10 Need To Know Hacks For Your Next Long-Haul Flight

Published on November 1, 2020
You’re looking to nurture the wanderlust deep within your soul – you want to travel the globe and immerse yourself into different cultures, try new foods, speak with people unlike yourself and see such breathtaking views. Hey, we don’t blame you, it is truly an empowering experience. That’s why it can be so off putting when you arrive at the airport and luck just isn’t on your side. You’re crammed together with loads of people, stuck in long lines, the airport security officials are rude, and on top of that, your flight’s delayed. So we took it upon ourselves to compile a list of all the tips and tricks you need to navigate the airports like a pro – you’ll be shocked at just how much time and money you’ll save by following these tips.

Bring your own snacks:

Airport food is so expensive and on top of that, sometimes the on-flight food is not very appealing. We definitely advise that you take some healthy and fresh snacks, even some homemade food. Stick to nuts, fruits (apples, oranges, and bananas), vegetables (carrots, celery, and cucumbers), chocolate bars, pretzels, even, peanut butter jelly sandwiches. You’ll feel better eating healthy snacks plus you’ll save money by bringing your own food on-board! And yes, that means leaving behind the chocolate gift baskets.

Bring Your Own Snacks

Bring Your Own Snacks

Bring your own drinks:

It goes without saying, if you’re going to bring your own snacks – bring your own drinks! Yes, you’ll have to buy your drinks at the duty-free after you’ve survived the long security lines but at least this way, you don’t have to rely on tiny cups filled with a beverage when you fly. It’s wiser instead, to buy large bottled water or vitamin water. There’s nothing like clean water to keep you feeling fresh.

Stretch your body before and during your flight:

Being stuck in the same positive in those dreadful airplane seats is not only exhausting, it also really harms your body. Your muscles tighten up from all the sitting and when you finally do stand up, they tighten more – this makes it uncomfortable to walk. Additionally, when sitting, your legs are bent for hours and hours, making it difficult for your blood to circulate properly and nourish your muscles – this also causes pain and unnecessary strain on your body. If you really want to keep your body from hating you the minute you land and rush out to your new adventure, it is important to do various stretches! The night before and the morning of your flight, be sure to properly stretch your legs and back.

While on board, if you can get up and move around every hour, you’ll save yourself unwanted pains. If you can’t get up and move because the captain has the ‘fasten seat-belt’ sign on then gently lift up one leg at a time, like you’re marching in place. Do this a series of ten times per leg. Obviously, you can’t go running on-board so this is the next best thing.

Stretch Before And During Flight

Stretch Before And During Flight

Unpack as soon as you get to your seat:

Your close neighbors will seriously hate you if you’re digging around under the seat or in the overhead compartment mid-flight – not only is it annoying and a bother, no, yeah, that’s really all it is. You’re just being a nuisance. So respect those around you and get everything out the minute you get to your seat. Whatever you think you’ll want during the flight, books, snacks, headphones, sweater, laptop – anything. Don’t wait until you’re in the air 20 minutes or two hours to start unpacking, do it immediately.

Wear some comfy but loose clothes:

Sitting on a plane for many hours causes you to feel gross, sticky, like you’re covered in nasty dirt as if you haven’t showered for three days. It’s seriously uncomfortable, who wants to land in a new country feeling gross? No one! Stick to cotton, cotton sweatshirts or zip up sweaters. Definitely loose pants, nothing tight like leggings. The looser the clothes, the better.

Wear Comfy But Loose Clothes

Wear Comfy But Loose Clothes

Bring some multipurpose accessories:

This one is kind of a biggie, even if you don’t think so. But bringing aboard items that have multipurpose functionalities is crucial. The pillow and blanket provided on-board is just a sheet of paper. Bring a big scarf, so you can fold it up and use it as either a pillow or blanket. Also, bring warm socks cause it gets pretty cold on-board.

Bring Some Multipurpose Accessories

Bring Some Multipurpose Accessories

Do exactly what you’d do at home:

What better way to fall asleep peacefully than by mimicking your normal bedtime routine. Brush your teeth, wash your face, floss, read a book or listen to music. Whatever it is, stick to it. Your body will recognize the signs and you’ll feel cleaner and more relaxed. It’s also a great idea to bring along an eye-mask and ear-plugs – this will make it nice and dark and plug out the noise around you. Do yourself a favor and get a comfy neck pillow!! Seriously, don’t mess around with your neck. Falling asleep in an uncomfortable next position is harmful to your neck, plus I’m sure you don’t want to wake up with a crick in your neck – it’s very painful.

Drink loads of water:

Not many people know this but the biggest cause of severe jet lag is dehydration. If you want to avoid fatigue and insomnia, be sure to drink plenty of water, tea or juice. No, alcohol does NOT count. Avoid alcohol at all costs, it will only dehydrate you more. And remember those snacks we mentioned before, oh yeah, bring them along. It’s vital for your body to function normally and you won’t feel like crap on your vacation.

Drink Loads Of Water

Drink Loads Of Water

Prepare your own entertainment:

Download lots of, if you don’t already have some, music, games, films, and podcasts on your phone. Sometimes the on-flight entertainment is boring and you can’t sleep. That’s why it’s a great idea to have your own entertainment handy. However, with that being said, don’t just rely on technology. Give your eyes a break between all the games and videos, bring along a good book or even a notebook so you can doodle or jot down what you want to do on your vacation. This will definitely help you pass the time!

Prepare your own entertainment

Prepare your own entertainment

And if all else fails, it’s okay to binge-watch a season of your favorite show to kill time:

Don’t lie, you know you were going to binge-watch the entire season at home anyways, so why not do it on-board a long, long flight. Download as many episodes as you can, even an entire season, sit back and relax.