Interior Designers Have Weighed In On Which Decor Ideas To Rethink

Published on July 22, 2020

Non-Functional Sofa

An easy trap to fall into while decorating your living room is going for an avant garde piece of furniture just because of the way it looks. That futuristic sofa may look absolutely incredible, but it may not be the most practical.

Non-Functional Sofa

Non-Functional Sofa

Often, unique pieces of furniture come with a major downside: they’re simply not functional. Whether they are uncomfortable or they just fit fewer people, these showstoppers are very often not the right choice for most people. Instead, choose something practical that’s also stylish.

TV Shrine

As we are all well aware of, one of the most important fixtures of every living room is the TV. While it is undoubtedly a mainstay of most of our homes, it’s important to incorporate it into the living room in the right way.

TV Shrine

TV Shrine

The main thing you want to avoid is having every single piece of furniture in the living room pointing to the TV, hence making it the TV shrine. You can have the sofa facing the TV, but have some other chairs there to also encourage conversation.