Back to the Hotel
As the couple walked back to their hotel, they continued enjoying everything that they saw along the way. Valerie began telling her boyfriend about how much she loved record shops. It reminded her of her childhood, but she didn’t say why.

Back To The Hotel
A Sad Look
As Valerie spoke, a sad look crossed her face. Joel noticed but decided not to press her on the matter. However, this feeling would become incredibly prevalent soon enough. The couple decided to look through their photos when they reached the hotel.

A Sad Look
Zoomed In
There’s no doubt that New York is a photogenic place. This made it easy to take lovely photos while in the city. Valerie was browsing through the pictures when she zoomed in on her in the music shop. What she spotted was truly shocking.

Zoomed In
Valerie’s Tears
Joel didn’t understand why Valerie was acting like this. First, she was said walking back from the hotel, and then she started crying after seeing the photo of her in the music store. He tried to calm her down but was left puzzled by how Valerie was acting.

Valerie’s Tears
An Explanation
Valerie tried her hardest to explain why she was feeling the way she was. After calming down, she began telling Joel what she had noticed. She pointed to the album that was in the background of the picture. It was a Nirvana record.

An Explanation
Joel was still puzzled by the image. That’s when Valerie went on to explain that this was the album her dad used to play when he was driving his car. She continued stating that she used to go to record stores with her father.

That’s Not All
However, that wasn’t the real reason that Valerie was in such a state. There was a more significant reason for her tears. She had had a fight with her dad a year ago and hadn’t spoken since. Joel came up with a plan to make her feel better.

That’s Not All
Knowing Better
Joel guided Valerie out onto the streets of New York again, but she didn’t want to leave the hotel room. Joel insisted that they were almost there. Valerie then knew exactly what Joel was planning. They were back at the record store once again.

Knowing Better
What Was He Doing?
Valerie was confused. She didn’t know why Joel would take her back to the very place that had made her so sad. Joel insisted that she trust her. He was sure that she was going to love what he had planned.

What Was He Doing?
Locating the Record
Once again, the couple entered the record store, and Joel quickly went to locate the record in the picture they had taken earlier. Joel and Valerie finally found the right place. However, the album wasn’t there anymore. What was Joel to do now?

Locating The Record
Too Late
Joel went to the store clerk and asked about the album. The clerk informed them that she had sold it to a man who had just left the store. They might just find him if they were quick enough. They ran out to see if they could spot the man.

Too Late
Spotting Something
The couple spotted a man with a big bag. They ran after him in hopes that he had the album. They tapped the man on the shoulder and asked if he had just bought the record, but he said he hadn’t. Valerie sat down to calm herself when she spotted something.

Spotting Something
A Man with a Bag
Valerie couldn’t believe her eyes. She saw a man with a bag walking into the music store. He walked out of the store again and started making his way to Joel and Valerie. He told the couple that he forgot his sunglasses in the store. While there, the clerk stated that Valerie and Joel were looking for him.

A Man With A Bag
Valerie asked the man if he had bought the album, to which he replied, saying that he did. Valerie then began explaining her story to him. The man was moved. She told him that she wanted to buy the album to apologize to him.

What the Man Had to Say
The man was incredibly kind and understanding. He agreed to sell the record to Valerie and Joel. Valerie happily gave him the money and exchanged it for the record. Valerie was incredibly relieved that she got the record and couldn’t wait to get back and give it to her dad.

What The Man Had To Say
A Ringing Phone
As the couple made their way back to the hotel, Valerie’s phone began ringing. She saw that it was an unknown number. Valerie answered the phone and heard an unfamiliar voice on the other end. The voice informed Valerie that her father was in the hospital.

A Ringing Phone
It Gets Worse
It turns out that Valerie’s father had just sustained a heart attack. He was in the hospital and didn’t have anyone to visit him. Valerie broke down yet again. Today had been an emotional rollercoaster that she didn’t want to be on anymore.

It Gets Worse
Their Plan
Valerie explained the situation to her boyfriend. They were over 1300 miles away from Valerie’s father, but they knew they needed to do something. However, they couldn’t have anticipated the struggles they were about to face on their journey to get to Valerie’s father.

Their Plan
The Start of Their Journey
The couple decided to grab their stuff from the hotel and get a cab to the airport. Lucky enough, New York is known for offering endless amounts of yellow cabs. On the way to the airport, Joel began searching for the next flight to Minnesota.

The Start Of Their Journey
Fully Booked
Joel saw that there was only one flight scheduled for the day and it was already fully booked. They still decided to make their way to the airport because they had nothing to lose. They tried their luck at the service counter to see if they could get on the flight.

Fully Booked
No Good News
The lady informed them that the plane was full. The only way they would be able to get on the flight was if two people didn’t show up. The couple sat and waited in the big airport, hoping that they could get on the flight.

No Good News
Woken Up
The couple had fallen asleep and were awoke to a big man shouting at them to move. He informed them that they needed to move to the gate because the plane was leaving in 15 minutes and there were two seats available.

Woken Up
No Time to Celebrate
The couple quickly got onto the plane and took their seats. Suddenly, Valerie became filled with fear. What if her dad was still angry with her and didn’t want to see her? She didn’t know what to think, but Joel assured her that everything was going to be okay.

No Time To Celebrate
A Rough Landing
Valerie fell asleep on the plane and had awoken from a rough landing. They quickly gathered their things and disembarked from the plane. All they needed to do was get out of the airport and to the hospital as soon as possible.

A Rough Landing
Finding a Cab
The couple found a cap and quickly hopped in. After 30 minutes, they finally arrived at the hospital. With all of their belongings, they entered the hospital. Valerie approached the counter and asked about where she could find her father. That’s when she received bad news.

Finding A Cab
Visiting Hours
The lady explained that they could only see him tomorrow because visiting hours were over. Joel then approached the counter and explained the entire situation. That’s when the lady behind the counter said she would see if the doctor could make a plan.

Visiting Hours
Waiting for an Answer
After waiting for what seemed like forever, the doctor appeared and said that she would allow the couple to see Valerie’s dad. However, they weren’t able to stay long. Valerie responded with relief and excitement as they followed the doctor to the room.

Waiting For An Answer
Valerie took a deep breath and entered the room. She saw her father lying in the hospital bed with his eyes closed. She cautiously wanted up to him as tears ran down her eyes. It was still and silent until her dad started moving.

An Unexpected Event
Valerie’s father opened his eyes and instantly looked at Valerie. The father and daughter looked at one other for a moment, and it was dead silent. You could hear a pin drop until something completely unexpected happened that nobody could have possibly anticipated.

An Unexpected Event
Everything is Alright
Valerie’s father lifted his arms to Valerie and embraced her into a hug. At that very moment, everyone in the room knew that their relationship was going to be okay. The pair promised that they would never fight again. That’s when Joel remembered the plan.

Everything Is Alright
Bringing it Out
After Valerie and her father had calmed down, Joel decided it was time to bring out the album Valerie had bought for her dad. Her father began crying once again at the thoughtful gesture. It was the perfect timing and the most appropriate gift.

Bringing It Out
Not Just Sentimental Value
The record that Valerie had bought for her father didn’t just have sentimental value. It also appears to have a lot of monetary value. The group was shocked when they realized how much the album was actually worth, just like other incredible records out there.

Not Just Sentimental Value
Not the Only One
Some vinyl records are known to be incredibly expensive and highly valued. That’s one reason why people have massive collections of vinyl records. Not only do these items offer an exceptional way to listen to music, but it’s also known that these records gain value as time goes on.

Not The Only One
Led Zeppelin’s 1969 Led Zeppelin
The self-titled album, Led Zeppelin, was recorded in September and October of 1968, shortly after the band’s creation. It was recorded in the Olympic Studios located in London. Owning one of these records nowadays can make an individual very rich.

Led Zeppelin’s 1969 Led Zeppelin
Miles Davis’s 1959 Kind of Blue
Kind of Blue is seen as one of the best jazz records ever to be recorded. It contains the song ‘So What,’ which is said to be one of Davis’s best masterpieces and is arguably the best jazz composition ever to be created.

Miles Davis’s 1959 Kind Of Blue
David Bowie’s 1973 the Prettiest Star
David Bowie’s the Prettiest Star is renowned as a beautifully-crafted melodic record that can stand up against Space Oddity, which is really saying something. The record was written for Bowie’s soon-to-be-wife, Angela ‘Angie’ Barnett. Today, the album can be sold for as much as $2,000.

David Bowie’s 1973 The Prettiest Star
The Rolling Stone’s 1968 Street Fighting Man
The European and American civil unrest inspired this record in 1968. The specific event that caused Mick Jagger to write the tune’s lyrics was the Grosvenor Square demonstration on March 17th, 1968, in London. One of these albums was auctioned for more than $17,000 in 2011.

The Rolling Stones’ 1968 Street Fighting Man
Bob Dylan’s 1963 the Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this Bob Dylan album can go for more than $35,000. The record itself transformed Bob Dylan from a popular local musician to a glorified global phenomenon. It was constructed in a way that allowed listeners to get lost in the music.

Bob Dylan’s 1963 The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan
Prince’s 1994 the Black Album
The only recorded Canadian copy of the album was known to have sold for more than $27,500. If that isn’t crazy enough, an unopened American produced record was sold for $42,300 in 2018. It’s one of the rarest records because Prince claimed it to be evil and ordered that 500,000 copies be destroyed a week before its release.

Prince’s 1994 The Black Album
The Beatles’ 1968 the White Album
The White Album is known to be the beginning of the end for the Beatles. For this very reason, the album has become so popular, especially after the band broke up. One of these records was sold for more than $790,000 at a charity event.

The Beatles’ 1968 The White Album