Cute But Deadly: 15 of Natures Deadliest Animals

Published on February 15, 2018

Mother Nature is notoriously unforgiving but that doesn’t stop her from creating some adorable animals. While we know that big dogs can be dangerous, if poorly trained, that doesn’t stop us from trying to hug every single one that we see. This is much the same for many animals out in the wild. We decided to pull together 15 of the most adorable animals in the world that could kill you in a split second. We heavily advocate keeping these creatures out of arms reach.


Ah, so we are going to start off our list by diving into the ocean. The Pufferfish is one of the most adorable looking critters in all of the great depths of the sea, but they are notoriously dangerous. There is nothing for the Pufferfish like dog behavior training, meaning that these fish are always going to be deadly. The Pufferfish is listed as the 2nd most dangerous vertebrate on the entire planet. Fishermen are charged with wearing gloves when handling the fish as their poison has no known antidote. A bite from this fish will paralyze your diaphragm, leading you to suffocate where you stand.



Australian Box Jellyfish

We wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to adopt a dog after seeing it for two seconds. For the most part dogs are simple: what you see is what you get. The Australian Box Jellyfish is as opposite of those dogs for sale as possible. These oceanic beauties will leave you breathless as they float through the ocean with luminescent bodies that are brightly colored. However, a single box jellyfish contains enough venom within its body to kill 60 adult humans. If you want swim with the ocean you had better avoid these creatures.

Australian Box Jellyfish

Australian Box Jellyfish

Slow Loris

The Slow Loris looks like something straight from a Disney movie but don’t let that fool you. The Slow Loris is one of the only poisonous furry creatures on the planet, making it exceedingly dangerous. This big eyed animal can generate poison from its elbows which it then licks and spreads via biting. The bite of a Slow Loris leads to anaphylactic shock and, eventually, death.

Slow Loris

Slow Loris


Alright, we have to make a caveat here. While the adult Hyena is pretty darn ugly, the young pup Hyena is one of the cutest creatures on the planet. Seriously, you could probably sneak one of those pups into dog training schools and get away with it for awhile. Anyway, despite being maligned in various movies and considered solely scavengers, the Hyena is still very deadly. These fast running, large jawed mammals don’t eat any kind of dog foods, organic dog food or otherwise. Instead they are fierce meat eaters who are elite hunters as well.




When you start hiking up in Bear Country you are right to be frightened up the sort of bears you could run into. However, most people don’t realize that you are far more likely to get attacked by a Moose than a bear while out in the wild. Moose are commonly found in certain habitats and they are very aggressive, particularly if they have young around. If you see one of these four legged creatures in the wild you are advised to go the long way around, avoiding the creature as much as humanly possible.




Elephants are incredible creatures. They are wise, intelligent, and as peaceful as a baby mouse when they want to be. However, that same intelligence can lead to a deadliness that is unrivaled by the other creatures on this list. When a full grown elephant gets grumpy it can mean death for anyone in the vicinity. While elephants are like dogs, who can get trained through dog obedience training, accidents still happen. Elephants are capable of killing with their foot, tusk, or trunk as easy as can be.



Bottlenose Dolphins

How can we be so soulless as to accuse Bottlenose Dolphins of being deadly? Well, science is fortunately on our side. Dolphins are intelligent creatures who have the ability to communicate, be trained like a dog on premium dog food, and even play jokes on one another. Dolphins, oddly enough, are one of the more feared creatures in the ocean. They are capable of killing even Great White Sharks in groups. Dolphins are also ferociously sexual and will attack humans if they are in the water during mating season.

Bottlenose Dolphins

Bottlenose Dolphins


The Cassowary is a large and flightless bird from Australia as well as New Guinea. As youngsters, cassowaries are colorful and fluffy with broad stripes — making them pets for adventurous owners. However, fully grown the Cassowary is similar in size and shape to that of an Ostrich and they remind us so much of Velociraptors with their long legs and sharp claws. When angered the Cassowary is capable of disemboweling its target with its long, clawed legs. No thank you.



Any Big Cat

You might be able to train your dog with healthy dog food or your cat with special treats, but the big cats of the wilderness will not be tamed. Big cats such as the tiger or lion tend to be viewed more as overgrown pets rather than wild animals in their own right. This is a fundamentally flawed view. No matter how ‘kitty like’ these creatures act, they are full grown killing machines with immense strength and the urge to consume meat.

Any Big Cat

Any Big Cat


The Chimpanzee is one of the most studied animals on the planet thanks to their inherent similarities to humans. Also, like humans, Chimps have been shown to display erratic violence for any number of slights. Chimpanzee’s, even when trained, have been known to turn on their handlers in order to cause an amazing amount of bloody violence — even death. Chimpanzees have the strength of at least 5 adult humans and they won’t be stopped without a weapon.



Poison Dart Frog

There’s a pretty effective rule of thumb when you are in nature: if it is colorful then leave it alone. Poison Dart Frogs are gorgeous creatures with deep blue coloring and dark black spots. This vivid coloration is directly related to the level of their poison. Don’t dare pick one up without gloves and make sure that they stay away from any of your pets. Even drinking the water that this type of frog has been in can cause a poisonous reaction.

Poison Dart Frog

Poison Dart Frog

Blue Ringed Octopus

Don’t get us wrong: we admire the beauty of this creature, and some folks will call it cute, but the Blue Ringed Octopus is nothing but terrifying to us. This gorgeous sea faring creature, known primarily for its vivid blue and yellow coloring, is one of the most poisonous marine creatures on the planet. The toxin that this octopus produces can lead to paralysis, cardiac arrest, blindness and eventually death. The Blue Ringed Octopus brightens its skin when it feels threatened and their spots turn even darker.

Blue Ringed Octopus

Blue Ringed Octopus

Leopard Seal

While the Leopard Seal is an adorable creature when viewed from a distance, it is actually one of the top predators in the entirety of the Antarctic. With sharp teeth and an incredible underwater speed, the Leopard Seal can kill: penguins, seals, and even humans — as was the case in 2003 when a marine biologist was attacked while diving in the water.

Leopard Seal

Leopard Seal


It is easy to forget that the Panda is actually a bear and that has undoubtedly lead to a variety of serious injuries and fatalities. Panda’s are vegetarian and typically rather docile, but when provoked or agitated they can lash out with their giant claws and cause some serious damage — leading to death.




Not to get too meta here, but humans have to rank #1 as the cutest and deadliest animal on the planet. Any species that includes Emma Watson in its ranks must be considered elite in its cuteness factor. Still, for all of our intelligence and abilities we have never once stopped in our effort to kill and hurt those around us. The difference between us and the rest of the creatures on our list is that we have just gotten better at doing it.

