Animals Who Survived Extinction and Got Rediscovered

Published on January 28, 2018


This particular ant was believed to have gone extinct over 20 million years ago (!). So you would think, given the length of its disappearance, we could close the case and officially say, yeah it’s extinct but we would have been so, very wrong. In 2006, the Gracilidris made a comeback all throughout Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.




You’ve probably seen pictures or have heard of the Coelacanth more than any other animal that makes this list and that has to do with the fact that it IS a living fossil. Scientists determined that this fish swam the waters some 400 million years ago. They originally said the fish was extinct around 60 million years ago, but that was actually found to be false as a Coelacanth was found in South Africa back in 1938. Ever since then, more and more have been found, so it seems like this fish is here to stay.

