Crocodile Dundee Cast: Let’s Catch Up With Them

Published on October 23, 2022

David Franklin

This name will ring in your memory because you probably saw him in the science fiction TV series, Farscape, when he played Meeklo Braca. Perhaps you remember Brutus from Xena: Warrior Princess? Or maybe you’re a real Dundee fan, Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles to be exact.

David Franklin

David Franklin

David Gulpilil

David Gulpilil is an actor with some real talent, no-one can deny that. He was Neville Bell in Crocodile Dundee and later he took some big roles in movies like, The Proposition and Charlie’s Country. He also experienced some real drama at home, and even had the police knocking on his door after a violent altercation with his wife.

David Gulpilil

David Gulpilil