What This Woman Dug Out From Airport Trash Can Rocked Everybody’s World

Published on December 29, 2021

Rules Are Rules

Although none of the passengers in line wanted to admit it, they were feeling a bit nervous about the argument. There are tons of rules about what is not allowed on flights, and everyone knew that it could be something dangerous. Maybe something sharp? Or a spray can with compressed air? Or something even worse.  Whatever it was, it was clearly important for all the passengers safety that they stopped this man and made him get rid of the package.

Rules Are Rules

Rules Are Rules

Getting Trashed

It’s not enough that passengers have to take off their belts and shoes, take out their laptops, and throw away their water, but there is also the scanner which does who-knows-what to see into your pockets and under your shirts. Luckily, despite these little annoyances, there are usually water bottles, sandwiches, and even gourmet food on the other side of the security line. But what this man had on him was definitely not a ham sandwich and definitely not available at the Duty Free.

Getting Trashed

Getting Trashed