Celebs Who Brilliantly Fooled Us All With Fake Accents

Published on February 13, 2018

Christian Bale

Personally I loved his role in “The Dark Knight” but he really did it in “American Psycho”. His American accent delivered a performance like no other and everyone was talking about it. Although he grew up in the UK, it seems he had no trouble adapting his accent for certain roles. He didn’t need film school when he first appeared on TV for a fabric softener commercial in 1982.

Christian Bale

Christian Bale

Rose Leslie

Gwen Dawson is the name that brought this star fame on the TV series, “Downtown Abbey”. These days everyone is talking about her for her role in the hit series, “Game Of Thrones”. The biggest shock from this star came, not when she put on an American accent or a Spanish one, or even an Indian one. It was when she revealed her real accent and it was almost too posh for us to believe!

Rose Leslie

Rose Leslie