The Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World

Published on February 12, 2019

Police Motorcycle Graveyard In Lima

These old Harley Davidsons were once ridden by the National Police od Puente Piedra of Lima, Peru. Due to lack of budget, the bikes were retired and left abandoned in a parking site. As they’ve collected dust, they’ve decreased in value. If refurbished, their value could go from around $1000 up to $12,000! Worth a shot, no?

Police Motorcycle Graveyard In Lima

Police Motorcycle Graveyard In Lima

Abandoned Hotel In Colombia

What looks like it could have been a stunning vacation spot now lies abandoned in ruins. The formerly beautiful hotel is perched atop a cliff that overlooks the Bogota River. When the river was contaminated with industrial waste, the whole area fell into disarray, forcing the hotel to shut its doors.

El Hotel Del Salto, Colombia

El Hotel Del Salto, Colombia