start their shift the next day. That must have been a seriously long night for the bad driver. We certainly do not envy him at all.


Crazed Ferret Episode

Can you imagine trying to park your car while blindfolded? Most people would either crash or simply do a very bad job. This driver must have parked so badly that it looked like he’d parked blindfolded. We strongly advise against this.

Crazed Ferret Episode

Crazed Ferret Episode

And not just that, while being attacked by a crazed ferret too. Wow, that must have been quite a scene! That was the only explanation the guy who left the card could come up with to explain why that driver had parked so badly.


Serves You Right

Road signs are pretty self-explanatory sometimes, so much so, that things are spelled out for the public to ensure that they understand. For example, if a sign says ‘Motorcycle Parking’, anyone can understand that to mean that those parking bays are specially designated for motorcycles.

Serves You Right

Serves You Right

The driver of the SUV decided that they didn’t care and parked there anyway. The motorcyclist felt he needed to teach this inconsiderate driver a lesson and achieved that by parking them in. To be fair, the spot was clearly marked for motorcycles only, so he had it coming.


Basic Respect for Others

Anywhere you go, you’ll find parking bays that are specifically designated for handicapped people. If you’re an abled person without a handicap, you should not be parking in those parking spaces. This basic rule isn’t only taught to you so you can pass your driver’s test.

Basic Respect For Others

Basic Respect For Others

It is also taught in order to teach common decency to have respect for others. This person completely disregarded that common rule. Someone took it upon themselves to teach them a lesson by completely covering their car with sticky notes.


A Smart Box

When your own people turn on you, you must know there must be a good reason for that. In this case, other Smart car drivers didn’t appreciate how the Smart car in the middle parked and parked him in to teach him a lesson.

A Smart Box

A Smart Box

That bad driver probably didn’t expect it, especially coming from his fellow Smart car owners. That must have been a bitter pill to swallow. Hopefully, that was enough for him to learn to park better next time, but we will never know.


Clamped In

One or even two parking spots weren’t enough for this Jeep driver, he had to go and take up five parking bays! If that’s not a complete disregard for other drivers then we don’t know what is. This is truly selfish.

Clamped In

Clamped In

He just could not get away with it without any consequences, so someone got some tire boots and clamped not one but all four tires to make sure that they learned their lesson. That’ll teach him to be more considerate and parked as everyone else does.


A Car Sandwich

It’s really not that difficult to park within the lines, especially when the parking spaces are spacious. So why is it that people still park so badly! This red didn’t just park outside the lines, he parked in a completely different direction to the parking lines.

You Get What You Ask For

You Get What You Ask For

This disregard for other drivers was enough to anger other drivers. If he could not care about other drivers why should they care if they park him in or not? After all, the other two cars are actually parked correctly.


Shrink Wrap It to Go

Shrink wrap plastic is extremely durable, sticky, and surprisingly strong. And let’s not forget cheap, so it doesn’t cost much to teach a badly parked driver a lesson using shrink wrap. It wasn’t enough to just wrap the car, they wrapped it around the lamp post too.

Shrink Wrap It To Go

Shrink Wrap It To Go

Removing it is very time consuming and difficult because the harder you pull, the tougher it becomes making more difficult to remove. This bad driver will think twice about parking badly next time, especially to avoid this kind of mess again.


Time For Your Punishment!

This person must have parked so badly that it angered someone pretty bad to leave a note like that. Who knows what that person would have done if he was able to face the bad driver. If we interpreted the note correctly, it sounds like a fight would have broken out between the two parties.

Time For Your Punishment

Time For Your Punishment!

Violence is never the answer, but this guy was clearly very angry. Let’s hope they never get to meet, otherwise, it wouldn’t end well for the bad driver. Hopefully also this terrible parker has learned a lesson for the future.