Beauty & Brains: Celebs You Didn’t Know Have a High IQ But Not Through Online Colleges

Published on January 22, 2018

Barack Obama – 141

Former President Barack Obama is an incredibly intelligent man, but you knew that already. A graduate from Columbia and Harvard Law School, Obama was a civil rights attorney and professor. You know, before he became the first black POTUS. Additionally, in 2009, he earned a little thing we like to call a Nobel Peace Prize.

U.S. President Barack Obama Delivers Remarks To Promote Themes From His State Of The Union Address At McKinley High School In Baton Rouge

Barack Obama – 141

Bill Clinton – 148

Before Bill Clinton became the 42nd President of the United States – he was just a student. Earning a Bachelor of Science from Georgetown University before he briefly studied politics at Oxford University, shortly after he transferred to Yale Law School, where he of course met Hillary.

Bill Clinton At 148

Bill Clinton – 148