Great Dane
Great Danes are an excellent canine companion that somewhat resembles the same nature as a gentle giant. This breed of dog is best known for its exceptional ability to remain cool and calm when placed under pressure, along with its incredible disposition and demeanor.

Great Dane
French Bulldog
A Frenchie is an extremely popular small dog breed among the entire globe. One of the most significant reasons for this popularity is that they are known to be super loyal and friendly. They are also tranquil animals, which makes them highly desirable.

French Bulldog
Coton de Tulear
If you’re looking for a dog that’s going to give you the warmest welcome when you come home, then a Coton is the right dog breed for you. These canines are known for their love of tender care and are usually joint at the hip with their owners.

Coton De Tulear
A Collie could quite possibly be the definition of a man’s best friend. It’s widely known that Collies are one of the world’s most friendly and loyal companions. Not to mention, their nature is calm and caring, with an attitude that’s ready to please their owners.

Giant Schnauzer
A Schnauzer’s curious face can sometimes look pretty intimidating if placed in the right lighting. However, don’t let this appearance fool you. These canines are anything but intimidating. Their nature is friendly and loyal, and all they ask for is some attention.

Giant Schnauzer
Irish Wolfhound
A sad fact about the Irish Wolfhound is that their longevity isn’t very good. Nonetheless, these dogs create a special bond with their owners in the time that is spent together. They provide tremendous amounts of affection and loyalty, and all they ask for is the same in return.

Irish Wolfhound
Basset Hound
A Basset Hound is more commonly known for their saggy body structure and laziness. However, underneath all that is the patience and charm that is so well-liked about their nature. They are entirely devoted to their human owners, and they show that with their immense loyalty.

Basset Hound
This Chinese breed features expressive ears and an incredibly unique face. These looks are partly the reason for their popularity all across the world. However, the other contributing factor to this popularity is their unwavering loyalty and friendliness to their human best friends.

Shar Pei
Cocker Spaniel
Cocker Spaniels are considered to be the perfect-sized canine for almost any living situation. This, along with their playful and gentle nature, is the reason for the Cocker Spaniel previously being the most popular dog breed in the US. They love being taken on long walks and play exceptionally well.

Cocker Spaniel
Finnish Lapphund
These Finnish Lapphunds are also referred to as lappies. The nature associated with this breed is exceptionally friendly, while they are known to live an inquisitive life. However, to take on this responsibility, you need to give this canine love and attention, as these dogs don’t take well to being neglected.

Finnish Lapphund
A Shikoku is a Japanese dog breed that once spent its days hunting wild game. However, the Shikoku has since retired from its days of hunting to a life filled with different games and activities. One of these activities is providing their owners with tremendous amounts of love.

Whippets have one of the sweetest faces which is partly the reason for there being no confusion as to why these canines find their way into so many people’s hearts. However, this love isn’t one-sided as Whippets love affection just as much as their human companions.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Cavalier Charles Spaniel dog breed, like the name suggests, is an incredibly noble breed of canine. Similar to the Cocker dog breed, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has an infectious spirit and a gorgeous face. These dogs are suitable for city life, while only needing moderate exercise.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Finnish Spitz
This fox-faced dog breed is best known for their bird-hunting capabilities. These capabilities lead to the canine being incredibly vocal. This vocal ability allows these Finnish Spitz to holler and bark like their life is dependent on making as much noise as possible.

Finnish Spitz
A Poodle is arguably considered the smartest breed in the canine world. Moreover, its coated appearance is something entirely unique to the dog world and has become something that many human companions obsess over. This, along with their incredible loyalty, makes them a very desired dog breed.

West Highland White Terrier
West Highland White Terriers, or Westies, are one of the best canine companions. One reason for this is due to these canines’ instant connections that they make with humans, coupled with their positive nature. The breed also has a spirit that’s generous and loyal.

West Highland White Terrier
Jack Russell Terrier
The Jack Russell Terrier gained their name after the man who bred these terriers in England in the 19thcentury. These terriers provide their human companions with a fun and loyal nature. However, these dogs are packed with energy, which requires a human who’s up to the challenge of keeping these dogs active.

Jack Russell Terrier
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Rhodesian Ridgebacks are a breed of canine that holds the ability to form an intense bond with their humans while having qualities that make them excellent guard dogs. The origins of the name ‘Rhodesian Ridgeback’ come from the backward-growing hair situated along the spine of these dogs.

Rhodesian Ridgeback
Welsh Corgi
The cute size and shape of the Welsh Corgi canine breed have become features that dog owners love globally. Nonetheless, the affection given by these dogs is what attracts most people to this breed. They love human company, while still being relatively independent.

Welsh Corgi
German Wirehaired Pointer
This dog breed has a desire to please their human companions while making them laugh. One potential problem is that these dogs require a large amount of outdoor exercise. Nonetheless, a German Wirehaired Pointer is the perfect furry companion for those who are already quite active.

German Wirehaired Pointer
One of the most imposing figures within the canine world is the Mastiff breed. Although these dogs have acquired this reputation, they are one of the most caring and gentle species. Their immense protective and loyal nature makes them perfect additions to any household.

The super-soft white coats of these dogs are irresistible. It’s a good thing that these canines are equipped with a nature that’s gentle and affectionate ,along with this furry coat. These qualities invite you to shower a Samoyed with tons of love, which they are known to return back to you.

This French dog, Papillon, means butterfly in French. This name is fitting as a Papillon is likely to flutter into your heart. This is due to their incredible desire to be surrounded by human companions and their friendly nature to these humans.

Toy Fox Terrier
The Toy Fox Terrier is seen as the perfect mix of terrier and toy. They hold the qualities of a terrier by being inviting and warm, along with being eager to please. However, their features make the dog breed look like a toy. All of this aids in making the Toy Fox Terrier so popular among dog lovers.

Toy Fox Terrier
Komondors’ most noticeable feature is their throw rug-like fur coat. This coat covers their eyes and makes it look like their vision is impaired. Nonetheless, this won’t stop them from finding their owners out of a crowd of people and demanding attention from them, and only them.

Many people can’t resist throwing their arms around dogs. However, this isn’t always a good idea for most dog breeds. This isn’t the case for a Newfie. They are likely to eat up that attention because it’s exactly what this dog breed wants.

American Staffordshire Terrier
American Staffordshire Terriers are one of the most energetic canines around. This energy is primarily focused on interacting with their human companions. These dogs struggle to live without human interaction and affection, and their loyalty for their owners is unmatched and fierce.

American Staffordshire Terrier
This dog breed originates from Mexico, where the Toltecs and the Aztecs believed that these Chihuahuas had the ability to carry souls into heaven. This may not be true, but these animals indeed make you feel like you are in heaven with the loyalty and affection they show you.

Bulldogs are one of the most dignified breeds. This behavior, along with their braveness, makes them highly desirable. They love spending time with their human companions and are likely to go anywhere with you. Moreover, they love to go on walks because they get to spend time with their favorite person: you.

Saint Bernard
If you’ve seen any Hollywood movies about a man’s best friend, you have possibly had a Saint Bernard grace your TV screen. There’s a good reason for Hollywood using a Saint Bernard to portray the perfect companion. These animals are mostly attached to children.

Saint Bernard
Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terriers are the best definition of a velcro dog. Their delicate and daintiness only adds to their overall cute appearance. However, these dogs aren’t known for their independence and are going to let you know they want your full attention frequently.

Yorkshire Terrier
These Dachshunds are incredibly protective over their human companions and have shown this alertness and protective nature by saving their families from danger. Once they are attached, they aren’t letting go of you. They are also relatively low-maintenance and require a good amount of daily exercise.

Boxers are one of the few dog breeds that conduct themselves with confidence and toughness. For this reason, it’s hard to explain why these animals are so attached to humans. These canines love to play around and show off the strength they possess.

Brittanys are one dog that always seems to be alert and energetic. They are very obedient and do whatever tasks they are asked to do. They simply adore humans and do whatever is asked of them for this reason. However, they would much rather spend their day joint to your hip.

These dogs are incredibly loyal. Their attitudes are known to change when faced with dogs or other humans that are not part of their clan. It’s almost as if they are different dogs because their once loving nature can flip when their loved ones aren’t in the picture.

A Beagle is a full-time commitment as these animals want to be in your space continually. If they could crawl into your skin to be closer to you, they would. However, these dogs are the perfect companion for those who want a dog to bring an affectionate and cheery attitude into their household.
The Kuvasz is the epitome of a gentle giant. Their massive appearance and soft and sweet nature all equip the dog breed to fit this image. They are known to make excellent family dogs and are pretty low-maintenance. A Kuvasz thrives most in a fenced-yard environment, where they can exercise independently.

The Great Pyrenees
The Great Pyrenees’ protective nature is likely to have developed when they were used to protect sheep from predators, such as wolves in the mountains. This protective nature is spread through to their families. This allows the Great Pyrenees to keep you safe from any potential danger.

The Great Pyrenees
Australian Shepherd
Australian Shepherd
An Australian Shepherd is arguably one of the most majestic and smartest canines in the world. These Shepherds have initially been a cowboy’s best friend. If you’re up for a lot of activity, attention, and training, then this dog is the right companion for you.
Italian Greyhound
The Italian version of a greyhound is essentially a smaller model of the original. They are almost identical to their bigger cousins. An Italian Greyhound is always aware of their surroundings and extremely sensitive. They love their companions, along with playing. Put these two together, and you’ve got a very happy dog.

Italian Greyhound