Useful And Practical Ways To Use Aluminum Foil To Make Your Life Easier

Published on July 14, 2020
Life is complicated enough as it is, that’s why everyone is always in search of ways to make life easier. There are many hacks that can turn your everyday objects into multi-use, effective tools for other things than they were intended for. Aluminum foil is one of those… When most people think of aluminum foil, they automatically think of it as something that can only be used for cooking and other small uses in the kitchen. However, there are many other ways that you can use aluminum foil, that isn’t necessarily limited to the kitchen. We have found some hacks that you’ll find useful and that can make your life easier in many ways. Next time you look at that simple aluminum foil roll sitting in your kitchen drawer, you’ll see a brilliant, multipurpose invention that can simplify your life. Let’s have a look at some hacks using aluminum foil.

Helps Keep Bananas Fresh

A banana’s special protective peel may help protect its flesh from insects but, the inside of the skin also has a reactive agent, which causes the banana to go bad quickly.

Helps Keep Bananas Fresh

Helps Keep Bananas Fresh

The agent reacts to the air that enters the banana through the stem area and ripens the banana faster. This is where aluminum foil comes in and saves the day. By covering the stem area with aluminum foil, your bananas will stay fresh for up to a week longer.

Useful For Dispensing Light

If you have a shelf or drawer that is deep and doesn’t get a lot of light because of it, then aluminum foil can solve this problem for you. Not only are dark shelves and drawers the ideal nesting place for cockroaches but it’s also difficult to see what’s inside.

Useful For Dispensing Light

Useful For Dispensing Light

To eliminate the darkness simply line your dark shelf or drawer with aluminum foil. The silver will reflect the light and will illuminate the space so you can see more clearly.


No More Ice Cream Mess

It’s no secret that kids tend to be messier eaters, but especially when eating ice cream. Even adults will struggle to not make a mess when eating ice cream on a hot day.

No More Ice Cream Mess

No More Ice Cream Mess

You can save yourself a lot of cleaning up by wrapping the base of the ice cream near the stick with aluminum foil.This will create a barrier between the ice cream and your hands. So when the ice cream melts, it will drip into the foil cup you’ve created.


Help Radiators Become More Efficient

On those cold winter days, all you want to do is a warm house. Unfortunately, traditional radiators aren’t always strong enough to do the job. So if you can’t afford an upgrade, does that mean you must just bear the cold? Definitely not!

Help Radiators Become More Efficient

Help Radiators Become More Efficient

Find rectangular cardboard approximately the size of your radiator and wrap it with aluminum foil and place it between the wall and the radiator. The aluminum foil will reflect the heat and spread it to the whole room.


Effectively Cleans Your Iron

There’s nothing worse than finding out your iron is grimy or rusty when you’re in a rush and you need to iron your shirt before an important meeting. Do you change your shirt or do you take a chance and iron your shirt anyway?

Effectively Cleans Your Iron

Effectively Cleans Your Iron

What do you do? You call aluminum foil to the rescue! Roll a piece of aluminum foil into a ball, make sure your iron is hot and use the ball to scrub. And voilà, clean iron!


No More Scratched Floors

Hardwood floors give a room that elegant, warm feel. But they’re difficult to maintain scratch-free sometimes, especially when you need to move furniture around. If you feel like rearranging a room, you don’t have to worry about scratching your floor anymore if you use aluminum foil.

No More Scratched Floors

No More Scratched Floors

All you need to do is fold some aluminum foil into a square big enough to fit under the furniture legs and place it underneath each leg. That will prevent any scuffs and scratches.


Used For Sealing Plastic Bags

Not only can buying in bulk save you from doing frequent visits to the store but it can help you economically too. But sometimes, you don’t use the whole packet in one go and it gets left open in your pantry.

Used For Sealing Plastic Bags

Used For Sealing Plastic Bags

This way you run the risk that it will go stale. A simple way to reseal bags is by using a strip of aluminum foil. Fold the foil along the opening and seal it with a hot iron.


Cleaning Glue Guns

Glue guns are very useful for sealing and sticking many things around the house. It heats up a hardened glue stick and dispenses the now melted glue onto the desired surface. Unfortunately, there’s always some leftover glue on the tip of the gun.

Cleaning Glue Guns

Cleaning Glue Guns

The leftover glue becomes cold and hard after use. You can’t clean the glue when it’s hot so once it has cooled and hardened use a ball of aluminum foil to clean the tip in seconds with no mess.


Door Knob Protection

If you’ve ever given your house or a room in your house a fresh coat of paint then you’ll know what precautions you have to take to prevent paint from getting everywhere. You’d have to remove the furniture from a room or cover things with plastic.

Door Knob Protection

Door Knob Protection

But how do you ensure that paint doesn’t trickle inside the lock or over your doorknob? Simply wrap the doorknob with aluminum foil to protect it, which you can discard without any hassles once you’re done.


No Mess Barbecue

Meals cooked on the barbecue are not only delicious, but they’re quick and easy to make. The cooking process may be easy and fun, but the mess left on the grill afterward isn’t as fun to clean. If you wrap your food in aluminum foil then you’ll be left with no mess and no fuss.

No Mess Barbecue

No Mess Barbecue

Your grill will remain basically clean, plus your food will be tastier because it would have contained its natural juices within the foil enhancing its flavor and tenderness.


Restore An Old Mirror

Mirrors aren’t only used for seeing your reflection, they can also be used as decorative focal points according to interior designers. With time, a mirror’s reflective layers can fade and change so spots can become visible.

Restore An Old Mirror

Restore An Old Mirror

This can be fixed with reflective paint, but an easier way to fix this problem is to tape a strip of foil to the frame. This silvery surface will effectively hide these unsightly spots and the mirror will look newer than what it is.


Outdoor Plant Protection

A garden with colorful flowers and leafy green plants can be really beautiful if maintained well. One problem that people with gardens face is pests attacking their plants.

Outdoor Plant Protection

Outdoor Plant Protection

It’s said that mulch can help protect plants from pests but sometimes it’s not enough but foil can be used to further protect your plants. Just cover the base of the plant with foil and the metal will not only keep bugs away but it will prevent bacteria from attacking the plant.


Mess-Free Cozy Fires

There’s nothing better than lying in front of a warm fire on a cold winter’s day with a hot cup of cocoa. A fireplace or hearth is a wonderful thing to have to warm up an entire room, but it can create a lot of mess.

Mess Free Cozy Fires

Mess Free Cozy Fires

You can minimize the mess and make cleaning up easier by placing layers of aluminum foil on the ground around the fireplace. This way you can collect the semi-burned fuels, ash, and soot without hassle.


Helps With Patch Work

Ripped jeans are in fashion today, but not everyone wears them. So what can you do when you get a tear on your favorite pair of jeans? Do you embrace the fashion or put a patch on it?

Helps With Patch Work

Helps With Patch Work

If you opt for the latter, all you’ll need is an iron and a piece of aluminum foil for your patchwork to be effective. The foil will form a heat barrier and that will prevent the patch from sticking to the ironing board.


Useful Painting Saver And Tool

If you’ve lost the cap to your paint container then don’t despair, aluminum foil will save your day. Whether you’re a professional artist or you paint as a hobby, you would have found that paint can dry very easily.

Useful Painting Saver And Tool

Useful Painting Saver And Tool

This is especially true if you’ve lost the cap because it is exposed to too much air. You can make a make-shift cap using foil. Place a layer of foil over the container and crimp around the sides. Plus, you can also use foil as a palette.


Creative Frying Pan

If you find yourself camping in the middle of nowhere, without the comforts of home then foil can be very useful. A barbeque is easy when you’re camping but if you’re tired of barbecue meals, there’s a better alternative.

Creative Frying Pan

Creative Frying Pan

You can cook anything on a make-shift frying pan made out of aluminum foil. Cut squares of foil and place them one on top of another until it’s thick enough. Then mold it into the shape of a pan and there you have it!


No Non-Stick Spray Necessary

Cooking eggs on a pan can be quite challenging, so you’ll need a non-stick spray to prevent your food from sticking. If you’ve run out of non-stick spray then you can count on aluminum foil to do the trick.

No Non Stick Spray Necessary

No Non Stick Spray Necessary

Simply line the frying pan with foil and heat as usual. The foil is a good heat conductor so it will heat up like your pan would. Now your food won’t stick, plus you’ll have less cleaning up to do.


Boosts WiFi On Mobile Phones

If you stream your favorite programs on your phone but experience a lot of buffering then you need aluminum foil. It has been said that foil can help boost your phone’s WiFi signal.

Boosts WiFi On Mobile Phones

Boosts WiFi On Mobile Phones

This means that you’ll be able to enjoy your shows without any interruptions. All you have to do is place some foil on the corner of your phone. It may look a little weird and unfashionable, but you won’t complain once you see how well it works.


Say Goodbye To Static

Static is a common occurrence after your clothes come out of the dryer. Can it be prevented somehow? Yes, it can… with aluminum foil. If you want to eliminate static from your clothes that have been in the dryer, then try this trick.

Say Goodbye To Static

Say Goodbye To Static

Try throwing a ball of foil into your load next time. The metal will absorb the static electricity, which means your clothes won’t pick it up. Who knew you could eliminate the discomfort of static with a ball of foil?


Helps Repair Vinyl Tiles

Over time, vinyl tiles can come loose. But you don’t have to replace the whole lot if this happens. You’ll need the right adhesive, an iron, and some foil to fix this. Apply the adhesive where the loose tile was.

Helps Repair Vinyl Tiles

Helps Repair Vinyl Tiles

Then put the tile back, and then place a piece of foil over it. Iron over the foil so it generates enough heat to warm up the adhesive. That will help set the tile in place so it won’t come loose again.


Homemade Cookie Cutters

Some people enjoy baking on a regular basis, so they have all the goodies and gadgets to create anything they want. But what if you’re not really a baker but feel like making some cookies one rainy Sunday afternoon?

Homemade Cookie Cutters

Homemade Cookie Cutters

If you have some foil in your drawer then you can get creative and make your own cookie cutters. Use a long strip of foil and fold it until it’s sturdy enough to use. Then mold it to whatever shape you want.


Make-Shift RFID Cover

With all the credit card fraud going around these days, technology aces have developed a cover that looks like a wallet or a slipcover, to protect your credit card from fraudsters.

Make Shift RFID Cover

Make Shift RFID Cover

They’re effective in serving its purpose, but they can be quite pricey. If you’re on a tight budget, you can make your own using foil. Fold the foil to make a pouch for your card. The foil creates a barrier so scanners can’t read the data on your card.


Useful Photography Tool

Beginner photographers will soon discover that their biggest problem is lighting. If you’re just beginning you’ll probably have the bare essentials and won’t be able to afford some expensive equipment like high-end flashes and reflectors.

Useful Photography Tool

Useful Photography Tool

That’s where aluminum foil can help you. Get a relatively large piece of cardboard and cover it with foil. That will become your reflector board for beginners. You can use it to diffuse, bounce, or flag both natural and artificial light like professional photographers do.


Dry Matches Forever

Many, many years ago, early humans discovered fire, and it changed their lives and those of generations to follow in a way that they never imagined. With the years, people invented ways of creating fire in a simpler way.

Dry Matches Forever

Dry Matches Forever

Rather than using flint and stones, matches were then invented and creating fire became a lot easier. For matches to work properly they need to be dry, so roll your matches on foil before you want to use them, to keep them dry.


Sharp Scissors Every Time

If you’ve ever needed to cut a piece of paper or string and couldn’t manage because your scissors were blunt, then this hack is for you. It can be very frustrating to discover that your scissors are blunt when you really need to cut something.

Sharp Scissors Every Time

Sharp Scissors Every Time

If you have foil at home then you’ll never have this problem ever again. The moment your scissors feel dull, cut a piece of foil with your scissors several times and this will sharpen them every time.


Useful For Soap Bars

Washing your hands regularly throughout the day is an essential part of someone’s day. However, because the soap slips around the dish from being used so often, it leaves a residue on the soap dish that looks very messy.

Useful For Soap Bars

Useful For Soap Bars

To prevent this from happening, out a small strip of foil underneath your bar of soap. This helps the bar of soap keep its shape and prevents it from slipping around. The metal can also absorb any possibly harmful chemicals on the soap.


Good For Polishing Jewelry

We all have that piece of jewelry that we only use for a special occasion. Unfortunately, you’ll often find that when you’re ready to use it, it’s a little tarnished. By that stage, you don’t have time to take it to a professional jeweler to have it polished.

Good For Polishing Jewelry

Good For Polishing Jewelry

All you do is swirl your piece of jewelry in a small bowl with some soapy water and add a piece of foil into the water and watch how the shine comes back.


Protect Your Paint Brush

If you decide to paint a room or two in the house, you’ll probably need a day or two to finish the job. Does that mean you have to wash the paint brush you used every time you take a break? Not if you have aluminum foil lying around.

Protect Your Paint Brush

Protect Your Paint Brush

Before you take a break, simply wrap some foil around the bristles and then you can leave it overnight. The foil will keep the paint moist so it’ll be easier to continue when you’re ready.


Boosts Solar Garden Light

Solar-powered lights are much better on your pocket and ultimately better for the environment. They can be very useful, especially to light up your garden. However, some solar lights aren’t very strong and fail to illuminate enough.

Boosts Solar Garden Light

Boosts Solar Garden Light

If you place some foil around the light, the foil will reflect the sun’s rays and hence shine brighter. You can even get creative and place the foil around the lamp in a decorative way to make it look like a light feature.


Dainty Cake Decorations

Some bakers can create real pieces of art when decorating cakes and cupcakes. Those decorations seem impossible to replicate because they look so difficult. But you can achieve similar results at home without any of the fancy, expensive tools.

Dainty Cake Decorations

Dainty Cake Decorations

All you need is aluminum foil and your creativity. Use the foil to shape and mold into whatever shape you want and then coat it with icing to create cake art. Be sure to tell your guests that the decorations are not edible.


Soft Curls Achieved

If you have straight hair and want a little bounce in your hair you don’t need to rush to a hairstylist to get a perm that can harm your hair. You could use a hot curler, but that will also damage your hair.

Soft Curls Achieved

Soft Curls Achieved

This also runs the risk of burning your scalp and hands. You can achieve perfect soft curls by simply using some foil. Place some foil on strands of hair and put the hot curler on the foil to prevent damage and burning.


Replacing A Lost Stylus

It is very easy to lose or misplace your phone’s stylus. When that happens, you don’t need to panic and rush out to get a pricey new one. You can actually make one yourself by using an ordinary pencil and some aluminum foil.

Replacing A Lost Stylus

Replacing A Lost Stylus

Just wrap some foil around the tip or back of a pencil or pen and there you have a cheap, homemade stylus. Because it’s so easy to make, you will never have to buy a new one ever again.


Boosts WiFi Connection At Home

Sometimes, routers don’t distribute the WiFi signal to every part of the house and you find that you lose signal in certain rooms. This can be very frustrating because you don’t want to be sitting right next to the router to get WiFi.

Boosts WiFi Connection At Home

Boosts WiFi Connection At Home

All you need to do to boost your WiFi signal is to wrap a greeting card or thin cardboard with foil and place it between the aerials on your router. This will help strengthen the connection throughout the house.


Useful For Polishing Chrome

Chrome is said to be the best metal for decorative use in the home because it is corrosion resistant and has a beautiful shine. It is still a metal though, so it will lose its sheen with time and it could become rusty.

Useful For Polishing Chrome

Useful For Polishing Chrome

If that happens, scrubbing it with a ball of aluminum foil will remove the grime and rust and restore it to its original sheen. Another positive is that chrome is scratch-resistant so the foil won’t scratch your ornament.


Mess-Free Oven

Even if you use the best trays and baking pans, there’s always some food that spills onto the oven floor. Those little bits that spilled end up burning and can give your baked goods a burnt taste.

Mess Free Oven

Mess Free Oven

All you need to do to prevent this is to line the bottom of your oven with a piece of foil. The foil will then catch whatever food bits spill and once you’re done it’s easy to remove and dispose of in the trash.


Protecting Your Pie Crusts

If you like baking, you probably enjoy making your own pie from scratch. The difficulty with baking your own homemade pie is that sometimes the crust burns before the filling cooks properly.

Protecting Your Pie Crusts

Protecting Your Pie Crusts

To get a perfect, golden-brown crust and a deliciously cooked filling all you need is some foil. Cut some foil strips and cover the uncooked crust before putting it in the oven. The foil will protect the crust from burning but it will help it cook evenly.


No Cake Pan Needed

Have you ever refrained from making a cake for a special occasion because you didn’t have the correct cake pan? Well, if you have aluminum foil, nothing will ever hold you back from baking whatever shaped cake you want.

No Cake Pan Needed

No Cake Pan Needed

Fold and mold the foil to create any shape you want, be it a heart, a flower, or even a butterfly. Just place the shape you created on a baking tray, pour the cake mixture into your mold, and bake.


Packaging Leftovers

Sometimes, you will have leftover food from dinner or lunch. Instead of throwing it away and wasting it, you can freeze it for another time. Wrap the leftovers with foil to protect your food from freezer burn as well as preserving its taste.

Packaging Leftovers

Packaging Leftovers

You may need several layers to make sure that the food is properly covered. Always remember to use a sticker to label the food parcel for future use. You should also state the date it was cooked.


Helps Preserve Steel Wool

Steel wool is a very useful kitchen item for cleaning pot and pans, however, once used, it loses its shape with every use. The more you use it the grimier and rustier it can become. When that happens, you shouldn’t throw it out.

Helps Preserve Steel Wool

Helps Preserve Steel Wool

If you have aluminum foil at home you can salvage it. Wrap the out-of-shape steel wool ball in foil and put it in the freezer and leave it for a few days. That will restore it to almost new.


Stay Dry Inside Your Sleeping Bag

Camping trips with the family are a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and to enjoy some quality time together. After a long day hiking or doing other outdoor activities you’ll need a good night’s rest.

Stay Dry Inside Your Sleeping Bag

Stay Dry Inside Your Sleeping Bag

That’s where aluminum foil can help you. If you put a long piece of foil under your body before climbing into your sleeping bag, it will prevent your sweat from wetting the sleeping bag and you’ll wake up dry.


Lining Your Roller Tray

Using a roller to do some painting around the house makes your life a lot easier. However, cleaning the paint tray afterward is not as easy. Plastic paint trays and liners can help, but they can be quite expensive.

Lining Your Roller Tray

Lining Your Roller Tray

So why spend more money on those things when a cheaper solution is in your kitchen drawer? Simply wrap the tray with foil and your problem is solved. What’s more. You can throw it away once you’re done and there’s no cleaning needed.


Prevents Paint From Skinning

If you’re a DIY type of person, you’ve probably encountered the issue of paint skinning. If you leave a can of paint out for a few days and the lid isn’t on tightly then the paint begins to solidify.

Prevents Paint From Skinning

Prevents Paint From Skinning

Once that happens, you can pretty much kiss the can goodbye because painting with hardened paint causes more mess than anything else. If you place a piece of foil in the can, that will prevent skinning and your paint will stay fresh.


Homemade Platter Dish

If you don’t entertain often, you probably don’t have big platter dishes for those special occasions. If that’s the case, then you probably rush out to the store to buy one. Platters can be expensive, especially if you don’t use them often.

Homemade Platter Dish

Homemade Platter Dish

With this hack, you will be able to serve your snacks on inexpensive, homemade platters. Get a piece of cardboard the size that you want and wrap it with foil and there you have a platter.


Enhance Outdoor Lighting

There’s something relaxing about sitting out on the patio on a lovely evening. But what do you do if your outdoor lights aren’t bright enough? You can’t exactly sit out in the dark. The silvery reflection of aluminum foil can help you with this problem.

Enhance Outdoor Lighting

Enhance Outdoor Lighting

You can use foil to create different decorative decorations. Just let your creative juices flow. Once you’re done, you can place your decorations around the table and that will help reflect the existing light.


Separate Growing Cuttings

If you love gardening, you’ve probably planted your own seeds before and have encountered some issues with plant cuttings getting tangled up. To prevent this from happening, try placing your seedlings in a container and cover it with aluminum foil.

Separate Growing Cuttings

Separate Growing Cuttings

You’ll need to poke some holes in the foil to make sure that oxygen and moisture can get in. you won’t need to water the plant as often because the foil will help the soil to retain the water for longer.


Protective Layer For Trees

The bark of a tree is its protective layer much like the skin is our protective layer. In winter, cold conditions can be tough on trees, especially young ones. Small animals and rodents will try to use your tree as shelter and that also damages the bark.

Protective Layer For Trees

Protective Layer For Trees

If you want your tree to thrive, wrap some aluminum foil around the base of it to protect it from animals and the cold. When spring arrives, you can remove the foil.


No More Burned Fingers

Pressure cookers are amazing for cooking meals quickly. The only downfall is lifting the bowl when it’s piping hot. Foil can come to your rescue and prevent you from burning your fingers.

No More Burned Fingers

No More Burned Fingers

Cut a thick strip of foil the length of your bowl plus and extra eight inches. Place your bowl on the center of the strip and use the foil as a sling to place the bowl inside the pot. Then use it to lift the bowl when the food is ready.


Natural Bird Repellent

If you want to protect your fruit trees or any plant for that matter from birds, then aluminum foil can be a very effective, yet natural bird repellent. Most birds don’t like shiny objects that reflect light.

Natural Bird Repellent

Natural Bird Repellent

Therefore, if you dangle a few strips of foil from the branches, then they’ll stay away. By doing this you’ll prevent birds from eating the fruit from your trees and you’ll protect your other plants as well.


Mattress Protection

If you have a small child that occasionally wets the bed, then this hack will spare you the time-consuming cleaning process and make your life a lot easier. You can try to put a layer of foil between the bedsheet and the mattress.

Mattress Protection

Mattress Protection

That way, you won’t have to worry about stains on your mattress. Cleaning up is so much easier, simply remove the soiled sheet, and throw away the foil layer. If the foil is too noisy, just put a towel over it.


More Effective Ironing

Have you ever been in a hurry and you have a stubborn wrinkle on a shirt that your iron simply won’t remove? Try placing a layer of foil between your ironing board and its cover to enhance your iron’s effectiveness.

More Effective Ironing

More Effective Ironing

Aluminum foil is a great heat conductor so the heat from the iron will bounce off the foil and onto your clothes. This ensures that your clothes are ironed from both sides at the same time so your clothes are always wrinkle-free.


Helps Whiten Teeth

Most teeth whitening systems you find in the stores can be very expensive. What if I told you that there’s a simple, cost-effective way to effectively whiten your teeth? You’ll need some toothpaste, baking soda, and some foil.

Helps Whiten Teeth

Helps Whiten Teeth

Cut some strips of foil big enough to cover your teeth, then mix the toothpaste and baking soda together, and apply a layer on the foil. Wrap the foil with the mixture around your teeth and after an hour, you’ll see sparkling white teeth.


Homemade Funnel

Funnels are handy when you need to decant liquids from one bottle into another. Trying to do it free-hand can be very messy and can result in wastage. There’s no need to panic if you’ve misplaced your funnel.

Homemade Funnel

Homemade Funnel

If you have foil around the house, then you will always have a make-shift funnel at your disposal. Tear off a large piece of foil and mold it into a cone shape leaving an opening at the bottom. And voilà, a homemade funnel!


Good For Polishing Silverware

Over time, silverware becomes dirty and grimy no matter how thoroughly you wash it. If your silverware has ornate patterns on them then grime will settle in between the grooves. Every so often it’s necessary to clean your silverware properly to maintain its sparkle.

Good For Polishing Silverware

Good For Polishing Silverware

You don’t need to run to the store if you don’t have any WD-40 because foil will do the trick. Put your silverware in a bowl, add boiling water, salt, baking soda, and foil, and watch the dirt disappear.


Throw Grease Away Correctly

Throwing hot grease from your pans straight down the kitchen sink, or any drain for that matter is the worst thing you can do. With time, the grease will solidify and cause many problems because it will clog your drain.

Throw Grease Away Correctly

Throw Grease Away Correctly

Instead, you should create a make-shift bowl with foil and pour your grease into it. Make a ball and throw it in the trash. This is a hassle-free way of discarding grease and it will prevent future issues with your drain.


Prevents Car Remote Jamming

Most people wouldn’t think to cover their car keys with foil. That’s because they don’t know how helpful it can be if their car keys have an electrical chip inside. Hijackers are always on the lookout for cars with those types of remote control keys.

Prevents Car Remote Jamming

Prevents Car Remote Jamming

This is because they can jam them and open the car to steal whatever’s inside. By wrapping your keys with foil, you prevent them from accessing your car key’s frequency and, in turn, prevent your vehicle from being stolen.


Helps Soften Hardened Brown Sugar

If you’re a baker, you’ve probably used brown sugar several times. However, brown sugar can harden very easily. If that’s happened to you, it doesn’t mean it’s unsalvageable. Just grab a large piece of foil, and first place it on the kitchen counter.

Helps Soften Hardened Brown Sugar

Helps Soften Hardened Brown Sugar

Then, place some of the hardened sugar on top. Close the foil and slowly use your fingers to break down the sugar and soften it up. Depending on how much you need you’ll have to do it in batches.


Helps Keep The Heat In

So you’re having a party and you baked a fresh loaf of bread, but you want to serve it warm but the guests haven’t arrived yet. How do you keep it warm? If you leave it in the oven, you run the risk of overcooking the bread.

Helps Keep The Heat In

Helps Keep The Heat In

Then it will become dry and hard. Aluminum foil will do the trick because it’s a good heat conductor. Simply wrap the freshly-baked bread in foil and it’ll stay warm until it’s time to serve.


Artificial Light For Plants

Some plants need a lot of sunlight and some only need a little. But what happens if you don’t have much natural sunlight coming into your home? Your plant won’t last for long if it doesn’t get enough light.

Artificial Light For Plants

Artificial Light For Plants

But how can you create natural light? Get a box without a lid and cut off one side, and line the remaining sides with foil. Place your pot plant inside your homemade reflector and place the box where it can catch some sunlight.


Fishing Lure Made Of Foil

Anyone that enjoys fishing will tell you that fish are attracted to shiny objects that reflect sunlight. That’s why artificial, shiny bait is effective depending on the type of fish you’re fishing for.

Fishing Lure Made Of Foil

Fishing Lure Made Of Foil

Fancy bait can be very expensive, but you can actually make your own, which can be just as effective. All you have to do is wrap some foil around your fish hook and watch how the fish start coming. Now anyone can catch fish by simply using foil.


No Need For Pot Scourers

Some people enjoy cooking more than others, but most people don’t enjoy the cleaning that comes with it. Especially when there’s stubborn gunk left on the bottom of your casserole dish, pot, or pan because that means extra work.

No Need For Pot Scourers

No Need For Pot Scourers

Aluminum foil can actually make this process simpler for you. Simply scrunch some boil into a ball and use it to scrub the grime off your pot with some soapy water. The foil will effectively remove that stubborn grime effortlessly.