Birds Won’t Leave a Plane Alone and the Pilot Is Amazed to Learn Why

Published on January 1, 2023

What would you do if you heard banging on the airplane’s windows? You’d be a bit alarmed and surprised, especially when you don’t know what’s going on. This happened to a pilot named Jason, and he frantically looked around. However, his co-pilot gasped, and there came a warning from the cabin crew. Overall, Jason was baffled because of the large swarm of birds chasing and attacking their airplane. They wouldn’t stop coming for them, but why? If they didn’t figure things out, there could be a horrible disaster. What did the airplane pilot and co-pilot do? Did they survive?

Shaking off the Birds

Jason was trying to shake off the birds, but he had to be careful. If they hit the engines, it could cause the airplane to crash. These birds seemed to be more aggressive as Jason kept maneuvering away from them, and he didn’t know why!

Shaking off the Birds

Shaking off the Birds

Wouldn’t Leave the Plane Alone

The birds didn’t leave the plane alone, and the passengers were getting rowdy. In fact, they thought the birds would cause them to crash. Jason reassured everyone that he had things under control, but he secretly called for assistance!

Wouldn't Leave the Plane Alone

Wouldn’t Leave the Plane Alone