Useful And Practical Ways To Use Aluminum Foil To Make Your Life Easier

Published on July 14, 2020

Used For Sealing Plastic Bags

Not only can buying in bulk save you from doing frequent visits to the store but it can help you economically too. But sometimes, you don’t use the whole packet in one go and it gets left open in your pantry.

Used For Sealing Plastic Bags

Used For Sealing Plastic Bags

This way you run the risk that it will go stale. A simple way to reseal bags is by using a strip of aluminum foil. Fold the foil along the opening and seal it with a hot iron.

Cleaning Glue Guns

Glue guns are very useful for sealing and sticking many things around the house. It heats up a hardened glue stick and dispenses the now melted glue onto the desired surface. Unfortunately, there’s always some leftover glue on the tip of the gun.

Cleaning Glue Guns

Cleaning Glue Guns

The leftover glue becomes cold and hard after use. You can’t clean the glue when it’s hot so once it has cooled and hardened use a ball of aluminum foil to clean the tip in seconds with no mess.