The Most Hilarious Must See Windshield Notes

Published on February 17, 2018
There are two types of people behind the wheel. The first type is what we like to call the “nonchalant” driver aka the calm, cool, and collective person. This person rarely seems to be concerned with traffic jams, entering a full parking lot, they sing out loud, play the air drums, could care less about a horrid parking job, and really couldn’t care about dealing with the driver behind horrid parking job. Now the second type, the “adrenaline junkie”, takes all of these factors, flips them in reverse, and brings them to a different level, a level that involves cruel (often hilarious) windshield notes, auto insurance, sweat and tears, a car insurance quote… just pretty much anything that is simply unnecessary to the situation. Between the back-and-forth pacing, pushing of the car in attempt to re-position it, and the angrily waving of hands, the adrenaline junkie gets quite the good work out in; hands down the cheapest, yet most ludicrous, weight loss program seen today! Let’s take a look at some of the best examples of what we’re talking about.

Baby On Board.

Okay so, from the looks of the picture the parking job isn’t too terrible right? We’re wondering if “a mom” would have written this note if the infant wasn’t with her. Either way, we are happy that she took the time to black out the words, especially since she had an infant with her.

A Mom

A Mom.

The Alley.

The best part about this note is the play-by-play, a very detailed play-by-play at that. While the terrible parker was out-and-about running errands, this poor driver was exposed to an alley full of the most bizarre events, people, and alley cats. Not sure where this alley is located, but note to self: avoid this nightmare of an alley at all costs!

A Whole World Of Hurt

A Whole World Of Hurt

Call Me Maybe?

Carly Rae Jepsen’s #1 fan? That or we’ve just met the rhyme master, who most likely has never even heard of her and/or her songs. Either way, how could you let a note like this upset you? When in doubt, sing it out.

Almost A Rhyme

Almost A Rhyme


From, Bob.

How rude! Read the note out loud. You hear the harshness in Bob’s voice, feeling his rage and all. “I hope you crash and learn your lesson.” Just wrong on so many levels Bob.




The Hollywood Dream.

We think that whoever wrote this note secretly enjoys when the car is parked (incorrectly) on the path. Cause hey, who knows the next chance he’ll get to feeling like a movie star? Hollywood, here you come!

Caps Lock For Emphasis

Caps Lock For Emphasis


Clever Jack, Clever.

We respect your genuineness Jack, we really do. As easy as it could’ve been to pull off a hit and run, Jack pulled through and “wrote a note”.

Clever Jack

Clever Jack


Sarcastic Much?

This note has sarcasm written ALL over it! Don’t let the initial “thank you so much”, “we really appreciate it”, or the second “thank you so much” fool you folks. A note that ends with “Hate you”, just the first letter of their name, and a tiny heart makes us think, was this note written by an adult or a child?

Dear Driver

Dear Driver


Don’t Doubt a Person’s Grammar.

Yes there are a lot of frustrations going on in this note, but kudus to whoever wrote this! The rhythmic flow from one sentence to the next is impressive. Grammar or grammer, both spellings are acceptable for this note.

Dont Make People Doubt Their Grammar

Don’t Doubt a Persons Grammar


The First Day of School.

What a terrible way to start the first day of school, getting all frustrated over a parking spot and speaking on behalf of “every person” with a car. Not to mention the notes inappropriate language/tone. If this person didn’t have the first day of school jitters already, they may have just crept up.

First Day Of School

The First Day Of School.


VIP Spot.

The result of having blue chalk and a lot of time on your hands. Clearly this person, the chalk master, has made several DIY VIP parking spots before.

Just For You

Just For You.


The Attack of the Potatoes

In addition to wondering if these four little guys are even potatoes (especially the two on the end), what we really want to know is if Mr.Potato Head himself is part of this “army” they speak of. If yes, then bring it on! Who wouldn’t love to see Mr.Potato Head in action?

Potato Patato

The Potato Clan


It’s Game Time!

This can go one of two ways: 1) the Traffic Warden rolls up his sleeves and gladly plays the game OR 2) a flat tire, twice as many tickets, and a banned drivers license. Let’s hope for both the driver and the Traffic Warden that it’s the first scenario.

Lets Play A Game

Game Time


Check All that Apply.

What a clever, friendly, and fun way to tell someone that they suck at parking. But they left out one last option: None of the above. Maybe this is how Drivers Ed. taught him/her to park; “Just Wanted YOU to Know…”

Oh Snap

Oh Snap


The Beetle Club.

Getting accepted into a club these days can be a very long and stressful process. Clearly this process does not apply to the “Park Like an A** Club.” All you need to do is park horribly and vuela, you’re in! Hands down, the fastest and easiest recruitment process ever.

Honorary Member

Honorary Member



Bringing Helen Keller into this, really? This one leaves us speechless.

Helen Keller Deserves Better

Helen Keller Deserves Better



Whoever made this card, we’ve got one question for you? What’s the story behind #THEPARKINGCHRONICLES? It sounds like it could be a reality TV series about random parked cars and the mysterious notes left on their windshields.

Take The Bus

Take The Bus


Monster Truck You.

“I will monster truck your car into a pile of scrap.” Sounds like a (comical) threat. However, a threat’s a threat so park at your own risk.

Monster Truck

Monster Truck


Oh Burn Diss!

Imagine you’re having the most glorious day, the sun is shining bright, there’s not a cloud in the sky, you just won the lotto, literally nothing can stand in your way… or so you thought. Yup, this burn is going to leave scars (mentally and physically).




The Italian Parking Meme.

Y u no speaky inglish (for the full effect, please insert Italian accent + hand gestures).

Parking Meme To The Rescue

Parking Meme To The Rescue



Aw man, was that last paragraph necessary? After reading the first two paragraphs we thought “Hey, maybe there are some decent people in this crazy world.” But yea no, that thought/idea was quickly shot down thanks to paragraph number three.

Its Not So Bad Oh Wait.

Its Not So Bad Oh Wait.


Peanut Butter Allergy.

If a majority of airlines can’t serve peanuts during a flight because of peanut allergies, what makes whoever smeared PB all over this windshield think that this law doesn’t apply to him? Not only will this person have to pay for a car wash, but they’ll now also have to pay for a trip to the hospital (if of course they are allergic to peanuts).

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Peanut Butter & Jelly


Sorry, Not Sorry.

This person feels zero empathy about the entire situation. I would like to see their reaction if the situation was flipped. Actually maybe not, because based off of the signature he’s just some a******.

Hit And Run

THe Hit And Run


The Snow Note.

Creativity at its finest ladies and gents! In addition to this being creative (and pretty), it’s also smart. Wet snow and a dry piece of paper do not mix well together.

Pretty Please

Pretty Please


Yo Dogg.

Starting a note with “Dogg” automatically makes any situation more then ok. If the person who’s car this is and the person who wrote the note were not friends before, they sure as heck will be now. More importantly, there will be no more confusion of who parks where.

LOLZ For Dayz

Dogg Parking Spot



Thanks for the random note buddy. We’re not sure what the reason behind this note was other then just a simple FYI. Again thank you and hope you enjoyed the show.

Nature VS Nurture

Nature VS Nurture


Park At Your Own Risk.

Dear Hyundai owner, it’s probably best that you don’t take advantage of this nicely shoveled parking spot. The rest of the note seems pretty self-explanatory. We wish you the best of luck!

Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings


Boxed In.

What an intense, well-thought-out note. I assume this was not the first time this has happened. This note was typed on a computer and printed out – not something done on the spot (unless you carry a printer around with you).





It’s as simple as that… park in your spot and all will be good and jolly in the world. Wouldn’t that be great!

Thatd Be Great

That’d Be Great


Good Morning Speed Racer

What considerate, appreciative, yet tired neighbors this person has! However, I guess they aren’t super appreciative of their free 7:30 am wake up call. We’re going to side with the neighbors on this one. No one enjoys nor chooses the sound of their alarm to be a revved up car engine. Sounds like a nightmare!

Speed Racer

Speed Racer



A for effort! First of all, the introduction is clearly a sincere apology, second of all, they used their own towel in attempt to clean the dent/paint off the car, and lastly they provided a suggestion of a fun activity. Beaches are fun!

The Dent Of Justice

The Dent Of Justice


The Confession.

The fact that this note is addressed to a police officer says it all. This man is beyond courageous, super confident, and is not a drug dealer. All in all, if you’re going to leave an officer a note, do it with style and truthfulness.




The Truth Hurts.

Ouch! That last sentence was the cherry on top. If the sentence “you are ruining my life,” doesn’t make you feel any sort of sympathy, then I don’t know what will. This just hurts to read.

Some Things Just Hurt To Read

Some Things Just Hurt To Read


Night and Day.

A clear example of two totally different types of people. Left note: kindly/gently breaking the news. Right note: straight to the point – no b*******. Which kind of person are you?

Two Kinds Of People

Two Kinds Of People


Turn Off Your Alarm.

Well, that’s that. All the man/woman needs to do is turn off their car alarm – simple as that. No harm, no foul.

Well Thats That

Well Thats That


Potential Deviants.

The most kind and sincere “please don’t rob me” note. Whoever left this note was more then prepared for the worst, the worst being having more then one baby wipe stolen. Besides that, all other valuables have been removed from the car. For this one, let’s listen and abide by the note.

Please Dont Rob Me

Please Don’t Rob Me


Man in Blue BMW.

Let’s just jump right to the last two sentences of this note. Regardless of how much money this person has, he should not only sign up for parking lessons for his own sake but also for the granny’s sake. I mean if this note was written to me, I’d be speeding to the DMV after reading that last sentence.

Learn To Park Rich Dude

Learn To Park Rich Dude


This is a Cold One.

When it’s so damn cold outside that your windshield has turned into one big ice sheet, anything and everything will piss you off. Trust me, as a girl from Chicago, I can tell you that the last thing you want to see is another car parked in your shoveled parking spot. Thanks for being so rude mystery person.

Thats Cold

Thats Cold



This is definitely one of the more sharper/cleaner looking windshield notes we have seen. It almost looks like a business car, doesn’t it? For those in need of revamping their business cards, I would try and get in touch with this person.

Windshield Glory

Windshield Glory


You Should’ve Been Towed But…

Boy did this person get lucky! But wait, this note indicates that this towman’s tiredness allowed him to just not do his job. I’m pretty sure that pulling the “I’m too tired” card, to get out of work, would not fly at majority of jobs.

You Got Lucky

You Got Lucky


I Scream, You Scream, For Melted Ice Cream?

And here guys and gals, is the cherry on top of all ice cream sundaes… except in this sad case. As understanding and sincere as this person was, the part that really got us feeling their pain and sadness was when the melted ice cream was mentioned. As soon as the (melted) ice cream came into play, nothing else mattered. Who’s not going to think of this person every time they eat a melted ice cream cone? We know we will.

Think Of The Ice Cream LAST

Think Of The Ice Cream